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The [http://www.ldsces.org/indexnew.asp Church Educational System], also known as CES, is a key part of [http://comeuntochrist.org The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]’ emphasis on the importance of education. Former President and Prophet of the Church, [[Gordon B. Hinckley]] stated,
The '''Church Educational System''' (CES) is the name of the organization of [http://comeuntochrist.org The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] that comprises the Church’s educational programs. CES consists of several institutions that provide religious and secular education for elementary, secondary, and post-secondary students and adult learners.  
:Get all of the education that you can. The Lord has said very plainly that His people are to gain knowledge of countries and kingdoms and of things of the world through the process of education, even by study and by faith. Education is the key which will unlock the door of opportunity for you. It is worth sacrificing for. It is worth working at, and if you educate your mind and your hands, you will be able to make a great contribution to the society of which you are a part.... Take advantage of every educational opportunity that you can possibly afford ("Inspirational Thoughts," ''Liahona'', June 1999, 3).
The scriptures also teach of the importance of education:
Elder [[David A. Bednar]] detailed the Church’s commitment to education in his May 26, 2022, [https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/elder-bednar-national-press-club-speech address given at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.] In addition to those specifically mentioned by Elder Bednar below, the Church provides continuing education programs through Brigham Young University. In addition, the Church maintains a few elementary and secondary schools in less developed nations.
:"Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; '''seek learning, even by study and also by faith''' (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118).
:O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth ([http://scriptures.lds.org/en/alma/37 Alma 37:35]).
:Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;
:Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms— ([http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/88 Doctrine and Covenants 88:78, 79])
The programs of The Church Educational System have far-reaching effects.  In 2004 over 1.2 million people, both members and non-members, were taught by CES.  The Church Educational System provides four programs: religious education, which includes seminary and institute classes; higher education, which includes Church colleges and universities; elementary and secondary schools; and continuing education.
:A core tenet of our faith is the importance of education. Many early Church converts in the 1830s were poor and uneducated, and their conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ fueled their desire for learning.
===Religious Education===
:Interestingly, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the few religions where the more education you receive, the more committed you are to the religion. Pew Research found over 80% of Latter-day Saint college graduates describe their religion as “very important.
The [[Seminary|seminary]] program is offered to students in the high school grade levels. It is a four year program where students spend time reading and learning about the [[Mormon books|scriptures]]. Usually, seminaries meet early in the morning, before normal schools begin.  In areas with many Mormons, some high schools offer released-time seminary.  Students are allowed one period during the school day to go to seminary. They do not receive any sort of school credit for seminary.  After four years, students can graduate from seminary. [http://www.mormonwiki.com/mormonism/Institute Institutes] are similar to seminaries but are for young adults in college or who want to continue learning about the scriptures. This part of CES is run by the Church Board of Education.
Seminary and institute attendance is encouraged so that students can continue to grow spiritually, as they grow in their secular knowledge.  [[Dallin H. Oaks]], former president of BYU and current apostle, said—
:We give significant attention, energy and resources to educating our youth. All secular and spiritual education fall under the umbrella of our Church Educational System, and nearly 1 million student learners are enrolled.
:Cherish and nourish your spiritual life. Seek spiritual growth at the same time that you are seeking to enlarge your learning in other areas. Nourish your spirit just as regularly as you nourish your body or mind. Don’t neglect study of the gospel and activity in the Church during the period of your schooling. It is needed then as much as or more than at any time during your life.... Make the institute or seminary or home study part of your program (Dallin H. Oaks, “Strive for Excellence,” ''Ensign'', Dec. 1971, 109).
:We have 60,000 instructors across four university and college campuses and a global online presence in over 180 countries.
Another Church leader, Elder [[L. Tom Perry]] bore his testimony of the importance of seminary and institute:
:[[Brigham Young University]] in Provo, with more than 33,000 students, is the flagship institution. There are two other BYU campuses: one in Rexburg, Idaho ([[Brigham Young University-Idaho]]), and another in Laie, Hawaii ([[Brigham Young University-Hawaii]]). We also operate [[Ensign College]] in downtown Salt Lake City.

