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When a person is active in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes erroneously called the "Mormon Church," his or her life is full of purpose. The word purpose is defined in the dictionary as intention, resolution, or determination. With these several meanings, purpose is both intent and fruition.
There are many aspects of Mormonism for the sincere believer in and follower of Jesus Christ that make life meaningful and fulfilling. Some are explained here.
Julie B. Beck, a General Authority of the LDS Church who heads its Mormon Women's Organization comprised of over 6 million women, has stated,
- “The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life." [1]
After baptism by immersion (or the "baptism of water") new members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints qualify to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost through the Laying on of Hands, an ordinance performed by a worthy man who holds the higher, or Melchizedek, priesthood. The gift of the Holy Ghost is something unique to the LDS Church and distinguishes it from all other Christian sects. It is impossible to give or receive without direct authority from God. This is the permanent and constant companionship of the Spirit, as long as the recipient continues in worthiness, since the Holy Ghost cannot dwell in unclean places.
The Holy Ghost fills a person with light, and also enlightens. The Holy Ghost is the conduit for inspiration — personal revelation from the Lord to guide a person through mortal life. The Holy Spirit warns of danger, testifies of truth, helps us to understand the scriptures, comforts and calms, relays the love of God, and helps us make decisions that conform to God's will for us. As sister Beck has conveyed, learning to perceive and to act upon personal revelation is of central importance in every Mormon's life, and it imbues mortality with adventure, since there is a constant push and pull between our personal (unenlightened) desires, the world, and the promptings of the spirit. Promptings from the Holy Ghost may take us on some unusual journeys, to situations well out of our comfort zones, and toward things that our own plans or reasoning would never surmise. As we follow the spirit, our lives unfold in ways far beyond what we could have guessed, and watching this grand unfolding imbues our lives with purpose.
Along the way there are milestones marked by covenant-making, and each step we attain fills us with more light and makes us more like Christ, whom we not only worship, but emulate.
Covenants and ordinances in the LDS Church are very important and sacred. It takes work to qualify for these ordinances, as worthiness is necessary. Because of the gift of the Holy Ghost, revelation accompanies all church ordinances, much of it personal to the individual.
Shortly after birth, a baby is given "a name and a blessing." This is the child's first ordinance, and one he/she is too young to understand. By the power of the priesthood, the child is given the name by which he/she will be known during mortality. Then the priesthood-holder pronounces a revelatory blessing upon the child with promises for the child's life.
At age eight a child reaches "the age of accountability. This means the child is old enough to know right from wrong and to understand how to repent of wrongdoing. Children age eight (and teens and adults who are new converts) may repent and be baptized. Baptism is not to be entered into lightly. It is the gate that enters onto the strait and narrow path to salvation and exaltation. It is symbolic of death and resurrection, the rebirth of a new creature in Christ. Partaking of the sacrament (like the Eucharist, but symbolic) each Sunday renews the covenant of baptism, wherein we promise to take upon ourselves the name of Christ, to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. In return, He promises His Spirit will always be with us, and with that Spirit, we continue on our spiritual adventure.
After baptism, there are many intermediate goals for youth to prepare them for higher ordinances in temples of God.