Columbia River Washington Temple

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Columbia River Washington Temple

The Columbia River Washington Temple is the 107th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Columbia River Washington Temple, located in Richland, Washington, is the third temple in the State of Washington. The first two temples dedicated in the state are located in Seattle (1980) and Spokane (1999). Church membership in Washington grew from 67,000 members in 1970 to nearly 230,000 in 2001. As of 2023, there are well over a quarter million members of the Church living in Washington. Because of the tremendous growth, members of the Church now enjoy the blessings of having six temples within their state, including two being constructed in Tacoma and Vancouver. The Moses Lake Washington Temple was dedicated in 2023.

Before the temple was dedicated it was opened to the public. Nearly 65,000 people visited the temple during the open house period. Visitors were able to see the inside of the temple and learn the purpose of temples. President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008), prophet of the Church at the time, dedicated the Columbia River Washington Temple on 18 November 2001. During the dedicatory prayer President Hinckley prayed, “Thy grateful people have erected this house. It has been visited by many thousands. They have come out of curiosity and have left with appreciation. May their hearts be inclined to Thy work and may there grow within them a desire to learn of Thy revealed truth." [1]

His prayer was answered as many of the visitors after touring the temple asked to hear more about the gospel. Within a few weeks of the open house the Washington Spokane Mission reported, "that more than 20 open house visitors had joined the Church and many more were investigating." [2]

President Hinckley also asked "that Thou wilt smile upon Thy people and their families. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon the faithful who contribute of their time and resources according to Thy will and law. May the whole earth become as Zion as Thy work spreads among the nations." [1]

The Columbia River Washington Temple has a total of 16,880 square feet, two ordinance rooms, and two sealing rooms.



  1. "Dedicatory prayer: 'The offering of our hearts and our hands,'" Church News, 24 November 2001
  2. “News of the Church,” Ensign, February 2002

See also

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