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What about the Mormon Cult?
Critics of [http://comeuntochrist.org The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] (nicknamed the Mormon Church) sometimes refer to it as a [[Mormonism cult|"cult."]] The term is meant to be both derogatory and accusatory. This article will openly address the spirit and content of those claims in light of the truth about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Critics of the Mormon Church ([[The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]]) like to tell people terrible things about the so-called [[Mormonism cult|Mormon cult]]. They use this expression to try to scare away people from seriously investigating the teachings of the Church.
==What is a cult?==
[[image: Mormon-church.jpg|450px|right|alt=Mormon Church Members, part of a Mormon Cult?|Mormon Church Members]]The [http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?cult Merriam-Webster dictionary online] presents five definitions for the word ''cult:''
*formal religious veneration
*a system of religious beliefs and ritual; ''also'': its body of adherents
*a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious
*a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator (as in "health cults")
*a great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work
But what is a "cult"? In many dictionaries cult is a synonymous with "religious organization", but this is not the meaning attached usually by [[Anti-Mormon|anti-Mormons]] when they talk about the Mormon cult.
These definitions provide ''denotations'' of the word "cult"—literal meanings devoid of emotional content. The ''connotations,'' or emotional definitions of the word [http://www.religio.de/cudef.html "cult"] may include the following:
*any group which deviates from orthodox or historical Christianity
*a group which claims to be in conformity with biblical truth, but which deviates from it[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/cult]
*a group with an authoritarian, charismatic leader who has an exceptional hold upon his or her followers
*a group which claims to be the only way to God
*a group which uses intimidation or manipulation to gain and keep members
*a group which lays claim to the financial resources of its members
*a group which monopolizes the time and thoughts of its members, leading them to avoid other contacts and activities
*a group which compromises the individual's ability to make free choices without the approval or advice of the leader(s)
*a religion or sect considered by the general society to be extremist, dangerous, or unorthodox
Unfortunately, for the anti-Mormons, early Christianity also was denounced as a "sect" and a "cult" by its critics. When other Christian label the Mormon Church as a cult, they create their own special definitions of what is a cult, but they don’t realize – or at least they seem not to realize – that nearly all of these definitions would similarly include Christ and the early Christians in the group of the “evil and suspicious cultists”.
Often, new religious movements are branded by society as cults. These new religions either fade away into obscurity, or gain members and become more accepted, thereby shedding the stigma assigned to them at their origin. For instance, the first followers of Jesus were viewed as apostate Jews, or Jews trying to establish a cult around Jesus, a charismatic leader. As Christianity spread to the Gentiles, it was viewed as a cult by the pagan societies into which it was introduced. It took hundreds of years to establish a Christian orthodoxy. Cultism (as far as Christians are concerned) is now defined in relationship to that orthodoxy.  
The early Church was strongly persecuted and the Bible reports that it was called a "sect" (Acts 28:22). People thought they were serving God by persecuting and even killing its leaders.  
—It should be noted that in British English, the definitions for the words ''cult'' and ''sect'' are opposite those of American English. Americans generally view a ''sect'' as a branch or division of a larger religious group, and a ''cult'' as an extreme or unorthodox group. The British define a ''cult'' as a branch or division of a larger religious group, and a ''sect'' as an extreme or unorthodox group.
Similarly, in our days, several anti-Mormon organizations operate in the United States and in other countries. In the 1987 Directory of Cult Research Organizations we can find more than a hundred anti-Mormon listings. These groups distribute anti-Mormon literature, provide lectures that attack the Church publicly, and even proselytize Mormons. For most of them Mormonism is a cult.
==Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a cult by literal definition?==
The first literal definition for the word ''cult''—"a formal religious veneration"—defines every religious group on earth. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is a religion and a church. It is also a system of religious beliefs and ritual, conforming to the second definition, as do all churches. (With this definition, there could be such a thing as a Latter-day Saint or Mormon Cult.)
One of their favorite themes is to assert that Mormons are not [[Mormonism vs. Christianity|Christians]]. The main basis for this classification is that the Mormon belief in the Christian [[Godhead]] is different from the traditional Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity. The anti-cultists proclaim that Mormons worship a "different Jesus" and that their scriptures (e.g. the [[Book of Mormon]]) are contrary to the Bible.  
