Young Men's Program

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The Young Men Organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is an organization or help to the Aaronic Priesthood quorums. Until January 2020 it included Scouting and the Duty to God program among its programs designed to help male members, ages 12 through 18. “The Young Men organization promotes the growth and development of each young man through instruction, activities, and combined Aaronic Priesthood-Young Women activities. The Young Men organization strengthens the work of the Aaronic Priesthood in the ward and gives support to the parents and the home."[1]

Until changes were announced in October 2019, each ward and stake had a Young Men presidency comprised of Melchizedek Priesthood holders. They served as advisers to the Aaronic Priesthood quorums: the president was the adviser to the priests, the first counselor was the adviser to the teachers, and the second counselor was the adviser to the deacons. The ward Young Men presidency served under the direction of the bishopric and the stake Young Men presidency served under the direction of the stake presidency. The Young Men general presidency was assisted by a general board to develop programs and materials and was under the direction of the General Authorities.

Inspired Adjustments

During the October 2019 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson introduced changes to Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes:

In each ward, the Lord’s youth battalion is led by a bishop, a dedicated servant of God. His first and foremost responsibility is to care for the young men and young women of his ward. The bishop and his counselors direct the work of the Aaronic Priesthood quorums and the Young Women classes in the ward.
The adjustments we will now announce are intended to help young men and young women develop their sacred personal potential. We also want to strengthen Aaronic Priesthood quorums and Young Women classes and provide support to bishops and other adult leaders as they serve this rising generation.[2]

President Nelson then invited Elder Quentin L. Cook to explain the changes.

Today we announce organizational changes for youth at ward and stake levels. As President Nelson explained, Sister Bonnie H. Cordon will discuss changes for young women this evening. One purpose for the changes I will now discuss is to strengthen Aaronic Priesthood holders, quorums, and quorum presidencies. These changes align our practice with Doctrine and Covenants 107:15, which reads, “The bishopric is the presidency of this [Aaronic] priesthood, and holds the keys or authority of the same.”
One of the scriptural duties of the bishop is to preside over the priests and to sit in council with them, teaching them the duties of their office. In addition, the first counselor in the bishopric will have specific responsibility for teachers and the second counselor for deacons.
Accordingly, to align with this revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants, Young Men presidencies at the ward level will be discontinued. These faithful brethren have done much good, and we express appreciation to them.
It is our hope that bishoprics will give great emphasis and focus to the priesthood responsibilities of young men and help them in their quorum duties. Capable adult Young Men advisers will be called to assist the Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidencies and the bishopric in their duties. We are confident that more young men and young women will rise to the challenge and stay on the covenant path because of this laser-like focus on our youth. . . .
At the general and stake levels, we will continue to have Young Men presidencies. At the stake level, a high councilor will be the Young Men president and will, with the high councilors assigned to Young Women and Primary, be part of the stake Aaronic Priesthood–Young Women committee. These brethren will work with the stake Young Women presidency on this committee. With a counselor to the stake president as chair, this committee will have increased importance because many of the programs and activities in the new Children and Youth initiative will be at the stake level.

Elder Cook also announced that the word "Mutual" to describe Young Men and Young Women activities would be "retired" and would be replaced with "Young Women activities," "Aaronic Priesthood quorum activities," or "youth activities." The term "auxiliary" would no longer be used and "organization" will be used instead.[3]

History of the Young Men's Program

In 1875, President Brigham Young organized the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association (YMMIA), now known as Young Men's, to work in tandem with the Young Ladies' Cooperative Retrenchment Association, later renamed to the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (YWMIA) and now known as Young Women.

Presidents of the Young Men organization have been: