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This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

About the Church

Today The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has more than 17 million members in over 176 nations and territories worldwide.[1][2] Currently, 202 of its beautiful temples adorn sites in North, South, and Central America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and numerous islands of the sea. As of 5 March 2025, there are also 53 temples under construction, and 112 temples that have been announced (not yet under construction) for a total of 367 Temples. Of the 367 total temples, 185 have been announced by President Russell M. Nelson during his over six years as Church president. The following temples are currently undergoing renovations: Salt Lake Temple, San Diego California Temple, Kona Hawaii Temple, Stockholm Sweden Temple, Manhattan New York Temple, Anchorage Alaska Temple, Orlando Florida Temple, and the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple. President Nelson announced the open house celebration for the Salt Lake Temple, slated for 6 months from April to October 2027.

The relief and humanitarian efforts of the Church have helped bless the lives of millions around the world, regardless of faith, as it follows the example of its Living Head, Jesus Christ. Sadly, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is still greatly misunderstood, and many myths and falsehoods still exist. We hope that this site will provide information to those who visit hoping to gain knowledge about Latter-day Saints (nicknamed "Mormons"), either on a given topic in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ or simply about Latter-day Saints in general. Articles cover topics about such things as basic Latter-day Saint beliefs, Church doctrine, Church history and leadership, temple work, family life, Latter-day Saint literature, controversial topics, Church organizations, and humanitarian efforts.

"Fundamental Premises of Our Faith" given by President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency at Harvard Law School.

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Featured Temple

As the gospel of Jesus Christ spreads throughout the world, temples are constructed and dedicated to make sacred ordinances available to all. A number of Church leaders throughout the years have prophesied about this growth. Here are a few examples:

  • “The Prophet Joseph Smith called on all who held the Priesthood to gather into the little log school house they had there. It was a small house, perhaps 14 feet square. But it held the whole of the Priesthood of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who were then in the town of Kirtland. . . . When we got together the Prophet called upon the Elders of Israel with him to bear testimony of this work. . . . When they got through the Prophet said, ‘Brethren, I have been very much edified and instructed in your testimonies here tonight, but I want to say to you before the Lord, that you know no more concerning the destinies of this Church and kingdom than a babe upon its mother’s lap. You don’t comprehend it.’ I was rather surprised. He said, ‘It is only a little handful of Priesthood you see here tonight, but this Church will fill North and South America—it will fill the world.’” — Wilford Woodruff[3]
  • “There will be hundreds of [temples] built and dedicated to the Lord." — Brigham Young[4]
  • “We don't build temples until the Church is well established in a country. Our predecessors have prophesied that temples will dot the landscape of North and South America, the isles of the Pacific, Europe, and elsewhere. If this redemptive work is to be done on the scale it must be, hundreds of temples will be needed.” — Ezra Taft Benson[5]
  • “In recent months we have traveled far out among the membership of the Church. I have been with many who have very little of this world’s goods. But they have in their hearts a great burning faith concerning this latter-day work. They love the Church. They love the gospel. They love the Lord and want to do His will. They are paying their tithing, modest as it is. They make tremendous sacrifices to visit the temples. They travel for days at a time in cheap buses and on old boats. They save their money and do without to make it all possible. They need nearby temples—small, beautiful, serviceable temples.
“Accordingly, I take this opportunity to announce to the entire Church a program to construct some 30 smaller temples immediately. They will be in Europe, in Asia, in Australia and Fiji, in Mexico and Central and South America and Africa, as well as in the United States and Canada. They will have all the necessary facilities to provide the ordinances of the Lord’s house. This will be a tremendous undertaking. Nothing even approaching it has ever been tried before. These will be in addition to the 17 buildings now going forward. . . . This will make a total of 47 new temples in addition to the 51 now in operation. I think we had better add 2 more to make it an even 100 by the end of this century, being 2,000 years “since the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh” (D&C 20:1). In this program we are moving on a scale the like of which we have never seen before. . . .
“If temple ordinances are an essential part of the restored gospel, and I testify that they are, then we must provide the means by which they can be accomplished. All of our vast family history endeavor is directed to temple work. There is no other purpose for it. The temple ordinances become the crowning blessings the Church has to offer.
“I can only add that when these 30 or 32 are built, there will be more yet to come." — Gordon B. Hinckley[6]

