Paris France Temple
The Paris France Temple is the first temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be completed in France. In the past the French Saints attended temples in Frankfurt, Germany; The Hague, Netherlands; and Bern, Switzerland.
The news was first broken by the French press in July 2011 while government approvals were still pending. Church President, Thomas S. Monson announced the Church's intention of building a temple on the outskirts of Paris in July 2011 and then confirmed it during the October 2012 Semiannual General Conference worldwide broadcast. The temple grounds are located in Le Chesnay, France, in Paris’ western suburbs.
There are currently about 39,000 members of the Church in more than 100 congregations in France. Missionaries are serving in two missions in the country.
Latter-day Saint missionary work in France began shortly after the Church’s organization. The apostle John Taylor, who later served as the prophet of the Church, began a lengthy European proselyting mission in 1849. France’s first six Latter-day Saints organized the country’s first congregation in April of 1850 in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Just over three years later, there were nine small congregations in France, totaling 337 church members. Many of France’s first members (289 of that 337) were from the Channel Islands.
The growth of the Church of Jesus Christ continued at a slow pace until World War II ended. The Church’s contributions to European reconstruction after the war sparked interest from outsiders. Missionaries resumed the work in France and the Church’s growth rate increased. In 1955, the renown Mormon Tabernacle Choir stopped to perform at the Parisian Palas de Chaillot during its historic European tour, at which time the country’s membership was roughly 1,500. The first meetinghouse for church members was finished and dedicated in 1962.
Past Church President Gordon B. Hinckley visited France in 1998, prophesying that someday French members would enjoy a temple of their own. During a return visit in 2004, he asked members to exercise patience and faith. Now these members, who come from all walks of life, enjoy the exciting fulfillment of that promise.
[hide]- 1 Versailles Open House Answers Questions
- 2 A Picturesque View of the Paris France Temple
- 3 Dignitaries Attend Reception and Tour Paris France Temple
- 4 First Official Look Inside the Paris France Temple
- 5 Public Open House
- 6 Latter-day Saint Youth Celebrate History and Culture of France
- 7 The Paris France Temple Is Dedicated
- 8 External Links
- 9 Videos of the Paris France Temple
- 10 Le Livre de Mormon : Un Témoignage de Jésus-Christ
Versailles Open House Answers Questions
In France, Le Parisien reported that the final hurdles were cleared for the construction of the Paris France Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Le Parisien reported on 9 November 2011, "It's now a done deal. The city council has just given its green light by validating the building permit filed by La Foncie des Régions on behalf of the Mormon Church."
In February 2012, Voice of America reported controversy regarding the building of the Paris France Temple. France is traditionally a Catholic country, but as in many countries in Western Europe, few attend church. As a secularized country, France is wary of any religion, especially a religion as demanding of its followers as the Church of Jesus Christ. The fact that only worthy Latter-day Saints can attend the temple also concerned some French people. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints assured the French people that it is not extremist in any way, and that the gardens (open to the public) will be a blessing to local residents. There is always an open house staged before a Latter-day Saint temple is dedicated for worship, and many Latter-day Saint temples offer holiday programs for the public.
In March 2012, local authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sponsored an open house at the Versailles meetinghouse to give neighbors an opportunity to ask questions about the Church, Latter-day Saint beliefs, and temples, plus specific questions regarding the future Paris France Temple. At the open house, Church members also shared the history of the Church in France.
While only 124 people attended the open house, most of them were local leaders or journalists, who could publicize the event, thus spreading the information they received there. The open house was highly publicized, with announcements in local newspapers and posters in many local buildings such as cafes and bookstores. The mayor of Versailles pointed out that the relatively small attendance was a good sign. If people were vehemently opposed to the project, they would have attended to take a side in whatever controversy might be addressed. M. Gerard, who was in charge of arranging parking over the two-day affair, noted the change in attitude of those in attendance, who arrived looking dour and left smiling and in a genial mood.
TV, radio, and journalism representatives were all present and interviewed both Church leaders and visitors. All of their major reports were quite positive.
