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==Messages from President Russell M. Nelson==
==Videos with President Russell M. Nelson==
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==Videos about President Russell M. Nelson==
<embedvideo service="youtube" urlargs="rel=0" dimensions="500x281" alignment="inline">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW7Z3kpAN7c&rel=0</embedvideo>
<embedvideo service="youtube" urlargs="rel=0" dimensions="500x281" alignment="inline">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW7Z3kpAN7c&rel=0</embedvideo>

Revision as of 22:03, 13 October 2024

Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Russell M. Nelson was set apart as the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 14, 2018. He was sustained in a Solemn Assembly on March 31, 2018. President Nelson presided at a unprecedented meeting broadcast from the Salt Lake Temple on January 16, 2018. His counselors were also set apart at the same time. First counselor Dallin H. Oaks served with him in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles since April 7, 1984, when they were both sustained, President Nelson before President Oaks. Henry B. Eyring was appointed second counselor; he served previously as first counselor to Thomas S. Monson (who passed away on January 2, 2018) and second counselor to Gordon B. Hinckley (who passed away on January 27, 2008).

Nelson was set apart as president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by President Thomas S. Monson on July 15, 2015. As president of the Twelve, he was referred to as President Russell M. Nelson and succeeded the late President Boyd K. Packer, who died on July 3, 2015.

Life and Career

Russell M. Nelson was born on September 9, 1924, to Marion C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. All eight of his great-grandparents joined the Church of Jesus Christ in Europe, immigrated to Utah, and settled in the town of Ephraim. Their courage and commitment have inspired similar feelings in successive generations. [1] As a boy, his interests varied. He performed errands for his father's advertising company at the age of ten, and would later work, part-time, in a photo studio, a bank, and the post office. He had an excellent singing voice and performed often, and he participated in the debate team. He also loved playing the piano. He was also interested in football, but was usually kept on the bench. He jokes that perhaps he was too careful of his hands, since he was destined to become a heart surgeon.

President Nelson studied medicine in college, and by the time he'd graduated from the four-year program in 1945, he was already a year into medical school. He earned his MD degree from the University of Utah in 1947. He was twenty-two.

He was also married. Dantzel White had a beautiful singing voice. He heard her sing when they were both performing in the same play. Nelson was smitten, and married her three years later, in 1945. Dantzel finished her bachelor's degree and taught school until their first child was born.

President Nelson interned at the University of Minnesota and rather promptly went on to make medical history. He worked on the team that developed the first machine that could perform the functions of a patient's heart and lungs while the patient was undergoing heart surgery. In 1951, it was used for the first time in surgery (the first open-heart surgery in history), where it performed well. Four years later, he would perform the first successful open-heart surgery (using the heart-lung machine) in Utah. Before returning to Salt Lake City, he enlisted to serve a two-year term of medical duty in the U.S. Army during the Korean War; he served in Korea and Japan and at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. Later he worked for a year at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, then returned to the University of Minnesota for a year and received his PhD degree in 1954.

President Nelson would perform a number of firsts in Utah related to heart surgery. He was nationally known as an exceptional surgeon and was elected president of the Society of Vascular Surgery. Later, Nelson received the Heart of Gold award in 2002 for his involvement in the fight against heart disease and strokes. President Nelson was recognized for his service in the medical field at Utah's 25th annual Heart Ball on Saturday, May 15, 2010, at the Marriott Hotel in Salt Lake City. President Nelson and more than two dozen other past award recipients were inducted to the American Heart Association's Heart Ball Hall of Fame.

Dantzel and Russell Nelson had ten children, 56 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren. They were not untouched by tragedy. Their daughter Emily Nelson Wittwer died when a young mother of five (1995). Dantzel died unexpectedly in early 2005. Nelson spoke of his thoughts about her death in the General Conference of April 2005. A second daughter, Wendy Nelson Mayfield, died on January 11, 2019, from cancer.

In 2006, President Nelson married Wendy L. Watson, a professor of marriage and family therapy at Brigham Young University.

* 100th birthday commemoration for President Nelson

* A timeline of President Russell M. Nelson's life and ministry


When called as an Apostle in 1984, President Nelson took on his new responsibility with a good heart. His focus changed from medicine to the Gospel. As he joked shortly after his ordination: “I’m eagerly looking forward to this privilege of service. I’ve thought how nice it will be to have people come to see me who want to see me! All these years people have been coming to my office who really would rather not be there. I expect the majority of my appointments now will be of a joyous nature.”

Nelson has served with the skill and enthusiasm that marked his professional work, but his family life has never lost importance. Family, according to Nelson (and the Church of Jesus Christ) has always been highest priority. If President Nelson was often away, when he came home, he was truly, home. The family spent a lot of time together.