At the beginning of 2025, there are 202 dedicated temples, with 52 more at various stages of construction and 113 additional temples announced for a total of 367 temples worldwide. In his remarks at the October 2024 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson said,

  • “My dear brothers and sisters, do you see what is happening right before our eyes? I pray that we will not miss the majesty of this moment! The Lord is indeed hastening His work.
“Why are we building temples at such an unprecedented pace? Why? Because the Lord has instructed us to do so. The blessings of the temple help to gather Israel on both sides of the veil. These blessings also help to prepare a people who will help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord!
“Brothers and sisters, now is the time for you and for me to prepare for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Now is the time for us to make our discipleship our highest priority. In a world filled with dizzying distractions, how can we do this?
“Regular worship in the temple will help us. In the house of the Lord, we focus on Jesus Christ. We learn of Him. We make covenants to follow Him. We come to know Him. As we keep our temple covenants, we gain greater access to the Lord’s strengthening power. In the temple, we receive protection from the buffetings of the world. We experience the pure love of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father in great abundance! We feel peace and spiritual reassurance, in contrast to the turbulence of the world.
Here is my promise to you: Every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him in the temple. You will feel His mercy. You will find answers to your most vexing questions. You will better comprehend the joy of His gospel.”[7]

6 Maps Showing the Worldwide Locations of the Church’s 350 Temples

Humanitarian Aid Updates

Latter-day Saints Unselfishly Help Their Brothers and Sisters in Need

"Caring for those in need is both a duty and a joyful privilege for followers of Jesus Christ. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we commit to living the two great commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor (see Matthew 22:37–39). As a Church, we are blessed to have the ability, global connections, and resources to follow His admonition. . . . We invite all to join in being 'anxiously engaged in a good cause' as we continue to strengthen one another through service (Doctrine and Covenants 58:27). - First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Light The World

From November through December 2024, the bright red Light The World Giving Machines illuminated 107 cities across 13 countries on five continents, inspiring over 850,000 visitors to donate more than 490,000 items — through local and international nonprofit organizations. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints covers all operating costs. Participating nonprofit organizations received 100 percent of the contributions, helping millions of people in need worldwide.

Some 450 nonprofits participated in this year’s initiative — more than all previous years combined. For the first time, Giving Machines appeared in Asia (Hong Kong) and Africa (Nairobi, Kenya). After five years, they also returned to the United Kingdom.

Since the first Giving Machine was switched on, nearly US$50 million has been donated by children, teens, and adults across the globe — each contributing what they can to “love one another” (John 13:34) as the Savior Jesus Christ commanded. And every donation, large or small, is for someone they’ll never meet but to whom they will always be connected.[8]

We Love God and We Love Our Neighbors

Caring for those in need has been the core mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the beginning. In 1842, the Relief Society was organized with a charge to care for the poor and minister to their needs. In 1936, the Church created the welfare program to help care for members in need and strengthen their ability to become self-reliant. And in 1985, the Church’s global humanitarian outreach was formally initiated.

Latter-day Saints help those in need around the world.

President Russell M. Nelson has taught us that "they who are willing to be called the Lord's people are willing to bear one another’s burdens, . . . to mourn with those that mourn; . . . and [to] comfort those that stand in need of comfort."[9]

Members of the Church have a covenant commitment to live the two great commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor. The Lord has commanded us to "succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees" (Doctrine & Covenants 81:5). As followers of Jesus Christ, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints heed the Savior's call to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and afflicted.

