What Depression Is
Depression is dejection, low spirits, or being discouraged or disheartened. Dis is Latin for negation or reversal, so when a person feels depressed, he or she is experiencing a negative condition, one that denies or voids, withdraws or retreats, or takes away from the positive. Little wonder that the person is in a state of loss—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Anyone who has experienced it—and that probably includes every person at one time or another—knows the blackness and “lostness” of those feelings. Considering that Christ's promises give real reason to hope, many LDS believe that depression, however temporary, is giving in to believing Lucifer's lies about ourselves, others, the world, and the true nature of things.
What Depression Isn't
Depression, according to Church leaders, isn't a sign of failure, but the feeling of failure—a self-imposed or Lucifer-inspired opinion that a person has failed. LDS apostle Neal A Maxwell says that “Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage.”
Depression or discouragement may come after the loss of a loved one in death, divorce, or other separation, from God and his ways, for instance. It may come from overwhelming adversity through job loss, economic reversal, ill health, impending death, and feelings of personal failure. It often comes from frustration over wanting something that does not arrive or is delayed in arriving, thereby not exercising patience and submitting to God's will. Or it may come when a person has no external reason to feel it but is due to physical cause. Perhaps most frequently it comes from Lucifer, who delights in tormenting mankind. Marvin J. Ashton, another Church leader, says that “One of Satan's most powerful tools is discouragement. Whisperings of 'you can't do it.' 'you're no good,' 'it's too late,what's the use?' or 'things are hopeless' are tools of destruction.” He also warned that “Satan is ever present, trying to destroy our glory and remove our crown. One of his most powerful tools is discouragement.”
Overcoming Depression
- Since guilty feelings over being depressed cause a person to become more depressed, being kind to himself and understanding his infinite worth to Heavenly Father is crucial. Marvin J. Ashton counseled those suffering from depression to “not doubt your abilities. Do not delay your worthy impressions. With God's help, you cannot fail. He will give you the courage to participate in meaningful change and purposeful living.”
- Latter-day Saints have discovered that prayer and service help them overcome depression. “At the moment of depression, if you will follow a simple program, you will get out of it. Get on your knees and get the help of God, then get up and go find somebody who needs something you can help them with. Then it will be a good day.” LDS who experience depression turn toward prayer to God and service to fellow men and God to pro-actively overcome it.
- Understanding Satan's role may help a depressed person overcome the evil influence. “Satan wants us to feel unequal to our worldly tasks. If we turn to God, He will lead us through our darkest hours.” Ashton counsels to not “let your discouragement make Satan rejoice.” LDS believe that Satan and his followers delight in the unhappiness that they heap on the heads of Christ's disciples, and they do not want to cooperate with nor reward them.
- One of the cures for depression that LDS have found is reading the scriptures. For instance, LDS take Peter as a guide. Lorenzo Snow, an LDS prophet, said “If the Apostle Peter had become discouraged at his manifest failure to maintain the position that he had taken to stand by the Savior under all circumstances, he would have lost all; whereas, by repenting and persevering, he lost nothing but gained all. . . . “ Paul is another great example of not yielding to discouragement because he suffered all manner of physical and other ills yet refused to give into the temptation to feel sorry for himself. Of course, Christ is the best example of all as He constantly reminds men of the hope they have in Him.
- Repenting of sinful behavior will help overcome depression. Sin, LDS believe, is destructive to not only others but to self. No one can engage in wrongful behavior without hurting himself, often manifested in depression.
- Fasting, doing without food and water for a limited period of time, can increase the power of a person's petitions for relief from negative feelings.
- LDS almost always participate in the powerful healing and nurturing ordinances within the temple to strengthen them as they fight depression.
- Whether depression comes from strictly physical reasons or from other reasons, LDS also find that a priesthood blessing will help them fight depression. Physical depression can be healed and, if necessary, Lucifer, his followers, and their influence can be cast out of the person's life.