David A. Bednar

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Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

David A. Bednar is a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Bednar was born on June 15, 1952, in Oakland, California. He grew up with a mother who was strong in the Church and a father who was not a member but faithfully went to Church with his family and joined in Church functions. Throughout his youth, and even from the mission field, Elder Bednar would ask his father when he was going to be baptized. The answer that always came back was that he would join this Church when he knew that it was the right thing for him to do. Years later, after Elder Bednar’s mission and after he was married and living far away from home, his father called on a Wednesday to ask if Elder Bednar could be in California by Saturday to baptize him. Elder Bednar baptized, confirmed, and ordained his father.

Elder Bednar served faithfully as a missionary in Southern Germany. When he returned home he met Susan Kae Robinson, whom he married in 1975. They are the parents of three sons. The two met at Brigham Young University, and Elder Bednar continued to pursue his degree there after they were married. He received his baccalaureate degree in 1976 and continued studying at BYU until he received his master’s degree in 1977. He then attended Purdue University to pursue a PhD in organizational behavior, which he earned in 1980. He was a professor of business management at Texas Tech University and at the University of Arkansas. He was also Associate Dean at the University of Arkansas. In 1997 accepted a job as the president of Ricks College where he served until his call to the apostleship. Under President Bednar's leadership, Ricks College made the transition from being a two-year institution to a four-year university now known as Brigham Young University-Idaho. [1]

When he accepted the job as president, Ricks College was the largest privately owned junior college in the United States. In 2000, the school’s board made the decision to change Ricks College into a four-year University. President Bednar was instrumental in this transition. He said about the experience,

If I thought we had to execute this transition relying exclusively upon our own experience and our own judgment, then I would be terrified. But we will have help from heaven. Because we know who is in charge and that we are not alone, then no, I am not scared. I have come to know that President Hinckley’s vision concerning the future of BYU–Idaho is not really about two-year or four-year status. It is not really about academic rank or athletics. And it is not really about a name change. This announcement is about faith—faith in the future. Given all the changes that have taken place at this institution in a relatively short period of time, I testify that miracles have occurred, revelations have been received, and doors have been opened, and we have been greatly blessed as individuals and as an institution. These truly are days never to be forgotten.

Elder Bednar has also served in the Church as a bishop, a stake president, a regional representative, and an area authority.


On October 2, 2004, Elder Bednar was announced and sustained by the members of the Church to become a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. President Gordon B. Hinckley ordained him as an apostle on October 7, 2004.

Elder Bednar was honored as the grand marshal for 2024's Days of ’47 Parade. The parade, held every July 24, celebrates the pioneers who settled the state and their enduring legacy and commemorates the arrival of the first pioneer wagon train to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. The theme of this year’s parade was “Stout Pioneer Hearts — Lift Others.” Elder Bednar and his wife, Susan, led the procession.


  • The Rock of Our Redeemer: Facing the Future with Faith, Hope, and Power (2024)
  • The Spirit of Revelation (2021)
  • One by One (2017)
  • Power to Become (2014)
  • Act in Doctrine (2012)
  • Increase in Learning (2011)

Quotes from Elder Bednar

  • "All of us now are serving and will continue to serve as lifelong missionaries. We are missionaries every day in our families, in our schools, in our places of employment, and in our communities. Regardless of our age, experience, or station in life, we are all missionaries."
"Becoming a Missionary," Ensign, Nov. 2005
  • "Becoming people of integrity and honesty does not occur quickly or all at once, nor is it merely a matter of greater personal discipline. It is a change of disposition, a change of heart. And this gradual change of heart is one that the Lord accomplishes within us, through the power of His Spirit, in a line-upon-line fashion."
"Be Honest," New Era, Oct. 2005
  • "The rapidity with which we respond to prophetic counsel will make all the difference."
Olathe Kansas Stake Conference, May 2006

More on Elder David A. Bednar

See also Tender Mercies of the Lord, a general conference talk by Elder Bednar.

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Jeffrey R. Holland | Dieter F. Uchtdorf | David A. Bednar | Quentin L. Cook | D. Todd Christofferson | Neil L. Andersen | Ronald A. Rasband | Gary E. Stevenson | Dale G. Renlund | Gerrit W. Gong | Ulisses Soares | Patrick Kearon