“As His followers, we seek to love God and our neighbors throughout the world,” the First Presidency said. “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is eager to bless others and to help those in need. We are blessed to have the ability, resources, and trusted global connections to carry out this sacred responsibility, which we consider a joyful privilege.”[10]

"And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, O then, how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another" (Mosiah 4:21). King Benjamin in his timely treatise as recorded in the The Book of Mormon also reminds us, "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" (Mosiah 2:17).

Church members seek out those in need and render aid to all of God’s children without regard to religious affiliation, race, or nationality. As they do so, they are reminded of the Lord's admonition when he taught, "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me" (Matthew 25:45; see v. 40).

In 2023, 4,119 humanitarian projects took place in 191 countries and territories — with 6.2 million hours of volunteer work, and $1.36 billion in expenditures.[11]

A total of $1.36 billion was expended to help those in need through:

  • Fast Offering Assistance, which provides temporary financial help to those in need.
  • Bishops' Orders for Goods, including giving food and commodities from bishops’ storehouses and Deseret Industries stores to those in need.
  • Church Operations, including Family Services counseling, employment centers, farms, food-processing and facilities, and Deseret Industries.
  • Humanitarian Projects, including charitable relief in communities across the world.
  • Donated Commodities, including Church-produced goods provided to communities through food banks and other agencies.
  • Donated Clothing, including discounted or free apparel given to Deseret Industries.

To help as many people as possible, the Church has established various humanitarian projects which operate throughout the world. These programs include Latter-day Saint Charities, Helping Hands, and Philanthropies. The Church also maintains the Latter-day Saint Humanitarian Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, which was established in 1991 to "prepare humanitarian supplies for use worldwide and train those desiring to develop employable skills to become self-reliant."

Improving Maternal and Child Health Worldwide

Expanding its global initiative to improve maternal and child health worldwide, the Relief Society general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced in June 2024 a new combined donation of $55.8 million to help in this work.

Through this funding, the Church will collaborate with eight international nonprofit organizations to strengthen health and nutrition programs in 12 high-need countries. The organizations are CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Helen Keller Intl, iDE, Map International, Save the Children, The Hunger Project and Vitamin Angels.

These efforts aim to reach 12 million children under age 5 and 2.7 million expectant and new mothers in Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Zambia.[12]

Uniting to Nourish Children and Mothers

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced in August 2024 that it is giving US$5 million to Edesia Nutrition, a nonprofit organization that makes lifesaving ready-to-use foods (RUFs), such as Plumpy’Nut, that prevent and treat acute malnutrition in children and mothers.

The realities on the ground in many countries paint a grim picture. Three million children die every year from malnutrition. That is one death every 11 seconds. “The fact is that 100 percent of those deaths are preventable,” says Navyn Salem, founder and CEO of Edesia Nutrition. “With the incredible generosity of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we can channel vital resources directly to our PlumpyField partners on the ground. This donation will empower local producers to deliver lifesaving nutrition where it’s needed most, giving children and mothers the chance to not only survive but thrive.”

Edesia is a member of PlumpyField, a network of independent producers of RUFs across the globe. The money from this grant will be used to support these partners, who manufacture locally, in countries and regions where Plumpy’Nut, a lifesaving fortified peanut butter made from milk powder, peanuts, soy, oil, sugar, and vitamins and minerals, and other products are needed most. These locales include Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria and Sudan.[13]

Bolstering a Ghanaian Maternity Operating Room

Church-funded renovations and new equipment for the Maternity Ward at the University of Ghana Hospital, along with Church-donated equipment to the University Service Public Health Unit, was all handed over to the University on 7 November 2024 by Elder Adeyinka A. Ojediran, General Authority Seventy serving as First Counselor of the Africa West Area Presidency.

The University reached out to the Church for help to renovate and refurbish OBGYN services and facilities. In response, the Church funded the creation of a maternity operating theatre, the refurbishing of existing facilities, and the furnishing of new equipment for the delivery suites, the recovery ward, client and staff washrooms, consulting rooms, and nurses stations.