In addition to the Mayor of Versailles, Mr. Philippe Brillault (the Mayor of Le Chesnay) attended with a group of 12 people, who included city councilors and representatives of city administration. Their tour consisted of visiting the family history center and watching a short video about temples. Mr. Brillault expressed his feelings about his experience, "This open house enabled me and the people who accompanied me, to provide answers to questions I asked myself and those subsequent to the petition. The model was essential to understanding urban planning. The team that received us was warm, respectful and accurate in all responses. The human[ity] remains the strongest in respect of each.”
Twenty percent of the visitors commented in the guest book, and all comments were positive.
The Paris France Temple is one of only two temples where a traditional groundbreaking ceremony was not held. (The other is the Tokyo Japan Temple.)
A Picturesque View of the Paris France Temple
Images of the Paris France Temple from
Dignitaries Attend Reception and Tour Paris France Temple
On Thursday, 6 April 2017, dignitaries attended a reception and toured the newly completed Paris France Temple located just outside of Paris in Le Chesnay, France, which per the Deseret News is "a small city that borders Versailles on a site along Boulevard Saint-Antoine, within walking distance of the beautiful gardens of the Château de Versailles." The words that hold deep spiritual meaning to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Sainteté au Seigneur, La Maison Du Seigneur" — "Holiness to the Lord, The House of the Lord" were visible above the entrance as the guests entered the sacred edifice. Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Bishop Gérald Caussé of the Presiding Bishopric, and former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave remarks in French to the dignitaries attending. Each of their wives was also in attendance. Per the Deseret News, "The Caussés raised their family nearby and were longtime church leaders in France before Bishop Caussé's current assignment, and both Elder Andersen and Mitt Romney served as missionaries to France, with Elder Andersen also serving three years as a mission president in Bordeaux."
Nearly 19 years after President Gordon B. Hinckley had told the faithful Saints in France, "The time has come when you deserve to have a temple among you, and we'll look for a place to build one," Philippe Brillault, Mayor of Le Chesnay, greeted a crowd of 100 government, church and business leaders to welcome Latter-day Saints and their new temple to France. In French, he remarked, "Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir. Nous vous respecterons à mesure que vous nous respectez, et nous vivrons en harmonie." - "We are happy to welcome you. We will respect you as you respect us, and we will live in harmony."
During his remarks, Elder Neil L. Andersen referenced "The Little Prince," by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and quoted a portion in French:
- "Et maintenant, voici mon secret, un secret très simple: ce n'est qu'avec le cœur qu'on peut voir à juste titre; ce qui est essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
- "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
He further commented, "The temple is considered the House of God and while physically beautiful, constructed by skilled craftsmen with the finest materials, it is what is invisible — "His Spirit and influence" — that is so beautiful to those who come here."
During his remarks, Mitt Romney stated, "Aujourd'hui, nous vivons dans un monde divisé. Ceux de différentes confessions peuvent se réunir. Il est bon d'avoir un endroit où nous sommes tous des enfants de Dieu." - "Today we live in a divided world. Those of different faiths can come together. It's good to have a place where we are all children of God."
First Official Look Inside the Paris France Temple
The pictures in this gallery were obtained from LDS All images are courtesy of Mormon Newsroom. A panoramic virtual tour of the Paris France Temple has been released. The virtual tour includes videos showing the interior of the temple, and what members of the Church believe about Jesus Christ and eternal families.
Public Open House
The free public open house for the Paris France Temple began on Saturday, 22 April 2017 and ended on Saturday, 13 May 2017. There was not an open house on Sunday, 23 and 30 April and 7 May.
During a three-week open house, more than 47,500 people visited and toured the temple, including clergy, community leaders and residents living near the temple, as well as members of the Church.
Elder Matthieu Bennasar, an Area Seventy in the Church’s Europe Area and chairman of the local temple committee, said French speaking Church leaders and members “witnessed many miracles” during the open house.