President Nelson has come to realize that the skills of a talented doctor are limited, but that the Lord's power is limitless:

He was in Manzanillo, Mexico, in February 1978, attending medical meetings with the group of doctors he had graduated with thirty years earlier. Suddenly, one of the doctors became seriously ill, suffering from massive bleeding into his stomach. Under normal circumstances, any of the physicians in the room could have treated him. Each had been trained in the science of healing; each had refined his skills and knowledge during years of experience. But as they watched their colleague suffer, they realized they were helpless.
We were in a resort hotel in a remote fishing village,” recalls [then] Elder Russell M. Nelson. “There was no hospital; the nearest was in Guadalajara, many mountainous miles away. It was night; no planes could fly. Transfusions were out of the question because of lack of equipment. All the combined knowledge and concern there could not be converted to action to help our friend as we saw his life ebbing before our eyes. We were powerless to stop his bleeding.”
The victim asked for a blessing. Several of the doctors who held the Melchizedek Priesthood immediately responded, and Dr. Nelson acted as voice. “The Spirit dictated that the bleeding would stop and that the man would continue to live and return to his home and profession.” The man recovered and returned home.
Men can do very little of themselves to heal sick or broken bodies,” Elder Nelson says. “With an education they can do a little more; with advanced medical degrees and training, a little more yet can be done. The real power to heal, however, is a gift from God. He has deigned that some of that power may be harnessed via the authority of his priesthood to benefit and bless mankind when all man can do for himself may not be sufficient.”[1]

To see a video of Russell M. Nelson teaching and testifying of Jesus Christ, click here.

American Heart Association Award

President Russell M. Nelson, then of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, received the American Heart Association’s 2002 Gold Heart Award for his pioneering achievements in thoracic research and open-heart surgery.

His accomplishments in medicine have ranged from helping military surgeons in the field to building heart-lung machines for early open-heart operations.[2]

Recipient of the First Gandhi-King-Mandela Peace Prize

Morehouse College, a historically Black college in Georgia, announced that it will give its inaugural Gandhi-King-Mandela Peace Prize to President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

This prize is named after Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. It is intended, the school said, for someone who promotes peace and positive social transformation through nonviolent means and uses their global leadership to affirm peace, justice, diversity and pluralism.

“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way, and nonviolence is the path,” said the Rev. Dr. Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel. “You cannot succeed by preaching and lecturing about peace. You must be the thing itself. You cannot have what you are not willing to be.” Dr. Carter will confer the honor to President Nelson at the ceremony.

The school will bestow this new honor on President Nelson on the evening of April 13, 2023, at the Worldhouse Interfaith and Interdenominational Assembly at the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel in Atlanta. President Nelson will accept the award via video, and the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square will perform virtually.[3]

That same evening, an announcement will be made about future collaboration between the Church of Jesus Christ and the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel.

Books by and about President Nelson

  • Perfection Pending and Other Favorite Discourses
  • The Power Within Us
  • The Gateway We Call Death
  • Russell M. Nelson: Father, Surgeon, Apostle by Spencer J. Condie
  • Accomplishing the Impossible: What God Does, What We Can Do
  • Daily Joy: A Devotional for Each Day of the Year
  • The Prince of Peace
  • Wise Men and Women Still Adore Him
  • Hope in Our Hearts
  • Teachings of Russell M. Nelson
  • Insights from a Prophet's Life by Sheri Dew
  • Heart of the Matter: What 100 Years of Living Have Taught Me

Quotes from President Russell M. Nelson

  • “When I started medical school, we were taught that we must not touch the human heart, or it would stop beating. Yet Doctrine and Covenants 88:36 tells us that ‘all kingdoms have a law given.’ Therefore I knew that even the blessing of the heartbeat was predicated upon law. And I reasoned that if those laws could be understood and controlled, perhaps they could be utilized for the blessing of the sick. To me this meant that if we would work, study, and ask the proper questions in our scientific experiments, we could learn the laws that govern the heartbeat. Now, having learned some of those laws, we know that we can turn the heartbeat off, perform delicate repairs on damaged valves or vessels, and then let the heart beat again.”[2]
  • "Why is the power to act in the name of God so important? Why is it important that bearers of the priesthood prepare to serve with power? Because the priesthood is of eternal significance. The priesthood benefits every man, woman, and child who now lives, who has lived, and who yet will live upon the earth. Those who hold the priesthood need to prepare in order to make the blessings of priesthood power readily available to all of God's children. Those who hold priesthood keys need to understand how to use those keys wisely and righteously."
"Keys of the Priesthood," Ensign, Oct. 2005
  • "Marriage is the foundry for social order, the fountain of virtue, and the foundation for eternal exaltation. Marriage has been divinely designated as an eternal and everlasting covenant. Marriage is sanctified when it is cherished and honored in holiness. That union is not merely between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.... Marriage is but the beginning bud of family life; parenthood is its flower. And that bouquet becomes even more beautiful when graced with grandchildren. Families may become as eternal as the kingdom of God itself."
“Nurturing Marriage,” Ensign, May 2006

See also Russell M. Nelson Stories

Videos with President Russell M. Nelson

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  1. "Elder Russell M. Nelson: Applying Divine Laws," Marvin K. Gardner, Ensign, June 1984, p. 9.
  2. Ibid.

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