The University Service Public Health Unit also received aid from the Church. The Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Centre, which treats patients with HIV, was also in desperate need of equipment. Despite the progress that has been made in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, children continue to contract the condition. The ART centre currently serves 40 children in Accra living with AIDS/HIV who require routine lab workups, food and nutritional supplements, and other monitoring and treatments that have become challenging to deliver. The Church’s donation of medical and non-medical equipment and supplies enables the ART Centre to render the necessary services and support.[14]

Joining Relief Organizations to Aid California Fire Victims

As part of its ongoing efforts to support those affected by the fires in Southern California, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has already contributed a combined US$1.2 million to help four nonprofit organizations respond to the immediate needs of people in the impacted areas.

“My heart is full of gratitude for the humanitarian organizations the Church is working shoulder to shoulder with to assist those tragically affected by the fires,” said North America West Area President Elder Mark A. Bragg. “Even in the most difficult and darkest of times, there is light and goodness all around us. I see the light of Christ working through these organizations, families, friends, and even complete strangers serving, comforting, and praying for all those in need.”

Those four organizations are the American Red Cross, International Medical Corps, Project HOPE, and Save the Children. The Church has worked with these organizations in the past to provide disaster relief and engage in humanitarian projects. In coordination with the Church’s North America West Area and the local emergency response team, immediate and long-term needs will continue to be assessed so that resources can be provided to best help those affected by these devastating fires.[15]

Volunteers Help After Hurricane Rafael Hits Costa Rica

Following last month’s devastating effects of Hurricane Rafael and Tropical Storm Sara, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated 300 food packages to the National Emergency Commission of Costa Rica (NEC) in November. Hurricane Rafael, a category 3 hurricane, swept through western Cuba Nov. 6, 2024, with winds up to 115 miles per hour and traveled through various Central American countries and Caribbean islands, including flooding and landslides in Costa Rica. Thousands of people were left without a reliable source of food or shelter.

Some 30 members of the Church packaged food packages to be taken to the NEC shelter in Cañas. An additional 26 volunteers also worked through the night, both in the Cañas shelter and in other NEC warehouses, to unload and arrange the packages properly, as well as to attend to other needs related to the emergency. 300 packages of bread were also delivered to the Association Works of the Holy Spirit, which will be responsible for distributing them in other affected areas.

The Church is currently coordinating the delivery of another donation to the NEC for the central Pacific sector of Costa Rica, since the greatest impact was experienced on the Pacific coast of the country.[16]

Supporting Relief Efforts in Spain and the Philippines

In the aftermath of severe floods caused by the recent DANA storm (the acronym used in Spain for Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos — or high-altitude isolated depression) that hit the Valencia region in Spain on October 29, 2024, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has mobilized its members and resources to provide relief to those affected. With homes and communities impacted by flooding, Church leaders and volunteers are working closely with local authorities and organizations to offer immediate assistance and essential supplies.

The Church has set up a control center at the Valencia stake meetinghouse. This hub, in the neighborhood of Quatre Carreres of the city of Valencia, will serve as a distribution and coordination site for relief materials.[17]

In response to the widespread devastation caused by Severe Tropical Storm Kristine (Trami) which struck the northeastern Philippines in late October, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has donated food, water, clothing, temporary shelter, and essential supplies to support recovery efforts and help families rebuild their lives.

To support government relief efforts, the Church's humanitarian and emergency response program provided more than PHP 17.5 million (US$300,000) worth of food and water kits, hygiene supplies, survival kits, and temporary shelter for affected Latter-day Saints and members of other faiths. By November 2, more than 16,100 families had received the above-mentioned relief kits, with additional aid on the way.

Additionally, 31 Latter-day Saint meetinghouses in affected areas opened as temporary shelters, accommodating nearly 1,000 people. Apart from emergency kits, the Church also activated the Bishop's Order System, processing over 500 orders for additional relief goods.[18]

Helping Those Affected by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organizing disaster relief command centers in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas to assist thousands after Hurricane Helene brought widespread damage and flooding across the southeastern United States. The hurricane made landfall late evening on September 26, 2024. It was the strongest hurricane ever to hit the Florida panhandle region and the deadliest to strike the United States since Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana in 2005.

