Emma Nissen

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Emma Nissen is a rising singer and recording artist.

She pursued a degree in vocal performance and was surprised to feel an impression to serve as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints soon after her arrival at college.

Emma seriously considered her options and felt she would need a perfect window of opportunity in order to be a missionary. So she vowed that if God would open that window for her, she’d seize the opportunity and serve a mission.
To her surprise, her opportunity came when a cyst was discovered on her left vocal cord that would require surgery. It only took Emma a few moments after hearing the news before she realized what a blessing this was—now she could go on a mission while she let her vocal cords heal.
“I was flooded with the Spirit, that it was a confirmation like, Alright, here’s your window,” Emma says. And so she left for a mission in Sweden, where she would discover a spiritual gift for songwriting and create the songs that would become her first two singles.
Prior to her mission, she had not felt drawn to writing music and had, in fact, never written a song. “Nevertheless, she found herself writing song after song every time she received the prompting to find a piano and set gospel messages to music.”

After completing her mission and returning home, she released singles on Spotify and began working with Deseret Book to create an album, Love Like You, which released in August 2024.

Emma is the daughter of writer and voice actor Brian Nissen.