“All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” (Isaiah 54:13; 3 Nephi 22:13)
- —The Primary theme
[hide]Purposes of Primary
The purposes of Primary are to help children:
- Feel Heavenly Father's love and learn about His plan of happiness.
- Learn about Jesus Christ and His role in Heavenly Father's plan.
- Learn and live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Feel, recognize, and act on the influence of the Holy Ghost.
- Prepare for, make, and keep sacred covenants.
- Participate in the work of salvation and exaltation
Parents have the first responsibility to teach their children the gospel and help them live it (see D&C 68:25–28). The bishopric, Primary leaders, and Primary teachers support but do not replace parents in this responsibility. Leaders are sensitive to children who lack family support for gospel living.
“The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith.” —President Russell M. Nelson
The Primary program started in 1878 when a member of the Church, Aurelia Spencer Rogers, thought it would be good for the boys in the Church to have their own organization. The purpose was to teach them to be better men. The idea was taken to the President of the Church at the time, John Taylor and he thought an organization would not only be good for boys, but also for the girls in the Church. Just a short time later, the first Primary met. It included 224 boys and girls who were taught obedience, faith in God, prayer, punctuality, and good manners. Today, Primary is an essential part of the Church around the world.
The Primary Organization
Callings within each ward (congregation) are issued for Primary leadership. A Primary president is called, and through inspiration, she suggests two counselors to the bishopric. Other ward Primary leaders may include a secretary, teachers for the various age groups, and music specialists. Primary leaders are also called on the Stake level to direct and oversee a group of wards. Again, there will be a stake Primary president and two counselors. Women are mostly called to Primary presidencies. There is a general Primary presidency that oversees all the Primary organizations in the Church.
Sunday Primary Meetings
Sunday Primary Meetings changed in January 2019. Prior to this date, children, teachers, and leaders attended a two-hour block filled with an opening meeting, singing time, sharing time, and class time. With the Church-wide change to focus on home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning, the meetings were reduced into a 50-minute meeting that consists of opening prayer, scripture or Article of Faith, one talk, 20 minutes of singing time, and 20 minutes of class time. Closing prayer is offered in individual classes. All classes are taught from the Come, Follow Me—For Primary manual. The Primary meets each Sunday. Children ages 18 months to 3 years remain in the Nursery class for 50-minutes.
Teachers are encouraged to keep the lesson focused on what is suggested in the manual, and to teach by the spirit and be aware of the children’s needs. Church curriculum is created for the entire Church, so the same manuals are used all over the world, and according to the same general schedule.
Changes for Youth Progression and Ordination
The First Presidency announced a new time line for when children and youth complete Primary, move from one class or quorum to the next, and attend the temple for the first time. The changes went into effect in January 2019.
- Children generally advance from Primary into Young Women or the deacons quorum in January of the year they turn 12.
- In addition, young men will be eligible to be ordained to a priesthood office in January of the year they turn 12, 14, and 16, and youth will be eligible to obtain a limited-use temple recommend beginning in January of the year they turn 12—based on their “individual worthiness, readiness, and personal circumstances.”[1]
Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation
The annual children’s sacrament meeting presentation is held during the last few months of the year. The children present what they have learned at home and at church during the year. They help the congregation focus on Heavenly Father, the Savior, and Their teachings.
Primary Activities
Beginning in January of the year they turn 8, children may begin attending Primary activities. They are held at times other than Sundays or Monday evenings. The activities or service are intended to build testimonies, strengthen families, and provide opportunities to bless others. The activities and service are balanced among four areas of personal growth: spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual.
- Visit Primary on the Church's official website, which was the source for this article
- For music used in the Primary, click here