Price Utah Temple

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During his general conference message on October 6, 2024, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct a temple in Price, Utah. The Price Utah Temple is one of seventeen newly announced temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[1]

The Price Utah Temple will be the first house of the Lord in Utah’s Carbon County and the 31st in the state. Utah is home to around 2.2 million Latter-day Saints as well as the Church’s world headquarters. Located in eastern Utah, Price, is the county seat of Carbon County.

“We have been praying for this,” President Daniel Hinckley said. “I’m speechless other than to say how grateful we are. The Lord has heard our prayers. We are just so blessed.” The stake president added that members of a young single adult stake, including students at Utah State University–Eastern, have been fasting and praying for a temple.

“This is an answer to so many prayers,” President Hinckley said. “Our members need to go to the temple more, and that is why we are getting one. We need this holy house to grow up in the Lord and be closer to Him.”[2]


The Price Utah Temple is currently in the planning stages. The specific location will be announced later.

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Temples in Utah