*Is the restore gospel of Jesus Christ unorthodox? The answer to this question depends on one's point of view. Christian orthodoxy dates back to councils making decisions on doctrine after the death of the Apostles. Protestant orthodoxy dates back to the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformation Protestant Reformation], which began with Martin Luther in 1517. If one measures Church doctrine against these orthodoxies, then restored gospel of Jesus Christ is unorthodox. However, Latter-day Saints believe that the Lord taught true doctrine to Adam and to every prophet after Adam, and that orthodoxy itself is an [http://www.mormon.org/mormonorg/eng/basic-beliefs/the-restoration-of-truth/the-great-apostasy apostasy] from true doctrine established with Adam and all the prophets. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ, then, is a [http://www.mormon.org/mormonorg/eng/basic-beliefs/the-restoration-of-truth/the-restoration-of-the-gospel restoration] of the Lord's established doctrines, and all other sects of Christianity could be viewed as unorthodox. (If the Latter-day Saint way of looking at religious history is true, then there is no Latter-day Saint or Mormon Cult.)
A current example of distortion of Mormon beliefs comes from Edward Decker, an excommunicated Mormon and cofounder of Ex-Mormons for Jesus. While professing love for the Saints, Edward Decker has waged an attack on their beliefs. His film and book, both entitled The Godmakers, are a gross misrepresentation of Mormon beliefs, especially when it relates to [[Inside Mormon temples| temple ordinances]].  
*Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ spurious? Latter-day Saints believe that God alone can answer that question, and that He is willing to answer that question for anyone who asks Him in sincerity: "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." ([https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/moro/10?lang=eng Moroni 10:4–5)] The Holy Ghost can verify the truthfulness of the gospel as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ, and prove that there is no Mormon Cult. God is the highest authority one can go to for such answers.
Though criticisms, misrepresentations, and falsehoods are offensive to Mormons, Church leadership has counseled members not to react to or debate but keep their responses "in the form of a positive explanation of the doctrines and practices of the Church" (Church News, Dec. 18, 1983, p. 2).   
*Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a health cult? No. Nor is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a substitute for health care. Latter-day Saints routinely seek medical assistance when they are sick or injured, as well as divine help through prayer or [[Priesthood Blessings]]. Latter-day Saints follow a health code given by the Lord, called the "Word of Wisdom," found in [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/89?lang=eng section 89] of the Doctrine and Covenants. Latter-day Saints are counseled by their leaders not to go off on a tangent, reading into this health code things that are not there: "If we turn a health law or any other principle into a form of religious fanaticism, we are looking beyond the mark."<sup>1</sup>
Two other prolific anti-Mormon researchers, who like to define the Mormon Church as a cult, are Jerald and Sandra Tanner. Their main strategy is to try to demonstrate discrepancies between current and past Church teachings. They operate and publish under the name of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry, Inc.  
*Do Latter-day Saints show great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work? Members of the Church of Jesus Christ are devoted to Christ. One definition of a cult is that the members are in the thrall of a powerful and charismatic personality. Thus, some critics of the Church claim that members worship Joseph Smith. This is untrue. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ worship God in the name of Christ, and the atonement of Christ is at the center of Church doctrine. Thus, there is no such thing as a Latter-day Saint or Mormon Cult.
But why all these people spend so much time attacking the Mormon Church and saying that it is a cult? Probably there are many reasons. Some of these people may even be sincere in their beliefs and perhaps they think they are “protecting” people from being deceived by the Mormon cult (think of Saul before becoming Paul in the New Testament). Others, however, are motivated by contempt or anger and clearly act with the purpose of damaging the Mormon Church. In short, they are not showing the true Christian spirit in their attitudes and behaviors.  
==Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a Cult by Emotional Definition?==
*Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ deviate from orthodox or historical Christianity? Yes, but not from original Christianity as it was given to Adam and all the prophets since Adam.
*Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ claim to conform to biblical truth but deviate from it? The restored gospel of Jesus Christ conforms to biblical truth exactly. Some examples:
# The Bible says Christ was resurrected. Latter-day Saints believe He is still a resurrected being.
# The apostle Paul talks about baptism for the dead, an ordinance now found only in the Church of Jesus Christ. ([https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/nt/1-cor/15?lang=eng 1 Corinthians 15:29)]
# Christ prayed to God the Father. Latter-day Saints still believe they are two separate beings. (John 14:16)
# Christ was baptized by immersion. It is the only acceptable form of baptism for members of the Church of Jesus Christ.
*Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ have a charismatic, authoritarian leader who has a remarkable hold over the Church's constituents? Those who accuse the Church of being a cult feel that Joseph Smith fills this role. Joseph Smith is honored for being the first prophet of the latter-days and for standing for his testimony with unwavering courage. He was indeed charismatic, in that he saw visions, communed with God and angels, and exercised spiritual gifts, such as prophecy and healing (as do all prophets). However, it is Christ whom Latter-day Saints truly venerate, and Christ governs with a gentle hand, always guaranteeing agency to His followers.
*Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ claim to be the only way to God? Latter-day Saints believe that the only way to God is through Christ. There is, however, no condemnation of those without knowledge. God looks upon the heart when He judges mankind.
*Does the Church of Jesus Christ use intimidation or manipulation to gain and keep members? No. When missionaries teach investigators, they very quickly ask them to pray in order to find out the truth for themselves. Agency and inspiration from above are central to the workings of the Church. It is true that only worthy members may enter the [[Mormon temples|temple]]. A critic could say that the withholding of temple blessings is a form of intimidation. Simply, the temple is the House of God and no unclean thing may enter it.
*Does the Church lay claim to the financial resources of its members? The Church of Jesus Christ has no paid clergy. The Church condemns "priestcraft," that is, the practice of religion for profit, and it has no ministers who preach in order to make money. Dedicated Church members pay [[tithing]]—ten percent of one's income. Once each month, Latter-day Saints [[fasting|fast]] for two meals and donate the monetary value of the meals to the poor. There is also the opportunity to donate to missionary work and humanitarian aid. All donations are voluntary and are made in confidentiality.
*Does the Church of Jesus Christ monopolize the time and thoughts of its members, leading them to avoid other contacts and activities? Members are free to donate as much time as they like to Church service. Latter-day Saints are counseled to refuse invitations to serve when such service encroaches on family time. Programs are so organized so as ''not'' to encroach on family time. Sometimes, when a person first converts to the Church, family members and friends revile and abandon him or her. The Church counsels patience and loving communication. As time goes by, friends and family usually soften and find that familial relationships can still be carried on as they were before.
*Does the Church of Jesus Christ compromise the individual's ability to make free choices without the approval or advice of the leader(s)? Leaders serve in organizational, teaching, and advising capacities. In the process of repentance, members of the Church may seek counsel from a [[Bishop]] or [[Stake President]]. Everything in the Church is done on a voluntary basis. Choices are personal and members are counseled to seek inspiration from the Holy Ghost on personal matters.
*Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ considered by the general society to be extremist, dangerous, or unorthodox? Yes. That is, until the society gets to know the members. Latter-day Saints earn the respect of their families, neighbors, communities, and countries through their responsible behavior, honesty, and general good conduct. The twelfth and thirteenth [[Articles of Faith]] summarize the orientation of Latter-day Saint behavior: 
At the end, we know that all people will have to face their God and respond for their actions. We also know that nobody will be able to stop the work of the Lord that - unfortunately for our anti-cult friend - is moving forward through the efforts of what they call a cult, the Mormon Church.  
12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
We invite all people to examine the [[Book of Mormon]] and put it to the test as explained by [[Angel Moroni|Moroni]], last prophet in the Book of Mormon:  
13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/a-of-f/1?lang=eng]
“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:4-5).
==How Latter-day Saints Respond==
Latter-day Saints invite those who incite controversy to preach the truth rather than falsehoods about the Church. Latter-day Saints invite uninformed people to gain knowledge about members of the Church and the gospel. Though criticisms, misrepresentations, and falsehoods about the Church and its members are a constant challenge, Church leadership has counseled members not to react to or debate but keep their responses "in the form of a positive explanation of the doctrines and practices of the Church" (Church News, Dec. 18, 1983, p. 2).
We invite all people to investigate the teachings and practices of the Mormon Church (or Mormon cult, if you prefer, it doesn't really matter how you want to call it) and discover all the good things that they can bring to their life. Intelligent people always try to discover by themselves what is true and what is not, and don’t allow anybody to stop them from knowing it, including those who like to scare away people from the “terrible” Mormon cult.
*[http://www.mormonfaq.com Answers to challenging questions about the Church of Jesus Christ]
*[http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/commentary/magazine-corrects-improper-use-of-the-word-mormon U.S. News and World Report:Apology to the Church]
*[http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700187180/Cult-of-intolerance.html?s_cid=e_share The Cult of Intolerance]
''See also [[Mormonism cult]]''
'''For More Information''
[http://www.hotpepper.ca/lds/articles/cult.shtml Is Mormonism a Cult?]
<sup>1</sup> [[Quentin L. Cook]], "Looking Beyond the Mark," ''Ensign,'' March, 2003, p. 40[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2003/03/looking-beyond-the-mark?lang=eng].
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Latest revision as of 18:09, 21 July 2020

Critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (nicknamed the Mormon Church) sometimes refer to it as a "cult." The term is meant to be both derogatory and accusatory. This article will openly address the spirit and content of those claims in light of the truth about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is a cult?

Mormon Church Members, part of a Mormon Cult?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary online presents five definitions for the word cult:
  • formal religious veneration
  • a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also: its body of adherents
  • a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious
  • a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator (as in "health cults")
  • a great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work

These definitions provide denotations of the word "cult"—literal meanings devoid of emotional content. The connotations, or emotional definitions of the word "cult" may include the following:

  • any group which deviates from orthodox or historical Christianity
  • a group which claims to be in conformity with biblical truth, but which deviates from it[1]
  • a group with an authoritarian, charismatic leader who has an exceptional hold upon his or her followers
  • a group which claims to be the only way to God
  • a group which uses intimidation or manipulation to gain and keep members
  • a group which lays claim to the financial resources of its members
  • a group which monopolizes the time and thoughts of its members, leading them to avoid other contacts and activities
  • a group which compromises the individual's ability to make free choices without the approval or advice of the leader(s)
  • a religion or sect considered by the general society to be extremist, dangerous, or unorthodox

Often, new religious movements are branded by society as cults. These new religions either fade away into obscurity, or gain members and become more accepted, thereby shedding the stigma assigned to them at their origin. For instance, the first followers of Jesus were viewed as apostate Jews, or Jews trying to establish a cult around Jesus, a charismatic leader. As Christianity spread to the Gentiles, it was viewed as a cult by the pagan societies into which it was introduced. It took hundreds of years to establish a Christian orthodoxy. Cultism (as far as Christians are concerned) is now defined in relationship to that orthodoxy.

—It should be noted that in British English, the definitions for the words cult and sect are opposite those of American English. Americans generally view a sect as a branch or division of a larger religious group, and a cult as an extreme or unorthodox group. The British define a cult as a branch or division of a larger religious group, and a sect as an extreme or unorthodox group.

Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a cult by literal definition?

The first literal definition for the word cult—"a formal religious veneration"—defines every religious group on earth. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is a religion and a church. It is also a system of religious beliefs and ritual, conforming to the second definition, as do all churches. (With this definition, there could be such a thing as a Latter-day Saint or Mormon Cult.)

  • Is the restore gospel of Jesus Christ unorthodox? The answer to this question depends on one's point of view. Christian orthodoxy dates back to councils making decisions on doctrine after the death of the Apostles. Protestant orthodoxy dates back to the Protestant Reformation, which began with Martin Luther in 1517. If one measures Church doctrine against these orthodoxies, then restored gospel of Jesus Christ is unorthodox. However, Latter-day Saints believe that the Lord taught true doctrine to Adam and to every prophet after Adam, and that orthodoxy itself is an apostasy from true doctrine established with Adam and all the prophets. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ, then, is a restoration of the Lord's established doctrines, and all other sects of Christianity could be viewed as unorthodox. (If the Latter-day Saint way of looking at religious history is true, then there is no Latter-day Saint or Mormon Cult.)
  • Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ spurious? Latter-day Saints believe that God alone can answer that question, and that He is willing to answer that question for anyone who asks Him in sincerity: "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:4–5) The Holy Ghost can verify the truthfulness of the gospel as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ, and prove that there is no Mormon Cult. God is the highest authority one can go to for such answers.
  • Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a health cult? No. Nor is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a substitute for health care. Latter-day Saints routinely seek medical assistance when they are sick or injured, as well as divine help through prayer or Priesthood Blessings. Latter-day Saints follow a health code given by the Lord, called the "Word of Wisdom," found in section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Latter-day Saints are counseled by their leaders not to go off on a tangent, reading into this health code things that are not there: "If we turn a health law or any other principle into a form of religious fanaticism, we are looking beyond the mark."1
  • Do Latter-day Saints show great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work? Members of the Church of Jesus Christ are devoted to Christ. One definition of a cult is that the members are in the thrall of a powerful and charismatic personality. Thus, some critics of the Church claim that members worship Joseph Smith. This is untrue. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ worship God in the name of Christ, and the atonement of Christ is at the center of Church doctrine. Thus, there is no such thing as a Latter-day Saint or Mormon Cult.

Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ a Cult by Emotional Definition?

  • Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ deviate from orthodox or historical Christianity? Yes, but not from original Christianity as it was given to Adam and all the prophets since Adam.
  • Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ claim to conform to biblical truth but deviate from it? The restored gospel of Jesus Christ conforms to biblical truth exactly. Some examples:
  1. The Bible says Christ was resurrected. Latter-day Saints believe He is still a resurrected being.
  2. The apostle Paul talks about baptism for the dead, an ordinance now found only in the Church of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:29)
  3. Christ prayed to God the Father. Latter-day Saints still believe they are two separate beings. (John 14:16)
  4. Christ was baptized by immersion. It is the only acceptable form of baptism for members of the Church of Jesus Christ.
  • Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ have a charismatic, authoritarian leader who has a remarkable hold over the Church's constituents? Those who accuse the Church of being a cult feel that Joseph Smith fills this role. Joseph Smith is honored for being the first prophet of the latter-days and for standing for his testimony with unwavering courage. He was indeed charismatic, in that he saw visions, communed with God and angels, and exercised spiritual gifts, such as prophecy and healing (as do all prophets). However, it is Christ whom Latter-day Saints truly venerate, and Christ governs with a gentle hand, always guaranteeing agency to His followers.
  • Does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ claim to be the only way to God? Latter-day Saints believe that the only way to God is through Christ. There is, however, no condemnation of those without knowledge. God looks upon the heart when He judges mankind.
  • Does the Church of Jesus Christ use intimidation or manipulation to gain and keep members? No. When missionaries teach investigators, they very quickly ask them to pray in order to find out the truth for themselves. Agency and inspiration from above are central to the workings of the Church. It is true that only worthy members may enter the temple. A critic could say that the withholding of temple blessings is a form of intimidation. Simply, the temple is the House of God and no unclean thing may enter it.
  • Does the Church lay claim to the financial resources of its members? The Church of Jesus Christ has no paid clergy. The Church condemns "priestcraft," that is, the practice of religion for profit, and it has no ministers who preach in order to make money. Dedicated Church members pay tithing—ten percent of one's income. Once each month, Latter-day Saints fast for two meals and donate the monetary value of the meals to the poor. There is also the opportunity to donate to missionary work and humanitarian aid. All donations are voluntary and are made in confidentiality.
  • Does the Church of Jesus Christ monopolize the time and thoughts of its members, leading them to avoid other contacts and activities? Members are free to donate as much time as they like to Church service. Latter-day Saints are counseled to refuse invitations to serve when such service encroaches on family time. Programs are so organized so as not to encroach on family time. Sometimes, when a person first converts to the Church, family members and friends revile and abandon him or her. The Church counsels patience and loving communication. As time goes by, friends and family usually soften and find that familial relationships can still be carried on as they were before.
  • Does the Church of Jesus Christ compromise the individual's ability to make free choices without the approval or advice of the leader(s)? Leaders serve in organizational, teaching, and advising capacities. In the process of repentance, members of the Church may seek counsel from a Bishop or Stake President. Everything in the Church is done on a voluntary basis. Choices are personal and members are counseled to seek inspiration from the Holy Ghost on personal matters.
  • Is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ considered by the general society to be extremist, dangerous, or unorthodox? Yes. That is, until the society gets to know the members. Latter-day Saints earn the respect of their families, neighbors, communities, and countries through their responsible behavior, honesty, and general good conduct. The twelfth and thirteenth Articles of Faith summarize the orientation of Latter-day Saint behavior:

12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.[2]

How Latter-day Saints Respond

Latter-day Saints invite those who incite controversy to preach the truth rather than falsehoods about the Church. Latter-day Saints invite uninformed people to gain knowledge about members of the Church and the gospel. Though criticisms, misrepresentations, and falsehoods about the Church and its members are a constant challenge, Church leadership has counseled members not to react to or debate but keep their responses "in the form of a positive explanation of the doctrines and practices of the Church" (Church News, Dec. 18, 1983, p. 2).

1 Quentin L. Cook, "Looking Beyond the Mark," Ensign, March, 2003, p. 40[3].