Hymns of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1985 book)
This article deals with the 1985 English version. See also Hymns—for Home and Church and Latter-day Saint Hymns.
In June 2018, the Church announced plans to publish new, unified editions of both Hymns and the Children's Songbook. Members of the Church are invited to participate in the revision process in unprecedented ways. Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles noted, "We desire to offer a consistent core collection of hymns and songs in every language that reflects the diverse needs of the global Church in our day.” Elder Erich W. Kopischke of the Seventy added, "This core collection means that “members of the Church, no matter where they live in the world, will have the same hymns and the same songs and the same hymn numbers!” Members were asked to submit original music and lyrics and to provide feedback.[1]
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints currently plans to release “Hymns—for Home and Church” in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French by the end of 2026, with other languages to follow. Some new songs are planned to be released digitally in small digital batches starting in the first half of 2024. They can be used alongside hymns and songs in the Church’s current published hymnbook and songbook. These will include well-loved music of the Church composed after 1985 (such as “Faith in Every Footstep”), music borrowed from other faiths, and some of the 17,000 new songs submitted by members of the Church. Many, if not all, of these new songs will later be incorporated into “Hymns—for Home and Church.”[2]
A news release prior to the April 2024 general conference stated that: "After six years of work reviewing thousands of submissions and gathering hymns from across the world, 12 hymns of the new “Hymns—for Home and Church” will be available on May 30, 2024. The selections will include “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and will be published in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. The hymns will be available in the Sacred Music and Gospel Library apps, and in the online Music Library."[3]
Each hymn is given a number, which is approximately the page it is on, so while they are appropriately known as "hymn numbers" they are sometimes incorrectly referred to as "page numbers." This is because some hymns occupy more than one page in the book, and others may occupy half a page.
A few of the hymns have the same text, and even the same title, but are put to different music.
There are multiple sections to the hymn book, the largest being the hymns themselves. At the beginning is a message from the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ, encouraging church members to use the hymn book at meetings and in their homes to invite the Spirit and to teach doctrine.
According to the table of contents, the book is divided into sections of different kinds of hymns based on the themes.
- 1-61 are labeled as "Restoration"
- 62-96 "Praise and Thanksgiving"
- 97-168 "Prayer and Supplication"
- 169-196 "Sacrament" (These songs are typically sung by the congregation before the Sacrament is administered. They set the mood for the Sacrament.)
- 197-200 "Easter"
- 201-214 "Christmas"
- 215-298 "Special Topics"
- 299-308 "Children's Songs"
- 309-318 "For Women"
- 319-337 "For Men"
- 338-341 "Patriotic"
Following the hymns, there is a section that briefly illustrates how to conduct music in the different time signatures.
Then there are multiple indexes. The hymns are listed according to the names of the authors of the texts, the names of the composers of the music, the meters of the music, the names of the tunes, the scriptures referenced, and the names of the hymns and their first lines.
Format of each hymn
Each hymn, with the exception of those arrangements specifically for male voices (tenor and bass) or for female voices (soprano and alto), are written with the treble clef and the bass clef. Most of them are arranged in SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) format. Some congregational members sing in parts, some do not; it is up to them. The meter (in beats per minute) is listed on the page, along with an indication of the appropriate mood for the song such as "joyfully," "reflectively," "with vigor," etc. Beneath the hymn is listed the author, composer, and any arranger along with the years of birth and death (if applicable), and any special notes regarding the copyright of the hymn. There is also listed a few scriptures, which either are part of the text of the hymn, or share a similar theme as the hymn.
The Church of Jesus Christ has also released sets of CDs of the hymn book in audio format. One set is instrumental of each hymn, which is primarily used by congregations that do not have a piano/organ or people skilled to play them. A CD player is used in the meetings to provide the music. The other set of CDs has all the hymns sung by a small group of people with a piano or organ. This is used primarily so that church members can have religious music in their home, as well as to familiarize church members with all the hymns.
List of Hymns and their numbers
- 1. The Morning Breaks; words by Parley P. Pratt, music by George Careless
- 2. The Spirit of God; words by William W. Phelps
- 3. Now Let Us Rejoice; words by William W. Phelps
- 4. Truth Eternal; words by Parley P. Pratt
- 5. High On A Mountain Top; music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 6. Redeemer of Israel; words by William W. Phelps, adapted from Joseph Swain
- 7. Israel, Israel, God Is Calling; words by Richard Smyth
- 8. Awake and Arise; words by Theodore E. Curtis
- 9. Come, Rejoice; words and music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 10 Come, Sing to the Lord; words and music by Gerrit de Jong Jr.