:I know the power that comes from associations in the seminary and institute programs. It has enriched my life, and I know it will do the same for you. It will put a shield of protection around you to keep you free from the temptations and trials of the world. There is a great blessing in having a knowledge of the gospel. And I know of no better place for the young people of the Church to gain a special knowledge of sacred things than in the institute and seminary programs of the Church.... I promise you that the foundation you receive in these two great programs will bless you throughout your lives (L. Tom Perry, “What a Way to Grow,” ''New Era'', Aug. 1998, 4).
===Higher Education===
:In addition, [[BYU–Pathway Worldwide]] is a fast-growing online education delivery system that serves more than 60,000 students annually in 188 countries. The largest Latter-day Saint populations enrolled in BYU–Pathway are in the Philippines, Nigeria, and Mexico. Certificates and degrees are offered in partnership with BYU–Idaho and Ensign College.
The Church currently has four [http://www.besmart.com/default.html higher education] facilities: [[LDS Business College]], which provides career-focused education specifically in Business, Medical transcription, and Interior Design; [[Brigham Young University]], which provides numerous undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate programs; Brigham Young University-Hawaii, which provides undergraduate programs, a wonderful cultural environment (this university has the highest number of international students in the U.S.), and very close ties with the Church's [[Polynesian Cultural Center]]; and [[Brigham Young University-Idaho]], where the main focus is on teaching. These institutions are run by Boards of trustees that include the [[First Presidency]], three members of the [[Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]], the President of the [[Seventy]], the [[Relief Society]] President and Young Women President. More than 45,000 students are able to attend these campuses and another 472,000 are able to attend through continuing education courses.  
About the Church’s higher education institutions, Church leaders have said the following:
:As a Church, we believe that education can lift people both spiritually and temporally, and we have developed BYU–Pathway to ensure our people have access to affordable, high-quality education everywhere in the world.
* We shall keep these as flagships testifying to the great and earnest commitment of this Church to education, both ecclesiastical and secular, and while doing so prove to the world that excellent secular learning can be gained in an environment of religious faith (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Why We Do Some of the Things We Do,” ''Liahona'', Jan. 2000, 62).
* For those privileged to attend a Church school, there is a tuition other than money which we must require of you—a tuition of conduct and performance. Students who enroll in Church schools do so after an interview with their bishop and, beginning this year, with their stake president. They must commit to a standard of conduct consistent with faithful Church membership ([[Boyd K. Packer]], “To Be Learned Is Good If … ,” ''Ensign'', Nov. 1992, 71).
:In 1998, I commented while serving as president of what is now BYU–Idaho that “it will be necessary for us … to serve ever better the thousands of students we have on campus while simultaneously reaching out to bless the lives of … thousands … throughout the world.” This is the vision and purpose of BYU–Pathway Worldwide.
* Our purpose is to produce students who have that rare and precious combination of a superb secular education, complemented by faith in the Lord, a knowledge of the doctrines He has revealed, and a testimony that they are true (Ibid.).
:We also have 645 of institutes of religion. These facilities are located adjacent to college and university campuses and provide supplemental education focused on religious studies and social interaction for young single and married adults.
== Secular Education ==
:For youth ages 14–18, we offer a seminary program designed to help students in their study of basic Church doctrine and the scriptures. Many of our youth arise early each day to participate in morning instruction before their regular school classes.
CES institutions that provide secular education, in addition to religious education, include [[primary education|elementary]] and secondary schools in [[Mexico]] and in the [[Pacific Islands]], [[BYU Adult Continuing Education]], [[Brigham Young University]], [[Brigham Young University-Idaho]], [[Brigham Young University-Hawaii]], and [[LDS Business College]].
=== Elementary and Secondary Schools ===
:I believe you can see that the Church strives to make education accessible and affordable to all of its members, no matter their background or circumstances.
**[[Academia Juárez]]
**Preparatoria Benemérito de las Américas
*Pacific Islands
**Moroni High School ([[Kiribati]])
**Church College of New Zealand ([[New Zealand]])SOON TO BE CLOSED
**LDS Primary School ([[Fiji]])
**LDS Church College ([[Fiji]])
**Church College of Western Samoa ([[Samoa]])
**Sanuniatu Primary School ([[Samoa]])
**Pesega Primary School ([[Samoa]])
**Vaiola (Fusi) Primary School ([[Samoa]])
**Church College of Savaii ([[Samoa]])
**[http://www.tongatapu.net.to/tonga/convictions/schools/tbu/lhs/lhs.htm Liahona High School] ([[Tonga]])
**Saineha High School ([[Tonga]])
**Liahona Middle School ([[Tonga]])
**E'Ua Middle School ([[Tonga]])
**Havelu Middle School ([[Tonga]])
**Saineha Middle School ([[Tonga]])
**Pangai Middle School ([[Tonga]])
**Pakilau Middle School ([[Tonga]])
=== Higher Education ===
