Mesa Arizona Temple
The Mesa Arizona Temple is the seventh operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The 113,916 square foot temple is located at 101 South LeSueur, Mesa, Arizona on 20 acres just east of the original Mesa Townsite which was settled by Mormon pioneers. There are four ordinance rooms and six sealing rooms in the temple. A public visitors' center shares the meticulously manicured grounds of the temple, which feature a cactus garden and large reflection pools.
[hide]- 1 Brief History, Groundbreaking Ceremony, and Temple Dedication
- 2 Mesa Arizona Temple Facts
- 3 Temple Renovation, 1974–1975
- 4 Mesa Arizona Temple Visitors' Center
- 5 Light Display and Nativity Scene Remind Visitors of True Meaning of Christmas
- 6 Mesa Arizona Temple at Sunset
- 7 Mesa Arizona Temple Closed for Second Renovation in 2018
- 8 Renderings from inside the Mesa Arizona Temple
- 9 Open House, Youth Devotional, Prior to Rededication of the Mesa Arizona Temple
- 10 The Mesa Arizona Temple Is Rededicated
- 11 Videos of the Mesa Arizona Temple
- 12 External Links
- 13 Temples in Arizona
Brief History, Groundbreaking Ceremony, and Temple Dedication
Numerous colonies were set up in Arizona by the Latter-day Saints, then called Mormons, during the last half of the nineteenth century. Plans were being discussed for a temple in the area as early as 1908; however, the start of World War I stopped plans for a while. The Mesa Arizona Temple was finally announced on 3 October 1919. A 20-acre site was selected and purchased in 1921, and the site was dedicated shortly thereafter on 28 November 1921 by then–President of the Church, Heber J. Grant. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on 25 April 1922 with President Grant presiding.
Instead of a formal open house, tours were offered during the last two years of construction of the Mesa Arizona Temple to any interested visitors. Approximately 200,000 people were able to tour and see the inside of the beautiful edifice. The temple was officially dedicated on 23 October 1927 by President Grant. Baptisms for the dead were performed the afternoon following the dedication, and the next morning, endowments and sealings were being performed.
Mesa Arizona Temple Facts
The Mesa Arizona Temple, originally named the Arizona Temple, was the first temple built in Arizona. The architects chosen to construct the temple had recently designed the Utah Capitol Building. The temple was designed around a grand staircase that leads to the celestial room, occupying the highest level of the temple. The Mesa Arizona Temple is one of four temples built with no towers or spires (the others are the Laie Hawaii Temple, the Cardston Alberta Temple, and the Paris France Temple.) Carved friezes decorate each corner of the top of the temple, depicting the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy that the Lord would gather His people in the last days from the four corners of the earth. For many years, the Mesa Arizona Temple was known as the "Lamanite Temple" ("Lamanite" being a term that Latter-day Saints use in reference to the native people of America), as it was the destination of annual temple excursions for Hispanic and Native American members of the Church, in particular Mexican Saints. There is also a mural in the temple that helped it get this nickname. The mural depicts Joseph Smith teaching the Lamanites. On the outside walls are depictions of the gathering of God’s people in the Old and New World and on the Pacific Islands. The temple design is similar to ancient buildings found in the Southern U.S. and South America. It was also designed to look similar to the descriptions given in the Bible of Solomon’s Temple.
Before the temple was constructed, Latter-day Saints living in Arizona attended the St. George Utah Temple to perform temple ordinances. Because of the numerous bridal parties that traveled the wagon road between St. George and Arizona, the well-trod path became known as the Honeymoon Trail.
The Mesa Arizona Temple was the first temple to present the endowment in a language other than English. The first non-English endowment session was presented in Spanish in 1945.
Temple Renovation, 1974–1975
The temple was closed in February 1974 for extensive remodeling that equipped the ordinance rooms for motion-picture presentation of the endowment and that added a new entrance and an additional 17,000 square feet, providing much larger dressing rooms and increasing the number of sealing rooms. After the renovations were complete, it was reopened and the general public was allowed to take tours. This was the first time public tours were given after a remodeling of the temple. The temple was rededicated by President Spencer W. Kimball on April 15, 1975.
