Lone Mountain Nevada Temple

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Lone Mountain Nevada Temple rendering

During the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on October 2, 2022, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct a second temple in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.

Lone Mountain is on the northwest side of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. There are about 182,000 Latter-day Saints in more than 340 wards and branches in Nevada. The Lone Mountain Nevada Temple will be the state’s fourth temple. The Las Vegas Nevada Temple was dedicated in 1989, and is located about 17 miles east of the Lone Mountain temple.[1] The Reno Nevada Temple was dedicated in 2000. Ground was broken for the Elko Nevada Temple in 2022 and is estimated to be completed in late 2024 to early 2025.

Shortly after Latter-day Saint pioneers arrived in the Western United States in the 1840s, they established a trading post near Carson City (now the state’s capital).[2] In 1855, 30 men were called to establish a mission at the Meadows in southern Nevada. A prosperous silver mine was discovered and cultivated there. Several other colonies prospered in Nevada from 1865 to the 1890s.


The Lone Mountain Nevada Temple is currently in the planning stages. The location was announced on December 12, 2022. It will be built on a 19.8-acre site located southwest of Hickam Avenue between North Grand Canyon Drive and Tee Pee Lane in Las Vegas, Nevada. After some opposition from local residents, the Las Vegas City Council approved the Church's plans, which call for a three-story temple of approximately 70,000 square feet and height of 196 feet. The council also approved a meetinghouse of 15,982 square feet on the temple site, as well as a 1,690-square-foot grounds building.

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