West Jordan Utah Temple

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During his general conference closing message on April 7, 2023, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans to construct a temple in West Jordan, Utah. The West Jordan Utah Temple is one of fifteen newly announced temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [1]

The West Jordan Utah Temple will be one of 31 temples in Utah either in operation, under renovation, construction, or announced.

West Jordan is a suburb of Salt Lake City on the southwest side of the Salt Lake Valley. The city has around 115,000 residents.

Utah, the Church’s world headquarters, is home to nearly 2.2 million Latter-day Saints, or nearly two-thirds of the state’s population, in more than 5,400 congregations.


The West Jordan Utah Temple is currently in the planning stages. The site for this temple is a 16.1-acre parcel in the city’s westernmost region, west of Utah State Highway 111 (also known as Bacchus Highway or 8400 West) at approximately 7147 South U-111. The First Presidency released the location just two weeks after announcing its construction.

The temple is planned as a multi-story edifice of approximately 85,000 square feet, with the site to include a new meetinghouse. Once built, the house of the Lord in West Jordan will be westernmost of Salt Lake County’s six temples, located some 10 miles northwest of the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple. The county’s four others are the Salt Lake, Taylorsville, Jordan River, and Draper temples.


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Temples in Utah