Latter-day Saint Youth
Latter-day Saint Youth stand out from the youth of the world and the youth of other churches for the depth of their involvement in church function, the depth of their knowledge and testimony of Jesus Christ, and for their goals and standards. A 2010 article on called "Flunking Sainthood," by Jana Riess, [1] compares American Protestant youth with young U.S. members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The article cites a report in USA Today [2] which shows that youth attendance at Protestant youth group functions is falling radically, now down to 1 in 4. "This all has [Protestant] churches canceling their summer teen camps and youth pastors looking worriedly toward the fall, when school-year youth groups kick in. . . . A decade ago teens were coming to church youth group to play, coming for the entertainment, coming for the pizza. They're not even coming for the pizza anymore. They say, 'We don't see the church as relevant, as meeting our needs or where we need to be today.'"
Two other books from Oxford, Soul Searching and Souls in Transition, reveal that though "American youth profess belief at a high level (in God, the afterlife, and the Bible), their level of religious practice does not typically match what they say they believe."
The article also reviews Kenda Creasy Dean's book, Almost Christian: What the Faith of our Teenagers is Telling the American Church (published also in 2010). Dean says that "teenagers in Protestant churches get the idea that they're supposed to feel good about themselves, but that little is expected of them; Christianity is designed to make them "nice," but it's not supposed to form them as disciples." Dean claims that youth "are being taught a brand of Christianity that is a mile wide and an inch deep."
[hide]Mormon Envy
One of the chapters in Dean's book is called "Mormon Envy." Dean holds up Mormonism as the religion that is doing right by its teenagers. "Mormonism is succeeding in creating young adults who firmly understand what they believe and why their faith needs to have a claim on their behavior. She says that Mormonism is giving teens the four things they need in order to have a growing adult faith."
Those four things as explained by Dean, are...
- Latter-day Saint youth are taught both by church programs and home-based programs their core doctrines, and indeed, all the beliefs of the Church. Seminary teaches doctrine on a daily basis. Students in Utah attend during the school day, and elsewhere youth attend early morning religion classes every school day. These classes go all the way through the scriptures and explain doctrine and lifestyle choices in detail. This learning is reinforced at home through family scripture reading, family prayer, and weekly family home evenings. "Mormon teens are nearly twice as likely (79%) as other teens to pray with their parents at times other than grace for meals."
- Latter-day Saint youth are taught that they need to acquire a sincere and deeply rooted personal testimony that Jesus is the Christ and that the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ are true. Latter-day Saint youth are expected to put their faith into action by serving in the Church. The Church has a lay clergy and members serve in every capacity. Youth are expected to serve, and they began as little children. According to Dean, more than half of Latter-day Saint youth reported giving a talk or presentation in church within the previous six months (compared to one in seven Southern Baptist youths and one in twenty-five Catholics). Forty-eight percent of Latter-day Saint youth reported making a leadership decision that would be binding on a group. These experiences pave the way for other crucial "faith-forming" events, such as serving a full-time mission for the Church. Youth develop skills that help them share their faith, provide service and leadership, understand doctrine, and feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
- Latter-day Saint youth develop a concrete set of religious goals and a "sense of vocation." "Part of the problem that Dean is diagnosing in American Protestantism is that there's nothing teens are working toward, no sense of spiritual growth being a closely monitored goal. Much of that seems to end with confirmation around age twelve or thirteen, which is an invitation to drop out." In Mormonism kids prepare for missions and the temple. Latter-day Saint children begin fasting with the community at age 8 and may stand up and speak about their testimony of Christ from the time they can talk. Children pay tithing and learn the doctrine behind the practice. They participate in service projects and keep track of their service in journals. At that time, boys work toward becoming Eagle Scouts and also work on Duty to God awards. Girls track their participation, development of character, and service as they work toward Young Women of Excellence awards.
- Latter-day Saint youth develop hope for the future, which is absolutely necessary for a deepening of faith. Latter-day Saint teens talk confidently of the purpose of life. They have concrete goals that stretch out into the eternities.
