Cape Town South Africa Temple

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Cape Town South Africa Temple rendering. ©2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

During the 191st Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which was held in April 2021, President Russell M. Nelson announced that a temple will be constructed in Cape Town South Africa.

There are approximately 71,000 Latter-day Saints who worship in nearly 195 congregations in South Africa. Cape Town is located on the shore of Table Bay. The first missionaries arrived in South Africa in 1853, and the first meetinghouse was built in Mowbray in 1916.

The Cape Town South Africa Temple will be South Africa’s third temple. The other two temples are the Johannesburg South Africa Temple (1985) and the Durban South Africa Temple (2020).

On 7 December 2021, the official exterior rendering of the Cape Town South Africa Temple was released and the location of the temple was announced. The temple will be located at 3 Liesbeek Road, Observation, in Cape Town. It will be a single-story, 9,500 square-foot temple built on a 3.79-acre site. A meetinghouse and an arrival center will also be constructed on site.

Temples in Africa

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