Talk:Boyd K. Packer

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Excellent additions, Hakawati! Gboyd 15:26, 18 April 2008 (UTC)

Thank you. I read in Elder Packer's biography that he hadn't kept a formal journal over the years, but that he had recorded significant events from his life in his sermons. I'm in the process of harvesting those stories and will keep adding them to the list. I'm planning on working through the conference talks on first, and then I'll start working on the other sermons recorded at

Ultimately, I think it would be great to incorporate those stories directly into the article itself and simply cite the talk. --Hakawati 18:05, 18 April 2008 (UTC)

Wish we could do this for all these great men. Just watch the length of the article. Too long, and no one will read it. Gboyd 20:07, 18 April 2008 (UTC)

I think expanding the coverage to other church leaders would be a worthwhile goal, one step at a time. Do you have any guidelines for the optimal length of these articles? --Hakawati 20:30, 18 April 2008 (UTC)

Ideas for organizing stories section?

As the stories list grows, it's getting a bit unwieldy. Does anyone have suggestions on organizing the material?

These are really good questions for Karen Merkley and Richard Miller. Email them at the following addresses--, Gboyd 00:41, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

I think the links to these stories would be a great resource for people preparing talks for sacrament meeting, etc. As well, for investigators wishing to see the human side of the Church and its leaders. I love the story presented in the body of the L. Tom Perry article and have already used it in a talk. Gboyd 01:39, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

Project Management

General Conference Sessions Reviewed (April 1997 - April 2008)

A google search on "Boyd K. Packer" today indicates this article page is 11th (first hit on second page) of search results. --Hakawati 11:18, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

Great job! Now quit school, work, social life, etc., and do this for every general authority:) Gboyd 14:09, 5 May 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the encouragement. What I love about this wiki is that I can come here when I have a few minutes, make an incremental improvement, and get back to the rest of my life. As long as Google's not matching my IP address, it looks like this article made it to the first page of the search results list (result # 10 for a search on boyd packer). One step at a time. --Hakawati 02:08, 16 May 2008 (UTC)