Mesa Arizona Temple Visitors' Center
The general public can go to the visitors' center, which is just north of the temple. In the visitors' center people can enjoy murals, videos, displays, and other activities. The public is also welcome to walk on the temple grounds and enjoy the well-kept gardens. At Easter a free outdoor pageant is presented on the grounds near the visitors' center. The pageant is called "Jesus the Christ" and celebrates Christ’s birth, teachings, atonement, and resurrection. During the Christmas season there is a light display and a nativity scene.
Light Display and Nativity Scene Remind Visitors of True Meaning of Christmas
When the Christmas season approaches, the magnificent light display at the Mesa Arizona Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints beckons visitors. It is one of the largest displays of Christmas lights in the state. Each year the display attracts over a million visitors to the beautiful and serene temple gardens. The Mesa Arizona Temple is one of 10 temples around the world that invites the public to walk its grounds to view Christmas lights.
Some features to the light display include a life-size sculpture of the Nativity that appears to float in a reflection pool, and stands that have interactive QR codes linking to videos about the eight scenes presented throughout the gardens. The spectacular annual display, provided by volunteers, is free of charge and is open to the public every evening from the Friday following Thanksgiving Day through December 31. The lights turn on each evening from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Concert performances by local musical groups are presented nightly from December 1 through Christmas Day.
The Mesa Arizona Temple and Visitor's Center is located at 525 E. Main Street, Mesa. The temple is within walking distance of the new Valley Metro Light Rail stop on Main Street and Mesa Drive.
Mesa Arizona Temple at Sunset
Seven photographers—Karyann Hoopes, Brooks Crandall, Richard Webb, Jason Miller, Jimmy Paderta, Lance Bertola, and Rory Wallwork—from Arizona and Utah came together to capture breathtaking images of the Mesa Arizona Temple at sunset before it closed for a three-year renovation. According to LDS Living, "[The photographers] hope by publishing these photos, they can share the spirit of this building with those who love the Mesa temple, the first temple dedicated in Arizona."
The pictures in the gallery below are seen online at
Mesa Arizona Temple Closed for Second Renovation in 2018
The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced the closure of the Mesa Arizona Temple in May 2018 for renovation. This is the second renovation for the 91-year-old temple. It was rededicated in 1975 by President Spencer W. Kimball after being refurbished.
Detailed renovation plans for the historic Mesa Arizona Temple were released Thursday, 10 May 2018, days before the sacred edifice was scheduled to close for a two-year renovation. According to the Church Newsroom, extensive work would be done, including site improvements; exterior maintenance; building system maintenance of the HVAC systems; interior improvements consistent with the historical character of the building; replacement of the furniture and finishes; preservation and augmentation of the historic murals; replacement of the windows consistent with the originals; an overhaul of the grounds that preserved shade trees, replaced reflection pools, introduced new garden spaces, and better accommodated the annual Easter Pageant — a tradition in the community since 1928.
The public would be invited to tour the temple before it reopens, which was expected to be in 2020. The renovations, however, took about one year longer to complete.
As part of the renovation, the visitors’ center was also demolished, and a new center was rebuilt across the street on the southwest corner of LeSueur and Main Street. The new visitors' center is home to various interactive exhibits and events, historical information about the temple, and family history research, and teaching facilities.
The Mesa Arizona Temple is one of eight Latter-day Saint temples in the state of Arizona. It was originally dedicated by President Heber J. Grant in 1927, and was the first Latter-day Saint temple that implemented Spanish services, which benefited Latter-day Saints outside the United States.