Trucks of water, food, hygiene kits, and other essential supplies are being sent as quickly as possible to the locations of greatest need. The disaster relief crews will be deployed to Alabama eastward across Central Florida, and northward through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

“The task before us is great,” said Elder Quinn Millington, an Area Seventy in the Church’s North America Southeast Area and head of the Area Disaster Response Committee. “We are accustomed to storms in the South, but never have we faced damage this widespread. Yet we have seen the resilience of these communities time and time again as they eagerly come to the aid of their neighbors in need, lifting the hand which hangs down, and comforting those that stand in need of comfort.”

In the coming weeks, thousands of volunteers from the Church will bring hope to these communities as they spend their weekends mucking out flooded homes, clearing debris, removing downed trees, and tarping roofs.[19]

As volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tirelessly aided victims of Hurricane Helene, they received alarming news: another storm, Hurricane Milton, was barreling towards their homes in Tampa, Florida.

Hurricane Milton made landfall on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, near Sarasota, Florida, as a Category 3 storm. With it came flooding from Jacksonville to the Everglades. Widespread power outages affected more than 3 million people. Preliminary reports indicate more than 40 tornadoes throughout central and south Florida.

Relief work for these two storms continues throughout Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. To date, more than 12,000 volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ have donated 170,000 hours to assist with relief efforts at 5,700 homes.[20]

The Church Donates to Support School Meals Program in Haiti

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has contributed $8 million to support the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) home-grown school meals program in Haiti, where half of the population struggles to find enough to eat.

WFP stated Tuesday, September 24, 2024, that the grant from the Church will support its ongoing work with local governments and partners in Haiti’s Artibonite and Centre departments to scale up school meals that use food from local smallholder farmers.

In the 2024–25 school year, it plans to provide school meals to nearly 500,000 students, 70 percent of which will be made entirely with Haitian-grown ingredients purchased from local farmers. “As followers of Jesus Christ, we strive to care for those in need as He would,” said Blaine R. Maxfield, Managing Director of the Church’s Welfare and Self-Reliance Services. “These efforts in Haiti will help ensure that children have access to the nutrition they need to focus on their education, while at the same time strengthening communities by sourcing meals locally.”

The organizations have collaborated for more than a decade, said Barron Segar, World Food Program USA President and CEO. “The Church continues to serve as an essential collaborator, supporting WFP’s global operations during emergencies, while simultaneously stepping up to build community resilience.”[21]

Caring for Those in Need in the Middle East

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement on Monday, November 6, 2023: "In line with its stated aim to provide humanitarian assistance around the world, including areas of conflict, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is collaborating with multiple international relief agencies in Gaza and Israel. The Church is devoting significant financial resources for critical medical and mental health care, among other needs, to help alleviate suffering wherever it is found."[22]

In addition, the Church worked to address the variety of needs throughout the Middle East, including healthcare, employment, and aid for vulnerable populations.

Seventy-eight emergency relief projects took place in 2023. In addition, 53 projects aiding women and children and 25 healthcare projects were implemented in the Middle East.

In the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the Church continued to support the Nursing Midwifery and Development Center. This ambitious joint initiative with local government and community organizations aims to enhance newborn and maternal healthcare in the region by providing training and support for nurses and midwives. This project highlights the crucial role that women play in strengthening their communities.

For more information on the Church's efforts in the Middle East, see the 2023 summary.

The Church’s Self-Reliance and Humanitarian Initiatives

The Church also facilitates self-reliance programs and resources to help individuals find employment, become financially secure, gain educational opportunities, and build emotional strength. These efforts are aided by missionaries and other volunteers, who facilitate self-reliance groups and employment coaching in 144 countries worldwide.

For those who struggle with barriers to employment, development counseling is available through Deseret Industries. This program helps individuals to make goals and to determine a plan to get the education and experience necessary to achieve those goals. As part of the program, participants receive training and real-life work experience in Church-owned thrift stores.