“The numerous Church volunteers became tireless ambassadors of the good name of the Church, working endless hours to make the experience enjoyable for everyone,” said Elder Bennasar. “And all along, the hoped-for miracles came: many were ‘fascinated by the experience’ or ‘seized by something [they] had never felt,’ while a few even reported seeing through the veil as they saw deceased ancestors and loved ones while pondering in the celestial room.”[1]
Latter-day Saint Youth Celebrate History and Culture of France
A cultural celebration titled "Que Votre Lumiere Luise Ainsi Devant Les Hommes," or "Let Your Light So Shine Before Men" (Matthew 5:16) was held on Saturday, 20 May 2017. The celebration featured music and dance performances by 950 Latter-day Saint youth from 13 stakes in France, Belgium, and Switzerland gathered at the Velodrome National - a stadium which accommodates bike races - de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvellines. The program opened with a reenactment of the famous Tour de France bike competition. In a fun twist, Latter-day Saint missionaries won the race.
Cultural celebration director, Christian Euvrard, said, "light — the light that happened centuries ago when Christianity arrived in France — is the common theme that runs through the celebration. The light grew and found roots in the Reformation and then in the Restoration." He continued, "The Paris France Temple is the result of the faith — all the light — throughout the centuries. Once light starts, little by little it becomes greater and greater."
President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, told the youth, "I hope you will have a wonderful time. I know that all who watch the performance will share in your happiness and be blessed by your talents. The Lord will bless all who have performed tonight and all who have trained and encouraged them. May we enjoy and long remember this celebration."
Anais Elumba, 14, of the Lyon France Stake, said she participated in the event to celebrate the new temple. "I want to say thanks to my God because He has built a temple in France," she said. "It is beautiful. The temple is the house of God. I want to celebrate." Konrad Harris, 16, said he also wants to celebrate the new temple in France. The temple in France is proof that the gospel will continue to grow in the country, said Clementine Elumba, 14. Serge Pettitt, 14, said he participated in the cultural event to show the joy he has for the temple.
The Paris France Temple Is Dedicated
The temple was dedicated on Sunday, 21 May 2017, in three sessions - 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 3:00 p.m. - and broadcast to meetinghouses in France and French-speaking units in the Europe area. The three-hour block of meetings was canceled so that members could attend. President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presided and offered the dedicatory prayer.
Prior to the dedication, President Eyring conducted the symbolic cornerstone ceremony that signifies the construction is complete and the new temple is ready for dedication.
Joining President Eyring were Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Elder Larry Y. Wilson, executive director of the Temple Department; Elder Paul V. Johnson, president of the Church’s Europe Area; and Presiding Bishop of the Church, Gérald Caussé.
During his remarks, President Eyring said, "Dedications are a great opportunity for youth to have their faith increased in the blessings that come from a temple. These celebrations, they feature the young people because we’re hoping that it will set their hearts towards the day that they can come to the temple themselves."
Many of the 38,000 members of the Church in France are second-, third- and fourth-generation Latter-day Saints. The first missionary to France arrived in 1849, and a small congregation was organized in 1850. Missionaries are now serving in two missions in the country. The Paris France Temple is the first temple in France and the 156th temple in the world.
External Links
- Official Paris France Temple page
- Paris France Temple page
- Paris France Temple dedicatory prayer
- Why the Paris France Temple Does Not Have an Angel Moroni
- Visites guidées du temple de Paris ouvertes au public
- How a bishop, a mayor, and a CFO/publicist helped make the Paris LDS Temple a reality
- Paris France Temple: What We Do for Love
- In Secular France, What Did the Media Think of the Paris Temple?
- The Woman Who Held the Paris Branch Together During World War II
- President Eyring tells French youth during Paris temple celebration: 'Que la fête commence'
- Paris France Temple dedication is 'very tender thing' for President Eyring, other leaders
- President Eyring dedicates Paris France Temple in 'royal location'
Videos of the Paris France Temple
Le Livre de Mormon : Un Témoignage de Jésus-Christ