Eket Nigeria Temple
The construction of the Eket Nigeria Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be the fourth temple built in Nigeria. President Russell M. Nelson announced its construction during the 192th Semiannual General Conference in October 2022.
Eket is an industrial city in southeastern Nigeria. Church membership in Nigeria is over 211,000 in 758 congregations.
"Kcee Udonsi was streaming general conference on his mobile device in his Nigerian apartment when he heard President Russell M. Nelson announce a new temple for Eket, Nigeria. Udonsi had anticipated a possible temple for Abuja, but not Eket, which is only an hour’s drive from where he lives in Uyo. Many Latter-day Saints can’t afford to travel the long distance to the Aba Nigeria Temple.
“'I was shocked and super excited. I never expected it,' Udonsi wrote in a message to Church News. 'Having a temple in Eket will be a great blessing for the Saints in that area. It will help strengthen testimonies and faith in Jesus Christ and strengthen family bonds. . . . The Lord indeed remembers His people wherever they are.'”[1]
The Eket Nigeria Temple is currently in the planning stages. No location has been announced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Temples in Africa
- Aba Nigeria Temple
- Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire Temple
- Accra Ghana Temple
- Antananarivo Madagascar Temple
- Beira Mozambique Temple
- Benin City Nigeria Temple
- Brazzaville Republic of the Congo Temple
- Cape Town South Africa Temple
- Durban South Africa Temple
- Freetown Sierra Leone Temple
- Harare Zimbabwe Temple
- Johannesburg South Africa Temple
- Kananga Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Kumasi Ghana Temple
- Lagos Nigeria Temple
- Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Monrovia Liberia Temple
- Nairobi Kenya Temple
- Praia Cape Verde Temple