The Church's Family Services organization helps leaders care for individuals with social and emotional challenges by providing resources and consultation. One important focus for Family Services is the Church’s Addiction Recovery Program (ARP), which provides support and a safe place for anyone working to overcome compulsive behavior. The free program is made up of support groups that follow a 12-step approach. The program is built within a gospel-centered framework that connects with the Savior Jesus Christ and recognizes Him as the source of healing. The Addiction Recovery Program is facilitated by ARP volunteers around the world, and anyone—regardless of their religious belief—is welcome to participate. In addition to ARP services, Family Services offers counseling to people in a variety of circumstances. They also conduct family, group, and marriage counseling sessions.

Emergency Response is the part of the Church's humanitarian efforts of which most people are aware. Funds and supplies in this area are used to help victims of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, and hurricanes, as well as other disasters such as wars or political unrest. Supplies in this area are gathered and stored before a crisis so supplies can be sent within hours of an emergency. Volunteers are also on call so they can be reached and organized within a few hours if needed. The Church of Jesus Christ is renowned for its ability to organize its members in various regions of the world to respond to emergencies and facilitate distributing goods immediately after a crisis, often before aid programs such as the Red Cross or the Salvation Army come to assist.

President Russell M. Nelson has said, "It would be impossible to calculate the amount of service that Latter-day Saints render around the globe every day of every year." President M. Russell Ballard, past acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles added, "When we serve together, we realize that our similarities are stronger than our differences." And Sister Sharon Eubank, Director of Latter-day Saint Charities, has said, "Our individual efforts don’t necessarily require money or faraway locations; they do require the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a willing heart to say to the Lord, 'Here am I; send me.'"

You can read the full "Caring for Those in Need 2023 Summary" online.

In September 2022, after hunger increased in the world due to the pandemic, weather catastrophes, disasters, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine disrupting food supplies, the Church donated $32 million to the World Food Programme. [23] The aid will provide food for the following suffering countries: Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen.

In 2023, the World Food Programme reached 1.6 million people across nine countries with life-saving food. This is thanks in part to the US$32 million gift they received last year from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[24]

BYU-I Pathway to Education

Through BYU-Idaho, the Church has initiated its Pathway program to offer higher education to people all over the world. The unique structure of this program not only holds costs way down, but it also offers certificates on the way so that the earning power of the students increases as courses are completed.

Beginning in April 2024, BYU–Idaho and Ensign College, with the support of BYU–Pathway Worldwide, will offer 90–96 credit degrees that will allow students to complete an online bachelor’s degree in three years.

Senior missionary opportunities in the Church include mentoring students all over the world, thus holding educational costs down.

Church Educational System Commissioner Elder Clark G. Gilbert said there are currently more than 1 million students in CES. That includes BYU–Pathway Worldwide’s 70,000 students in over 180 countries. At BYU–Idaho enrollment has more than tripled since 2000. And enrollment in Seminaries and Institutes is higher than demographic growth.

“No matter where you are in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” Elder Gilbert said, “you now have access to an affordable, high-quality, spiritually based education.”

Perpetual Education Fund

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offers education loans through the Perpetual Education Fund (PEF). Originally established by Church President Gordon B. Hinckley in 2001, the Perpetual Education Fund has offered financial support to members of the Church of Jesus Christ seeking to increase their opportunities for employment through education.

To help even more members, additional enhancements to the PEF program have been approved, effective November 7, 2024. These include more options for reducing loan balances and support for education-related expenses. The enhancements also include a broader choice of schools and programs, as well as financial options to make loans more affordable.

Since it was announced, the Perpetual Education Fund has helped some 113,000 members in more than 80 countries. The Perpetual Education Fund is available to Church members ages 18 and older in approved countries. Prospective recipients can learn more about the Perpetual Education Fund at[25]

Current Topics

The following articles discuss African-Americans and the Church of Jesus Christ:
  • The Priesthood for Latter-day Saint Men of Every Race:

The following articles discuss the topic of Religious Freedom:

The following articles discuss the issue of Same-Sex Attraction and Same-Sex Marriage:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints distinguishes between same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior. The Church acknowledges that same-sex attraction is a sensitive issue that requires kindness, compassion and understanding.