- 11. What Was Witnessed in the Heavens?; words by John S. Davis, music by Evan Stephens
- 12.'Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky; words adapted by G. William Richards
- 13. And Angel from on High; words by Parley P. Pratt, music by John E. Tullidge
- 14. Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings; words by Mary Ann Morton, music by Alfred M. Durham
- 15. I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
- 16. What Glorious Scenes Mine Eyes Behold; music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 17. Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!; words by Eliza R. Snow, music by Evan Stephens
- 18. The Voice of God Again is Heard; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 19. We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet; words by William Fowler
- 20. God of Power, God of Right; words by Wallace F. Bennett, music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 21. Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice; words by Joseph S. Murdock, verse 4 by Bruce R. McConkie, music by Joseph Daynes
- 22. We Listen to a Prophet's Voice; words by Marylou C. Leavitt, music by Darwin K. Wolford
- 23. We Ever Pray for Thee; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 24. God Bless Our Prophet Dear; words by Bernard Snow, music by Harry A. Dean
- 25. Now We'll Sing With One Accord; words by William W. Phelps, music by Joseph Daynes
- 26. Joseph Smith's First Prayer; words by George Manwaring
- 27. Praise to the Man; words by William W. Phelps
- 28. Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah; words by Douglas W. Stott, music by A. Laurence Lyon
- 29. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief; words by James Montgomery, music by George Coles
- 30. Come, Come, Ye Saints; words by William Clayton
- 31. O God, Our Help in Ages Past; words by Isaac Watts
- 32. The Happy Day at Last Has Come; words by Philo Dibble, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 33. Our Mountain Home So Dear; words by Emmeline B. Wells, music by Evan Stephens
- 34. O Ye Mountains High; words by Charles William Penrose,
- 35. For the Strength of the Hills; music by Evan Stephens
- 36. They, the Builders of the Nation; words by Ida R. Alldredge, music by Alfred M. Durham
- 37. The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close; words by Orson F. Whitney, music by Edward P. Kimball
- 38. Come, All Ye Saints of Zion; words by William W. Phelps, music by John E. Tullidge
- 39. O Saints of Zion; words by Ed M. Rowe, music by Robert P. Manookin
- 40. Arise, O Glorious Zion; words by William G. Mills, music by George Careless
- 41. Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise; words by Edward Partridge
- 42. Hail to the Brightness of Zion's glad Morning!; music by Edwin F. Parry Sr.
- 43. Zion Stands with Hills Surrounded; music by A. C. Smyth
- 44. Beautiful Zion, Built Above; music by Joseph G. Fones
- 45. Lead Me Into Life Eternal; words by John A. Widtsoe, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 46. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken; music by Franz Joseph Haydn
- 47. We Will Sing of Zion; words and music by Merrill Bradshaw
- 48. Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion; words by William W. Phelps
- 49. Adam-ondi-Ahman; words by William W. Phelps
- 50. Come, Though Glorious Day of Promise; words by Alexander Neibaur, music by A. C. Smyth
- 51. Sons of Michael, he Approaches; words by Elias L. T. Harrison, music by Darwin K. Wolford
- 52. The Day Dawn is Breaking; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by William Clayson
- 53. Let Earth's Inhabitants Rejoice; words by William Clegg, music by Leroy Robertson
- 54. Behold, the Mountain of the Lord
- 55. Lo, the Mighty God Appearing!; music by Evan Stephens
- 56. Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning; words by John Jaques, music by J. Spencer Cornwall
- 57. We're Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord; words by William W. Phelps
- 58. Come, Ye Children of the Lord; words by James H. Wallis
- 59. Come, O Thou King of Kings; words by Parley P. Pratt
- 60. Battle Hymn of the Republic; words by Julia Ward Howe
- 61. Raise Your Voice to the Lord; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 62. All creatures of Our God and King; words by Francis of Assisi, translation by William H. Draper
- 63. Great King of Heaven; words by Carrie Stockdale Thomas, music by Leroy Robertson
- 64. On This Day of Joy and Gladness
- 65. Come, All ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth; words by William W. Phelps
- 66. Rejoice, the Lord Is King!
