Buenos Aires Argentina Temple
The Buenos Aires Argentina Temple is the 39th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Latter-day Saint missionaries, Melvin J. Ballard, Rey L. Pratt, and Rulon S. Wells, arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1925 after thirty-four days of traveling by land and sea. When they arrived, there were only four members of the Church present. On Christmas Day, Elder Ballard dedicated South America for the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Each day, these missionaries would prepare two to five hundred handbills to be distributed to people on the street. For eight months the missionaries walked the streets of Buenos Aires handing out handbills, anxiously hoping to teach people about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. [1] Since that time the membership of the Church of Jesus Christ in Argentina has grown rapidly, with a hallmark being the construction of the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple.
Visitors to Argentina traveling from the airport to downtown Buenos Aires drive right past the beautiful Buenos Aires temple. Although Argentine Latter-day Saints were generally unable to contribute much in the way of finances toward the building of their temple, many contributed in other ways. A group of sisters, for instance, crocheted sixty-four cloths, when all that was asked was seven.
President Thomas S. Monson, then an apostle, presided over the temple dedication on January 17, 1986. In the dedicatory prayer he asked, "May all who enter this, thy house, be privileged to say, as did the psalmist of old, 'We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company'... We pray thou wilt accept of our offering and hallow this house which we have built." [2]
The Buenos Aires Argentina Temple has a total of 11,980 square feet, four ordinance rooms, and three sealing rooms.
[hide]Renovation and Rededication
The Buenos Aires Temple was renovated and the rededication was announced for September 9, 2012. Before the rededication of the temple, an open house was scheduled so that the public could tour the House of God. The open house was held August 4 through 25th, every day but Sundays, and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. During the open house, over 100,000 people took the opportunity to see the interior of the temple.
The temple was formally rededicated on Sunday, 9 September 2012, in three sessions. The rededicatory sessions were broadcast to all stakes and districts in Argentina. A cultural presentation was held on Saturday, 8 September 2012. President Henry B. Eyring, President Monson's first counselor in the First Presidency, presided at each of the three rededication sessions. Two members of the Quorum of the Twelve, Elder M. Russell Ballard and Elder D. Todd Christofferson, also participated, along with Elder William R. Walker of the Seventy and executive director of the Church's temple department.[1]
Renovation of the temple includes two new wings, new art glass throughout, with triple-paned insulated glass incorporating the colors of the Argentine flag. Landscaping and gardens were redesigned and includes a new entry way fountain. New decorative painting and gold leafing reflect patterns taken from historic architecture in Buenos Aires and enhanced decorative wood trim and paneling feature Anigre and Makore hardwoods from Africa.
Another building adjacent to the temple was constructed to house temple leadership.
- "The Kingdom Rolls Forth in South America", Ensign, May 1986, 12
- "The First 100 Temples", Chad Hawkins, 2001, 106.
See also
- Inside Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ
- Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ
- The Temple Endowment
- Latter-day Saint Undergarments
- Latter-day Saint Weddings
External Links
- Official Buenos Aires Argentina Temple page
- Buenos Aires Argentina Temple page
- Buenos Aires Argentina Temple 1986 dedicatory prayer
- Buenos Aires Argentina Temple 2012 dedicatory prayer
- Church News Almanac, "Buenos Aires Argentina Temple"
- What Are Temples?
- Mormon Temples and Secrecy
- Church News, “Inside Church Headquarters: The location, design and construction of Latter-day Saint temples