  • North Star - A place of community for Latter-day Saints dealing with issues surrounding homosexual attraction who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the values and doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The following articles discuss other topics of interest about the Church of Jesus Christ:

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Featured Individual

Matthew Scott Holland - General Authority Seventy

Matthew Scott Holland - General Authority Seventy

Matthew Scott Holland was born on 7 June 1966, in Provo, Utah. He is the son of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a former president of Brigham Young University (BYU) and a current member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His mother is Patricia Terry Holland. Matthew earned the rank of Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in 1980. In April 1983, at the age of 16, he delivered a message titled "Muddy Feet and White Shirts" at the 153rd annual general conference of the Church.

Matthew was sustained as a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 4 April 2020, at age 53. He previously served as the sixth president of Utah Valley University (UVU) in Orem, Utah, from June 2009 to June 2018, succeeding interim president Elizabeth Hitch. Following the transition from a state college to a university in the summer of 2008, he became the first president of the university.

Prior to joining UVU, Matthew was an associate professor in the political science department at BYU in Provo, Utah. In 1991, upon completion of his undergraduate work at BYU, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, he received the honor of being the valedictorian of BYU'’s political science department. He was also on the board of the National Organization for Marriage, which is a political organization which opposes same-sex marriage.

In 1992 he spent an academic year at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as a Raoul Wallenberg Scholar. He later studied early American political thought at Duke University in Durham, N.C. He received a Master of Arts degree and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in political science from Duke University in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He also received an academic fellowship to study at Princeton University as a James Madison Fellow.

Building on his dissertation, Matthew published Bonds of Affection: Civic Charity and the Making of America with Georgetown University Press in 2007.

As a faculty member at BYU, his emphasis on applied learning concepts led to his selection as the institution's "Civically Engaged Scholar of the Year" by Utah Campus Compact. He is a member of the American Political Science Association and the American Historical Association. He also serves on boards, including the Deseret News Editorial Advisory Board, Utah Technology Council, and the Salt Lake Chamber. In 2011, Matthew received the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award through the Utah National Parks Council of BSA.

On 6 November 2017, Matthew announced that he would leave his position at UVU in June 2018 to serve as a mission president for the Church. He was assigned to serve in the Raleigh North Carolina Mission.

Matthew Scott Holland served as a full-time missionary in the Scotland Edinburgh Mission. In 1996, he married Paige Anita Bateman who is also a Utah Valley native, graduating from Timpview High School in Provo, Utah, before enrolling at BYU. The Hollands are the parents of four children. Matthew is currently serving at Church headquarters as an area assistant to the North America Southeast Area.

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MormonWiki is sponsored by the More Good Foundation. The wiki serves as a tool through which positive LDS content can be developed in a collaborative manner, in order to provide sound and true information about Mormons and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes nicknamed the "Mormon Church"). This website is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but has been mounted by sincere adherents to the LDS Church and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no intent to cover controversial subjects except to explain the stance of Mormonism and the Church of Jesus Christ regarding these subjects. (Read more...)

Call for Writers

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The More Good Foundation is in need of volunteer writers and translators for its websites. If you have excellent writing skills and sound knowledge of LDS Church principles, and you would like to help, contact us at [email protected].

Do you have a passion for blogging and sharing the gospel? Become a volunteer gospel blogger at, where member missionaries show the world how Mormons live. Write a weekly or monthly article for LDSBlogs and we'll handle the rest. Find out more here.

Mormon Testimonies - Understanding Mormonism - Why Mormonism - - Mormon Truth - Joseph Smith - Mormon Church Temples- About Jesus Christ - History of Mormonism - MormonsOlympians - Families Forever - Meet Mormon Missionaries - Mormon Youth - Mormons and Polygamy