- 67. Glory to God on High
- 68. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; words by Martin Luther, music attributed to Martin Luther
- 69. All Glory, Laud, and Honor
- 70. Sing Praise to Him
- 71. With Songs of Praise; words by Penelope Moody Allen, music by Newel K. Brown
- 72. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- 73. Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice; words and music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 74. Praise Ye the Lord; words by Isaac Watts, music by Evan Stephens
- 75. In Hymns of Praise
- 76. God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee; words by Charles W. Penrose, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 77. Great Is the Lord; words by Eliza R. Snow, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 78. God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
- 79. With All the Power of Heart and Tongue; words by Isaac Watts, music by Lowell M. Durham
- 80. God of Our Fathers, Known of Old; words by Rudyard Kipling, music by Leroy Robertson
- 81. Press Forward, Saints; words by Marvin K. Gardner, music by Vanja Watkins
- 82. For All the Saints
- 83. Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
- 84. Faith of Our Fathers
- 85. How Firm a Foundation
- 86. How Great Thou Art
- 87. God Is Love; music by Thomas Cott Griggs
- 88. Great God, Attend While Zion Sings; words by Isaac Watts, music by Joseph Daynes
- 89. The Lord Is My Light
- 90. from All That Dwell below the Skies; words by Isaac Watts
- 91. Father, Thy Children to Thee Now Raise; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 92. For the Beauty of the Earth
- 93. Prayer of Thanksgiving
- 94. Come, Ye Thankful People
- 95. Now Thank We All Our God
- 96. Dearest Children, God is Near You; words by Charles L. Walker, John Menzies Macfarlane
- 97. Lead, Kindly Light
- 98. I Need Thee Every Hour
- 99. Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by William Clayson
- 100. Nearer My God to Thee
- 101. Guide Me to Thee; words and music by Orson P. Huish
- 102. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- 103. Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
- 104. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
- 105. Master, the Tempest Is Raging
- 106. God Speed the Right
- 107. Lord, Accept Our True Devotion; words by Richard Alldridge, music by Joseph Daynes
- 108. The Lord Is My Shepherd
- 109. The Lord My pasture Will Prepare
- 110. Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord; music by Felix Mendelssohn
- 111. Rock of Ages
- 112. Savior, Redeemer of My Soul; words by Orson F. Whitney, music by Harry A. Dean
- 113. Our Savior's Love; words by Edward L. Hart, music by Crawford Gates
- 114. Come Unto Him; words by Theodore E. Curtis, music Hugh W. Dougall
- 115. Come, Ye Disconsolate
- 116. Come, Follow Me
- 117. Come Unto Jesus; words and music by Orson P. Huish
- 118. Ye Simple Souls Who Stray; music by Evan Stephens
- 119. Come, We That Love the Lord; words by Isaac Watts
- 120. Lean on My Ample Arm; words by Theodore E. Curtis, music by Evan Stephens
- 121. I'm a Pilgrim, I'm a Stranger; words by Hans H. Petersen, music by Leroy Robertson
- 122. Though Deepening Trials; words by Eliza R. Snow, music by George Careless
- 123. Oh, May My Soul Commune With Thee; words and music by Lorin F. Wheelwright
- 124. Be Still, My Soul; words by Katharina von Schlegel, translation by Jane Borthwick, music by Jean Sibelius
- 125. How Gentle God's Commands
- 126. How Long, O Lord Most Holy and True; words by John A. Widtsoe, music by B. Cecil Gates
- 127. Does the Journey Seem Long?; words by Joseph Fielding Smith music by George D. Pyper
- 128. When Faith Endures; words by Naomi W. Randall, music by Stephen M. Jones
- 129. Where Can I Turn for Peace?; words by Emma Lou Thayne, music by Joleen G. Meredith
- 130. Be Thu Humble; words and music by Grietje Terburg Rowley
- 131. More Holiness Give Me
- 132. God Is in His Holy Temple; music by Frank W. Asper
- 133. Father in Heaven
- 134. I Believe in Christ; words by Bruce R. McConkie, music by John Longhurst
- 135. My Redeemer Lives; words by Gordon B. Hinckley, music by G. Homer Durham
- 136. I Know That My Redeemer Lives; music by Lewis D. Edwards
- 137. Testimony; words by Loren C. Dunn, music by Michael F. Moody
- 138. Bless Our Fast, We Pray; words by John S. Tanner, music by James B. Welch
- 139. In Fasting We Approach Thee; words by Paul L. Anderson, music by Clay Christiansen
- 140. Did You Think to Pray?
