Phoenix Arizona Temple

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Phoenix Arizona Temple
Phoenix Arizona Temple

On 24 May 2008 President Thomas S. Monson announced [1] that there would be a new temple built in Arizona. The Phoenix Arizona Temple would be built in the city of Phoenix, northwest of the Mesa Arizona Temple (1927) and Gilbert, Arizona, announced only a month earlier in April 2008 (dedicated in March 2014). The Phoenix Arizona Temple was dedicated in November 2014.

Some have reported that it would be at 5212 W. Pinnacle Peak Road, Phoenix AZ. Growth in this area created a need for the I-17 freeway to expand to eight lanes, and prompted talk of another freeway to parallel that north of the Loop 101. The Church, therefore, saw the need for a third temple for members of the Church in the Phoenix metro area.

In late summer 2010, the Church announced redesign plans for the temple. The new design lowered the building by 6 feet, making the temple 30 feet high instead of the proposed 40-foot building. Neighbors complained that the building would block their view of the mountains.

Groundbreaking and Open House

Ground was broken for the Phoenix Arizona Temple on 4 June 2011. Elder Ronald A. Rasband, then of the Presidency of the Seventy, presided at the ceremony and commented that the new building would be a “beautiful and magnificent temple” that will bless both members of the Church and the Phoenix community. The newly constructed temple is located on a little over five acres of land which is adjacent to an existing meetinghouse. It is physically located at the intersection of Pinnacle Peak Road and 51st Avenue. It is a single-story building and has a footprint of 27,423 square feet with a full basement and a 90-foot spire.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held an open house for public tours beginning on Friday, 10 October 2014 through Saturday, 1 November 2014 with the exceptions of Sundays.

Picture Gallery of Phoenix Arizona Temple

Cultural Celebration - "Be A Light"

On Saturday, 15 November 2014, thousands of Latter-day Saint youth, ages 12 to 18, participated in the Phoenix Arizona Youth Cultural Celebration titled “Be a Light,” with President Thomas S. Monson presiding. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf addressed the youth and commented, “You are indeed choice. You are children of the light.” Orville Carnahan, 18, the narrator of the production, commented, “The youths went away wanting to be our best, to always show the true light of Christ in ourselves.”

According to the 16 November 2014 Deseret News article:

The celebration featured the local culture of the area, where a city was first built by the Hohokam Indians in A.D. 1. Because the Hohokams constructed irrigation canals from the Salt and Gila Rivers, the youths paid tribute to “the ancient inhabitants that brought life-giving water to the dry desert.”
They also celebrated, through music and dance, the pioneer Honeymoon Trail; Arizona’s five C’s — copper, cotton, cattle, citrus, and climate; and air conditioning. In addition, the teens paid tribute to those who have served in the military and to the “culture of service” shared by modern-day Latter-day Saints. The celebration ended as missionaries from the Phoenix Arizona Mission marched around the football field carrying the flags of many nations.

Phoenix Arizona Temple Dedication

On Sunday morning, 16 November 2014, President Thomas S. Monson dedicated the Phoenix Arizona Temple, which is the fifth temple in Arizona, and the 144th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The newly dedicated sacred edifice will serve 60,000 Latter-day Saints from 16 stakes. Prior to dedicating the temple, President Monson greeted church members and participated in the cornerstone ceremony by placing mortar in the temple’s cornerstone. Also present were President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and other General Authorities of the Church, as well as the new temple presidency. According to the Deseret News article, Elder Kent F. Richards of the Seventy and executive director of the Church’s temple department commented, “The cornerstone contains a history of the temple’s construction and other significant items. It brings to mind the Savior being the chief cornerstone.”

Now that the temple has been dedicated, only faithful Latter-day Saints who hold current temple recommends are permitted to enter to perform sacred ordinance work. The temple opened on Tuesday, 18 November 2014.


External Links

Temples in Arizona