:The Church supports lower tuition costs for Church Educational System programs with an annual financial contribution. As you may know, the U.S. Department of Education publishes the annual financial contributions for institutions of higher education. For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the amount last year was more than $1 billion. And such contributions have been taking place for decades. Many students who are not of our faith also choose to attend these institutions because of the academic rigor and the values of the students and faculty.[https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/elder-bednar-national-press-club-speech]
*[http://ce.byu.edu/home/ BYU Adult Continuing Education], [[Provo, Utah]]
*[[Brigham Young University]], [[Provo, Utah]]
*[[Brigham Young University-Idaho]], [[Rexburg, Idaho]]
*[[Brigham Young University-Hawaii]], [[Laie, Hawaii]]
*[[LDS Business College]], [[Salt Lake City, Utah]]
== General Histories ==
*[http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/daily/education/ces_eom.htm William E. Berrett]
== Regional Histories ==
*[http://www.lds.org.hk/english/local_church_history/local_church_html/local_history_11.htm Hong Kong and Taiwan]
*[http://www.byuh.edu/about/history.php Laie, Hawaii]
*[http://www.byui.edu/PR/General/BYUIHistory.htm Rexburg, Idaho]
*[http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cgi-bin/docviewer.exe?CISOROOT=/MormonThesesT&CISOPTR=2398&CISOSHOW=2416 Emery Stake Academy]
There were a series of Academies under the Education System for the Church.  These included:
*[[Bannock Stake Academy]]
*[[Cassia Stake Academy]]
*[http://www.preston.k12.id.us/phs/alumni/1917/index.htm  Oneida Stake Academy]
*[http://www.provo.lib.ut.us/academy.html Brigham Young Academy]
There were other colleges and schools that fell under the Education System later. These included:
*[[Brigham Young College]] in [[Logan, Utah]]
== References ==
*Arrington, L. J. (1967). "The founding of the L.D.S. Institutes of Religion," ''Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought'', 2:137-47.
*Berrett, W. E. (1988). ''A miracle in weekday religious education: A history of the Church Educational System''. Salt Lake City, UT: Salt Lake Printing Center.
*Berrett, W. E. (1992). "Church Educational System (CES)," in D. H. Ludlow (Ed.), ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism''. New York: Macmillan.
*Church Educational System (2005). ''Church Educational System annual information update''. Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual Reserve Inc.
'''For More Information''' visit:
At the 2022 BYU Education Week, Elder [[Clark G. Gilbert]], Church commissioner of education, spoke about the Church Educational System being different. A summary of his comments about the roles of BYU, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, Ensign College, BYU-Pathway, Seminaries and Institutes can be found in a [https://www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2022/8/17/23308942/elder-gilbert-byu-education-week-church-educational-system-courage-to-be-different Church News article].
* [http://ldsces.org/ Church Educational System]
* [http://mormonfaq.com/about/about-education About Education in the LDS Church]
The Prophet [[Joseph Smith]] received two revelations that are foundational to the educational pursuits of the Church of Jesus Christ: “The glory of God is intelligence" (D&C 93:36) and "whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection" (D&C 130:18).
* [http://www.besmart.com/ BeSmart.com]
* [http://www.byu.edu/ Brigham Young University]
All Church education is guided by the general Church Board of Education, which is composed of the [[First Presidency]] and other assigned [[General Authorities]] and general officers of the Church.[https://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Church_Educational_System_(CES)]
* [http://www.byui.edu/ Brigham Young University-Idaho]
* [http://www.byuh.edu/ Brigham Young University-Hawaii]
==CES Standards Help Students Grow Closer to Christ==
* [http://www.ldsbc.edu/Library/Library/index.htm  LDS Business College]
[[Category: Education]]
In August 2023, the Church announced that the Board of Education of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has approved updates to Student Ecclesiastical Endorsements, the Honor Code, and Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations for the Church Educational System (CES).
[[es:Sistema Educativo de la Iglesia]]
The CES Honor Code has been the same for all CES institutions for many years.
[[ru:Система церковного образования]]
[[pt:Sistema Educacional da Igreja]]
The updates are principle-based, provide consistency across CES institutions, and better align student endorsement interviews with Church leaders’ ecclesiastical responsibilities. The changes are designed to help students grow closer to Jesus Christ and strengthen the overall student experience.[https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/updated-ces-standards-students-closer-to-christ]
<embedvideo service="youtube" urlargs="rel=0" dimensions="500x281" alignment="inline">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzCPuDZpIDI&rel=0</embedvideo>
==External Sources==
* [https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/elder-bednar-national-press-club-speech Church Newsroom, “An Apostle Describes a Latter-day Work,” by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]
* [https://www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2022/8/17/23308942/elder-gilbert-byu-education-week-church-educational-system-courage-to-be-different Church News, “Elder Gilbert explains why the Church Educational System must have the courage to be different”]
* [https://www.thechurchnews.com/2021/5/16/23217464/church-educational-system-byu-provo-idaho-hawaii-pathway-ensign-college Church News, “Why the Church Educational System needs more than just BYU”]