Faith and Life
There are interesting statistics on teen pregnancy and religious conservatism. One study shows that teen pregnancy rates are highest in the most religious conservative states in America. Utah is the one exception. It rates 6th in religious conservatism, but 34th for teen pregnancy. At the time of Dean's book, Latter-day Saints make up about 62 percent of Utah's population. (See Law of Chastity.) Something about concrete religious goals, involvement in service, learning doctrine, developing personal testimony, and support from church and home, help Latter-day Saint teens to lead moral lives. Not only are they striving to live the Law of Chastity, increasingly difficult in today's world, but they also strive to be honest and to live according to the Word of Wisdom, the health laws of the Church.
- Utah has the lowest percentage of youth of any U.S. state who drink alcohol. [3]
In the World But Not of the World
In October 2012, Prophet Thomas S. Monson announced that the qualifying age for young Mormon missionaries would be lowered. For young men, the age was lowered from 19 to 18, and for young women, the age was lowered from 21 to 19. This is the reverse of the trend worldwide for youth to mature and take on adult responsibility later than ever. Missionary work requires extraordinary maturity, with the mastery of a foreign language and culture and rigorous schedule and dedication, combined with leadership responsibilities considered far beyond the ken of youth.
Meanwhile, two studies [4] show that the "Y" generation and the "Millennials" in America are less concerned than ever about environmental or humanitarian issues.
- Jean Twenge (San Diego State) found that “Millennials were less likely to think about social problems, make efforts to conserve natural resources, be interested in or participate in government, voting, contacting their representatives, participate in demonstrations or boycotts or giving money to political causes. The decline in environmental concern and action are markedly steep. Remarkably, three times as many Millennials said they "made no personal effort at all to help the environment" compared to Gen Xers, (15% vs. 5%).”
- Christian Smith (Notre Dame) found that “Based on interviews with hundreds of emerging adults in national samples, . . . these youngest adults possess an ‘extremely low estimation of anyone's ability to make a positive impact on the world. . . . Very few are idealistic activist when it comes to their making a mark on the world.’ Just as few "are bothered by their disconnection and low expectations. The "slacker" descriptor seems to apply to Gen Y as much, if not more, than it does to Gen X."
Contrast the above to the response to President Monson's announcement. Missionary applications rose by 500 percent immediately and have evened off to double the usual applications. Whereas young women had comprised about 14 percent of the former missionary force of around 55,000, new applications showed women submitting around 50 percent. Latter-day Saint missionaries support themselves during missionary service, most by earning money before they go out into the field, or relying on family support. This huge sacrifice in order to give 100 percent of one's time in selfless service is unmatched in all the world.
Latter-day Saint Youth Continue to Shine a Light to the World
In a new Church News video released on December 13, 2024, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the Church’s commissioner of education, Elder Clark G. Gilbert, discuss the increasing numbers of youth and young adults enrolling in the Church’s academic institutions.
- “I think the Lord is working, the Spirit is working in this generation, and they feel it,” Elder Christofferson said.
- The proof given by him and Elder Gilbert comes from the increase in applications and enrollees at each of the schools and institute programs operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- “People will hear a story about someone who stopped going to Church or who is losing their faith,” said Elder Gilbert, a General Authority Seventy. “... In fact, young people are flocking to their faith in our Church at record levels.”[5]
In the video, they acknowledge that some youth and young adults struggle with faith questions and testimony, but they are finding their way back to anchor themselves in the source of happiness: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Youth and young adults keep temples busy. The Church has two temples in Provo, Utah, near Brigham Young University (one under renovation); two temples in Rexburg, Idaho, near Brigham Young University-Idaho (one under construction). A temple is nearing completion near the campus of Snow College in Ephraim, Idaho. With the announcement of a temple in Price, Utah, stake president Daniel Hinckley noted, “We have been praying for this. I’m speechless other than to say how grateful we are. The Lord has heard our prayers. We are just so blessed.” The stake president added that members of a young single adult stake, including students at Utah State University–Eastern, have been fasting and praying for a temple.
New temples are often being constructed with two baptistries. Youth have limited-use temple recommends as young as 11 years old.
The "Mormon Moment"
During the 2012 presidential campaign, a "Mormon Moment" developed, with intense interest in the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints in general. Even after Latter-day Saint Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, lost the election, interest continued. Every summer Latter-day Saint teenaged girls enjoy the experience of a week-long camp-out, sponsored by the Church. One summer, a young women's leader decided to make a video of the boys singing to the girls about how beautiful they are. Other congregations caught the bug, and these videos went viral on YouTube. Here is one:
- See also