Church Newsroom also reported that roofing and drainage systems would be replaced, and new windows would be installed to provide better temperature control and conserve energy. Improvements would also be made to make the temple more accessible to people with disabilities. The temple grounds would also undergo major changes to make them more consistent with the character of the landscape design immediately around the temple. The visitors’ center and the water feature on the temple’s north side would be replaced with a new reflection pool and side gardens, opening a more generous view toward Main Street. The reflection pool at the temple entrance would be repaired and remain in its current location.
Renderings from inside the Mesa Arizona Temple
For the first time ever, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released renderings of what a temple under renovation would look like once the renovations were complete. The following gallery of pictures were shared online at LDS
Open House, Youth Devotional, Prior to Rededication of the Mesa Arizona Temple
The public open house for the Mesa Arizona Temple was held from Saturday, 16 October 2021 through Saturday, 20 November 2021, except for Sundays, including 17, 24, and 31 October, and 7 and 14 November.
A youth devotional for the Mesa temple was also held Saturday, 11 December 2021. The rededicatory sessions and youth devotional were broadcast to congregations in the Mesa Arizona Temple district.
The Mesa Arizona Temple Is Rededicated
After three and a half years of renovation work, the Mesa Arizona Temple was dedicated again as a House of the Lord.
On Sunday, 12 December 2021, President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presided at the three rededication sessions, offered the rededicatory prayer, and was among the day's many speakers. President Oaks commented, "We were astonished, impressed, gratified with what has been done to hold with the pioneer ancestry of this traditional great temple and House of the Lord."
Joining President Oaks were Sister Kristen M. Oaks, Elder Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Susan L. Gong, as well as Elder Paul B. Pieper, General Authority Seventy and president of the North America Southwest Area, and his wife, Sister Melissa Pieper, and Elder Kevin R. Duncan, General Authority Seventy and executive director of the Temple Department, and his wife, Sister Nancy Duncan.
President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Church, participated in the dedication services via a prerecorded video.
President Oaks said the changes made structurally and technologically in the temple are "essential for it to perform its service for decades to come."
Elder Gong said temple dedications mark an end and a beginning – the end of important preparation with the dedication itself and the beginning of new opportunities to engage in ordinances and covenants. He further said, "A temple dedication or rededication begins new opportunities to find and serve family members waiting for saving and exalting ordinances. And as we do so, we are focusing on our Savior and the blessing of His atonement found in those ordinances and covenants."
Sister Gong said she hopes those who attend the temple will come with the intent of learning what God wants them to learn, not just seeking for an answer to their own questions. She said, "It's also really important to be open to what God would want us to learn. He's trying to teach us a new way to see the world, and it takes humility and focus to begin to understand what that vision for the world and for our lives and for a purpose is."
President Oaks added, "I hope that before our young people come to the temple they are helped by their parents and their leaders to see the temple in context of Heavenly Father's plan — to see the end from the beginning." He further said that with that background, they will see temple attendance, temple ordinances and temple service in the context of "our Heavenly Father’s plan to extend His choicest blessings to all of His children. We are privileged through the doctrine of proxy ordinances to be a part of that great work."
President Oaks further commented:
- The temple speaks to us in contrast to the individualism of the age. It speaks to us by its ceremonies and its covenants in terms of the responsibilities that we owe to one another and how we fit into Heavenly Father's plan as part of His family and His culture. . . . The two great commandments to love God and to love one's neighbors help His followers to understand and feel comfortable being a part of "His family and His culture." He has created us to associate with one another, to serve one another, and to be brought up in families, not on an individual basis."
Videos of the Mesa Arizona Temple
External Links
- Official Mesa Arizona Temple page
- Mesa Arizona Temple page
- Mesa Arizona Temple dedicatory prayer, 1975
- Mesa Arizona Temple dedicatory prayer, 1927
- Map of Latter-day Saint temples in the Phoenix, AZ metro area
- Mesa Arizona Temple (Wikipedia)
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Arizona (Wikipedia)
- FamilySearch RootsTech, Temple Invitation by Russell M. Nelson
- Church News, "4 temples among top 20 ‘peaceful’ U.S. tourist spots, according to national survey" by Scott Taylor