Latest revision as of 18:35, 4 September 2024

The Church Educational System (CES) is the name of the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that comprises the Church’s educational programs. CES consists of several institutions that provide religious and secular education for elementary, secondary, and post-secondary students and adult learners.

Elder David A. Bednar detailed the Church’s commitment to education in his May 26, 2022, address given at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. In addition to those specifically mentioned by Elder Bednar below, the Church provides continuing education programs through Brigham Young University. In addition, the Church maintains a few elementary and secondary schools in less developed nations.

A core tenet of our faith is the importance of education. Many early Church converts in the 1830s were poor and uneducated, and their conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ fueled their desire for learning.
Interestingly, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the few religions where the more education you receive, the more committed you are to the religion. Pew Research found over 80% of Latter-day Saint college graduates describe their religion as “very important.”
We give significant attention, energy and resources to educating our youth. All secular and spiritual education fall under the umbrella of our Church Educational System, and nearly 1 million student learners are enrolled.
We have 60,000 instructors across four university and college campuses and a global online presence in over 180 countries.
Brigham Young University in Provo, with more than 33,000 students, is the flagship institution. There are two other BYU campuses: one in Rexburg, Idaho (Brigham Young University-Idaho), and another in Laie, Hawaii (Brigham Young University-Hawaii). We also operate Ensign College in downtown Salt Lake City.

In addition, BYU–Pathway Worldwide is a fast-growing online education delivery system that serves more than 60,000 students annually in 188 countries. The largest Latter-day Saint populations enrolled in BYU–Pathway are in the Philippines, Nigeria, and Mexico. Certificates and degrees are offered in partnership with BYU–Idaho and Ensign College.
As a Church, we believe that education can lift people both spiritually and temporally, and we have developed BYU–Pathway to ensure our people have access to affordable, high-quality education everywhere in the world.
In 1998, I commented while serving as president of what is now BYU–Idaho that “it will be necessary for us … to serve ever better the thousands of students we have on campus while simultaneously reaching out to bless the lives of … thousands … throughout the world.” This is the vision and purpose of BYU–Pathway Worldwide.
We also have 645 of institutes of religion. These facilities are located adjacent to college and university campuses and provide supplemental education focused on religious studies and social interaction for young single and married adults.
For youth ages 14–18, we offer a seminary program designed to help students in their study of basic Church doctrine and the scriptures. Many of our youth arise early each day to participate in morning instruction before their regular school classes.
I believe you can see that the Church strives to make education accessible and affordable to all of its members, no matter their background or circumstances.
The Church supports lower tuition costs for Church Educational System programs with an annual financial contribution. As you may know, the U.S. Department of Education publishes the annual financial contributions for institutions of higher education. For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the amount last year was more than $1 billion. And such contributions have been taking place for decades. Many students who are not of our faith also choose to attend these institutions because of the academic rigor and the values of the students and faculty.[1]

At the 2022 BYU Education Week, Elder Clark G. Gilbert, Church commissioner of education, spoke about the Church Educational System being different. A summary of his comments about the roles of BYU, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, Ensign College, BYU-Pathway, Seminaries and Institutes can be found in a Church News article.

The Prophet Joseph Smith received two revelations that are foundational to the educational pursuits of the Church of Jesus Christ: “The glory of God is intelligence" (D&C 93:36) and "whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection" (D&C 130:18).

All Church education is guided by the general Church Board of Education, which is composed of the First Presidency and other assigned General Authorities and general officers of the Church.[2]

CES Standards Help Students Grow Closer to Christ

In August 2023, the Church announced that the Board of Education of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has approved updates to Student Ecclesiastical Endorsements, the Honor Code, and Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations for the Church Educational System (CES). The CES Honor Code has been the same for all CES institutions for many years.

The updates are principle-based, provide consistency across CES institutions, and better align student endorsement interviews with Church leaders’ ecclesiastical responsibilities. The changes are designed to help students grow closer to Jesus Christ and strengthen the overall student experience.[3]

External Sources