Culiacan Mexico Temple

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On October 3, 2021, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct the Culiacán Mexico Temple.

Culiacán, officially Culiacán Rosales, is a city in northwestern Mexico and has a population of around 850,000 people.[1]

The country is home to 1.5 million Latter-day Saints in more than 1,875 congregations. Missionary work began in Mexico in 1875.[2]


The Culiacán México Temple will be built on an approximately 5-acre site located off of Avenida Milenium in the Colonia Country Tres Rios, between the cross streets of Miguel Tamayo Espinoza de los Monteros and Boulevard José María Figueroa Díaz. Plans call for a one-story temple of approximately 10,000 square feet, with an adjacent patron housing building. It will be the first temple constructed in the state of Sinaloa.

Temples in Mexico

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