Church growth

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Worldwide, there were 17,255,394 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by the end of 2023. [1]

Mormon Congregation
As of the end of 2023, there were 17.25 million Latter-day Saints worldwide

In June 2024, the Church News released graphics showing the growth of the Church from membership of six individuals on April 6, 1830—the day the Church was organized—to the end of 2023.

Church News graphic

Growth within the Church contributes to the increase in wards and branches, stakes, and temples.

Church News graphic
Church News graphic
Courtesy Gallup

A Gallup poll released in March 2024 showed that in the United States "most religious groups have also seen a decline in regular attendance at religious services over the past two decades." However, "Among major U.S. religious groups, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also widely known as the Mormon Church, are the most observant, with two-thirds attending church weekly or nearly weekly." [2]

From 2011 to 2021, the highest growth rates in Church membership occurred in Africa and the Philippines. The Church overall grew from 14.13 million members in 2011 to 16.81 million in 2021 for an 18.92 percent increase. The number of members in Africa more than doubled during the 10 years. The Philippines, Central America, Brazil, and Pacific Islands had increases of more than 25 percent.[3]

Marking the celebration of President Russell M. Nelson's 100 birthday on September 9, 2024, the Church of Jesus Christ released a graphic showing the growth of the Church during his lifetime.

Growth of the Church from 1924 to 2024 Courtesy Church newsroom

A statement released through the Church newsroom read, "despite its increasing numbers, the Church cautions against overemphasis on growth statistics. The Church makes no statistical comparisons with other churches and makes no claim to be the fastest-growing Christian denomination despite frequent news media comments to that effect. Such comparisons rarely take account of a multiplicity of complex factors, including activity rates and death rates, the methodology used in registering or counting members and what factors constitute membership. Growth rates also vary significantly across the world. Additionally, many other factors contribute to the strength of the Church, most especially the devotion and commitment of its members.

See Also

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