Antananarivo Madagascar Temple
The Antananarivo Madagascar Temple was among those announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the closing session of the October 2021 General Conference. When it is completed, it will be the first temple in Madagascar. Twenty-eight temples are operating, under construction, or announced on the African continent.
The Republic of Madagascar is an island country off the southeastern coast of Africa and the fourth largest island in the world, and the capital of Antananarivo is home to more than 1.4 million people. The Church has been established in Madagascar since 1993. Total Church membership as of 2023 is over 15,000, with four stakes, over forty congregations, one mission.[1]
The first member in Madagascar was Razanapanala Rameandricso, who was baptized in Bordeaux, France, in 1986. He returned to Madagascar in 1989 and began teaching the gospel to a small group of people in his home. He contacted President Girard Giraud-Carrier of the Mascarene Islands Mission, who visited near the end of 1990. The first five converts were baptized during this visit.[2]
The Antananarivo Madagascar Temple will be built on a 9.8-acre site located at Fokontany Andranoro, Ambohibao, Antehiroka, Andranomena, Madagascar. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 10,000 square feet, with patron housing and arrival facilities. This temple will be the first in the country.
Groundbreaking Held
The groundbreaking services for the Antananarivo Madagascar Temple was held on Saturday, March 15, 2025. Elder Denelson Silva, First Counselor in the Africa South Area Presidency, presided.
In the dedicatory prayer spoken in Malagasy, Elder Silva remarked that the building of the new temple is the result of the devotion of the Madagascar Saints.
“Father, many of Thy children in this land have dreamed of this day,” he prayed. “They worked hard, they prayed and expressed their love for Thee by striving to keep the commandments and to live in accordance with the covenants that they have made when they join Thy Church and kingdom on earth.”
After asking for a blessing on the future builders of the temple, Elder Silva asked, “that not only the workforce, but the neighborhood, this city, this country and all the other cities that will be part of the district of the future Antananarivo Madagascar Temple can also feel that Thy future house will bring more peace, more hope and bring more faith in their lives.”
External Links
- Official Antananarivo Madagascar Temple page
- Antananarivo Madagascar Temple
- Temples—The Church News Almanac
- What Is the Purpose of the Temple
Temples in Africa
- Aba Nigeria Temple
- Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple
- Abuja Nigeria Temple
- Accra Ghana Temple
- Antananarivo Madagascar Temple
- Beira Mozambique Temple
- Benin City Nigeria Temple
- Brazzaville Republic of the Congo Temple
- Calabar Nigeria Temple
- Cape Coast Ghana Temple
- Cape Town South Africa Temple
- Durban South Africa Temple
- Eket Nigeria Temple
- Freetown Sierra Leone Temple
- Harare Zimbabwe Temple
- Johannesburg South Africa Temple
- Kampala Uganda Temple
- Kananga Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Kumasi Ghana Temple
- Lagos Nigeria Temple
- Luanda Angola Temple
- Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Maputo Mozambique Temple
- Mbuji-Mayi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
- Monrovia Liberia Temple
- Nairobi Kenya Temple
- Praia Cape Verde Temple