- 141. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
- 142. Sweet Hour of Prayer
- 143. Let the Holy Spirit Guide; words by Penelope Moody Allen
- 144. Secret Prayer; words and music by Hans H. Petersen
- 145. Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire; music by George Careless
- 146. Gently Raise the Sacred Strain; words by William W. Phelps, music by Thomas Cott Griggs
- 147. Sweet Is the Work; words by Isaac Watts, music by John J. McClellan
- 148. Sabbath Day; words by Paul L. Anderson, music by Lynn R. Carson
- 149. As the Dew from Heaven Distilling; words by Thomas Kelly, music by Joseph Daynes
- 150. O Thou Kind and Gracious Father; words by Charles Denney Jr., music by George Careless
- 151. We Meet, Dear Lord; words by Vernald W. Johns, and music by Laurence M. Yorgason
- 152. God Be with You Till We Meet Again
- 153. Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part; words by George Manwaring, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 154. Father, This Hour Has Been One of Joy; words by Nan Greene Hunter, music by Lynn R. Shurtleff
- 155. We Have Partaken of Thy Love; words by Mabel Jones Gabbott, music by Robert P. Manookin
- 156. Sing We Now at Parting; words by George Manwaring, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 157. Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls; words by Frank I. Kooyman, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 158. Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head; words and music by Joseph H. Dean
- 159. Now the Day Is Over
- 160. Softly Now the Light of Day
- 161. The Lord Be with Us; music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 162. Lord, We Come Before Thee Now; music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 163. Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing; words by John Fawcett, music by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- 164. Great God, to Thee My Evening Song; music by Edward P. Kimball
- 165. Abide With me; 'Tis Eventide
- 166. Abide with Me!
- 167. Come, Let Us Sing an Evening Hymn; words by William Wines Phelps, music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 168. As the Shadows Fall; words by Lowell M. Durham Jr. and music by Lowell M. Durham
- 169. As Now We Take the Sacrament; words by Lee Tom Perry, music by Daniel Lyman Carter
- 170. God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray; words by Annie Pinnock Malin
- 171. With Humble Heart; words by Zara Sabin, music by Thomas L. Durham
- 172. In Humility, Our Savior; words by Mabel Jones Gabbott
- 173. While of These Emblems We Partake; words by John Nicholson
- 174. While of These Emblems We Partake; words by John Nicholson, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 175. O God, the Eternal Father; words by William W. Phelps, music by Felix Mendelssohn
- 176. 'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love; words by George Manwaring, music by Frank W. Asper
- 177. 'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love; words by George Manwaring, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 178. O Lord of Hosts; words by Andrew Dalrymple, music by George Careless
- 179. Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord; words by Theodore E. Curtis, music by Alfred M. Durham
- 180. Father in Heaven, We Do Believe; words by Parley P. Pratt, music by Jane Romney Crawford
- 181. Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King; words and music Hugh W. Dougall
- 182. We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name; words by Richard Alldridge, music by Joseph Coslett
- 183. In Remembrance of Thy Suffering; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 184. Upon the Cross of Calvary; words by Vilate Raile, music by Leroy Robertson
- 185. Reverently and Meekly Now; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 186. Again We Meet Around the Board; words by Eliza R. Snow, music by George Careless
- 187. God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son; words by Edward P. Kimball, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 188. Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done; words by Frank I. Kooyman, music by Robert P. Manookin
- 189. O Thou, Before the World Began; words attributed to William H. Turton, music by Frank W. Asper
- 190. In Memory of the Crucified; words by Frank I. Kooyman, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 191. Behold the Great Redeemer Die; words by Eliza R. Snow, music by George Careless
- 192. He Died! The Great Redeemer Died; words by Isaac Watts, music by George Careless
- 193. I Stand All Amazed
- 194. There is a Green Hill Far Away
- 195. How Great the Wisdom and the Love; words by Eliza R. Snow, music by Thomas McIntyre
- 196. Jesus, Once of Humble Birth; words by Parley P. Pratt
- 197. O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown; words by Karen Lynn Davidson, music by Hans Leo Hassler, adapted by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 198. That Easter Morn; words by Marion D. Hanks, music by Robert Cundick
- 199. He is Risen!
