Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple

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Quetzaltenango Guatemala Mormon Temple
Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple

On 14 March 2009 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple. The intention to build the temple was announced by President Gordon B. Hinckley on 16 December 2006 during his remarks at the groundbreaking ceremony for Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple. This will be the second temple in Guatemala, with the first being the Guatemala City Guatemala Temple. Church members have been willing to travel great distances to attend a temple, and having a temple in closer proximity is a reward of their faith. As of April 2023, four additional temples will serve the Saints in Guatemala.

Quetzaltenango (Xela) is Guatemala's second largest city located 128 miles northwest of Guatemala City—the largest city—in a large valley surrounded by mountains and two volcanoes. The temple will be situated on a hill in the western part of the city. The exact location of the temple is at 9a. Calle 4-03, Zona 9, in front of the Residenciales Los Cerezos 1.

Open House, Youth Celebration, and Dedication

The Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple opened its doors for a public open house prior to its dedication. The formal dedication of the temple took place on Sunday, 11 December 2011, in three sessions presided over by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, then of the First Presidency. The dedicatory sessions were broadcast to congregations of the Church within the temple district.

On the Saturday prior to the dedication, youth performers from area congregations danced, sang, and presented a visual display of local history and culture.

The Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple is the 136th Latter-day Saint temple worldwide.


Latter-day Saint missionary work in Guatemala began in 1947. By 1966 there were 10,000 Latter-day Saints in the country. When the Guatemala City Temple (the country's first temple) was dedicated in 1984, membership had risen to 40,000. By 1998 membership had quadrupled again to 164,000. In 2006, leaders of the Church announced a temple in Quetzaltenango. Today, Guatemala has more than 290,000 Latter-day Saints spread through more than 435 congregations in the country.

Picture Gallery of Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple

Temples in Guatemala

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