- 200. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
- 201. Joy to the World; words by Isaac Watts, altered by William W. Phelps; music by George F. Handel
- 202. Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
- 203. Angels We Have Heard on High
- 204. Silent Night; words by Joseph Mohr, music by Franz Gruber
- 205. Once In Royal David's City
- 206. Away in a Manger
- 207. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
- 208. O Little Town of Bethlehem
- 209. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing|Hark! the Herald Angels Sing; words by Charles Wesley, music by Felix Mendelssohn
- 210. With Wondering Awe
- 211. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
- 212. Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains; words and music by John Menzies Macfarlane
- 213. The First Nowell/The First Noel
- 214. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day; words by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- 215. Ring Out, Wild Bells; words by Alfred Tennyson, music by Crawford Gates
- 216. We Are Sowing; music by Henry A. Tuckett
- 217. Come, Let Us Anew
- 218. We Give Thee But Thine Own
- 219. Because I Have Been Given Much
- 220. Lord, I Would Follow Thee; words by Susan Evans McCloud, music by K. Newell Dayley
- 221. Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
- 222. Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord; words and music by Frank W. Asper
- 223. Have I Done Any Good?
- 224. I Have Work Enough to Do
- 225. We Are Marching On to Glory; words and music by John M. Chamberlain
- 226. Improve the Shining Moments; words and music by Robert B. Baird
- 227. There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today
- 228. You Can Make the Pathway Bright
- 229. Today, While the Sun Shines; music by Evan Stephens
- 230. Scatter Sunshine
- 231. Father, Cheer Our Souls Tonight; words by Ellis Reynolds Shipp
- 232. Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 233. Nay, Speak No Ill
- 234. Jesus, Mighty King in Zion; music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 235. Should You Feel Inclined to Censure
- 236. Lord, Accept into Thy Kingdom; words by Mabel Jones Gabbott, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 237. Do What Is Right
- 238. Behold Thy Sons and Daughters, Lord; words by Parley P. Pratt, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 239. Choose the Right; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by Henry A. Tuckett
- 240. Know This, That Every Soul Is Free; music by Roger L. Miller
- 241. Count Your Blessings
- 242. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
- 243. Let Us All Press On; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 244. Come Along, Come Along; words by William Willes, music by A. C. Smyth
- 245. This House We Dedicate to Thee; music by Frank W. Asper
- 246. Onward, Christian Soldiers
- 247. We Love Thy House, O God; music by Leroy Robertson
- 248. Up, Awake Ye Defenders of Zion; Charles W. Penrose
- 249. Called to Serve
- 250. We Are All Enlisted
- 251. Behold! A Royal Army
- 252. Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
- 253. Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching; words by Jean L. Kaberry, and music by Robert P. Manookin
- 254. True to the Faith; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 255. Carry On; words by Ruth May Fox, music by Alfred M. Durham
- 256. As Zion's Youth In Latter Days; words by Susan Evans McCloud
- 257. Rejoice! A Glorious Sound Is Heard; words by W. O. Robinson, music by Frank W. Asper
- 258. O Thou Rock of Our Salvation; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by William Clayson
- 259. Hope of Israel; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by William Clayson
- 260. Who's on the Lord's Side?; words by Hannah Last Cornaby
- 261. Thy Servants Are Prepared; words by Marilyn McMeen Brown, Willy Reske
- 262. Go, Ye Messengers of Glory; words by John Taylor, music by Leroy Robertson
- 263. Go Forth with Faith; Ruth Muir Gardner, music by Lyall J. Gardner
- 264. Hark, All Ye Nations!
- 265. Arise, O God, and Shine
- 266. The Time Is Far Spent; words by Eliza R. Snow
- 267. How Wondrous and Great
- 268. Come, All Whose Souls are Lighted
- 269. Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth
- 270. I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
- 271. Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by Edwin F. Parry Sr.
- 272. Oh Say, What Is Truth?; words by John Jaques, music by Ellen Knowles Melling
- 273. Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses; words by Eliza R. Snow
- 274. The Iron Rod; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by William Clayson
- 275. Men Are That They Might Have Joy; words by J. Marinus Jensen, music by J. J. Keeler
- 276. Come Away to Sunday School; words and music by Robert B. Baird
- 277. As I Search the Holy Scriptures; words and music by C. Marianne Fisher
- 278. Thanks for the Sabbath School; words by William Willes
- 279. The Holy Word; words by Marvin K. Gardner, music by Robert Cundick
- 280. Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning; words by Robert B. Baird, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 281. Help Me Teach with Inspiration; words and music by Lorin F. Wheelwright
- 282. We Meet Again in Sabbath School; words by George Manwaring, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 283. The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shone; words by Joel H. Johnson
- 284. If You Could Hie to Kolob; words by William W. Phelps
- 285. God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- 286. Oh, What Songs of the Heart; words by Joseph L. Townsend, music by William Clayson
- 287. Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter; words by Jean L. Kaberry, music by Robert P. Manookin
- 288. How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord; words by Frank I. Kooyman, music by Tracy Y. Cannon
- 289. Holy Temples on Mount Zion; words by Archibald F. Bennett, music by Alexander Schreiner
- 290. Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days; words by Mabel Jones Gabbott, music by R. Paul Thompson
- 291. Turn Your Hearts; words by Paul L. Anderson, music by Gaylen Hatton
- 292. O My Father; words by Eliza R. Snow
- 293. Each Life That Touches Ours for Good; words by Karen Lynn Davidson, music by A. Laurence Lyon
- 294. Love at Home
- 295. O Love That Glorifies the Son; words and music by Lorin F. Wheelwright
- 296. Our Father, by Whose Name
- 297. From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise; words by Vernald W. Johns, music by G. William Richards
- 298. Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth; words by Carolyn Hamilton Klopfer, music by W. Herbert Klopfer
- 299. Children of Our Heavenly Father
- 300. Families Can Be Together Forever; words by Ruth Muir Gardner, music by Vanja Y. Watkins
- 301. I Am a Child of God; words by Naomi W. Randall, music by Mildred T. Pettit
- 302. I Know My Father Lives; words and music by Reid N. Nibley
- 303. Keep the Commandemnts; words and music by Barbara A. McConochie
- 304. Teach Me to Walk in the Light; words and music by Clara W. McMaster
- 305. The Light Divine; words by Matilda Watts Cahoon, music by Mildred T. Pettit
- 306. God's Daily Care; music by Willy Reske
- 307. In Our Lovely Deseret; words by Eliza R. Snow
- 308. Love One Another; words and music by Luacine Clark Fox
- 309. As Sisters in Zion; words by Emily H. Woodmansee, music by Janice Kapp Perry
- 310. A Key Was Turned in Latter Days; words by Jan Underwood Pinborough, music by Charlene A. Newell
- 311. We Meet Again As Sisters; words by Paul L. Anderson, music by Bonnie Lauper Goodliffe
- 312. We Ever Pray For Thee; words and music by Evan Stephens
- 313. God Is Love; music by Thomas C. Griggs
- 314. How Gentle God's Commands
- 315. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
- 316. The Lord Is My Shepherd
- 317. Sweet Is the Work; words by Isaac Watts, music by John J. McClellan
- 318. Love at Home
- 319. Ye Elders of Israel; words by Cyrus H. Wheelock
- 320. The Priesthood of Our Lord; words and music by John Craven
- 321. Ye Who Are Called to Labor; words by Mary Judd Page
- 322. Come, All Ye Sons of God; words Thomas Davenport, music by Orson P. Huish
- 323. Rise Up, O Men of God; music by Frank W. Asper
- 324. Rise Up, O Men of God
- 325. See The Mighty Priesthood Gathered; words by Jean L. Kaberry, music by Robert P. Manookin
- 326. Come, Come Ye Saints; words by William Clayton
- 327. Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven; words by John Taylor
- 328. An Angel From on High; words by Parley P. Pratt, music by John E. Tullidge
- 329. Thy Servants Are Prepared; words by Marilyn McMeen Brown, music by Willy Reske
- 330. See, The Mighty Angel Flying; words by Robert B. Thompson, music by Evan Stephens
- 331. Oh Say, What Is Truth?; words by John Jaques, music by Ellen Knowles Melling
- 332. Come, O Thou Kings of Kings; words by Parley P. Pratt
- 333. High on the Mountain Top; words by Joel H. Johnson, music by Ebenezer Beesley
- 334. I Need Thee Every Hour
- 335. Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy
- 336. School Thy Feelings; words by Charles W. Penrose
- 337. O Home Beloved; words by Evan Stephens
- 338. America the Beautiful
- 339. My Country, 'Tis of Thee/My Country 'Tis of Thee
- 340. The Star-Spangled Banner
- 341. God Save The King
Other Languages
Many of the hymns are translated into other languages, and the hymn book is then published in other languages. Not all of the hymns are published in the other languages. Also, some language editions have additional hymns that are not found in the English version. Many of these are somewhat traditional songs, such as Christmas songs, or patriotic songs of the respective country.
In some hymns in some languages, the text is translated fairly literally and keeping the rhyming scheme intact. Other hymns are morphed in such a way that the rhyming scheme is pleasant, but the topic of the hymn changes entirely with the new text. Still some other hymns keep the same theme, even if the line by line text is not an exact translation.
Versions of this hymn book are also published in at least the following languages:
- Danish
- Dutch
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Icelandic
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Samoan
- Spanish
- Swedish