Book of Mormon Characters
From MormonWiki
Click the links below to review or add to the bios of major and minor characters in the Book of Mormon. When adding biographies, be sure to add a category link (seen at bottom of this edit page) so that it will be added.
- Aaron: Jaredite King
- Aaron: Son of Mosiah
- Aaron: Lamanite King
- Abel, son of Adam and Eve
- Abinadi
- Abinadom
- Abish
- Abraham
- Adam
- Aha: Son of Zoram the Nephite Military Leader
- Ahah
- Ahaz, King of Judah
- Akish
- Alma
- Alma: Son of Alma
- Amaleki: Son of Abinadom
- Amaleki: seeker of Zeniff's group
- Amalickiah
- Amaron
- Amgid
- Aminadab
- Aminadi
- Amlici: Leader of the Amlicites
- Ammah
- Ammaron
- Ammon: Descendant of Zarahemla
- Ammon: Son of Mosiah
- Ammoron
- Amnigaddah
- Amnor: Nephite military officer
- Amoron
- Amos: Son of Nephi
- Amos: Son of Amos
- Amoz
- Amulek
- Amulon
- Anti-Nephi-Lehies
- Antionah
- Antionum
- Antipus: Nephite commander
- Archeantus
- Cain
- Captain Moroni
- Cezoram, Nephite Chief Judge
- Cezoram's son, short-term Nephite Chief Judge
- Chemish
- Christ
- Cohor: Son of Corihor
- Cohor: Son of Noah
- Com: Son of Coriantum
- Com
- Corianton
- Coriantor
- Coriantum: Son of Emer
- Coriantum: Son of Amnigaddah
- Coriantumr: Son of Omer
- Coriantumr: Last Jaredite King
- Coriantumr: Apostate Nephite
- Corihor: Son of Kib
- Corihor
- Corom
- Cumenihah
- Elijah: Hebrew prophet mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- Emer
- Emron
- Enos: Son of Jacob son of Lehi
- Enos (Enosh): Son of Seth, who was the son of Adam
- Esrom
- Ethem
- Ether
- Eve
- Ezias: Old World prophet mentioned once by Nephi
- Gadianton
- Gadianton robbers
- Gid
- Giddianhi
- Giddonah: Father of Amulek
- Giddonah: Nephite high priest
- Gideon
- Gidgiddonah: Nephite commander
- Gidgiddoni
- Gilead: Brother of Shared
- Gilgah
- Gilgal
- Hagoth
- Hearthom
- Helam
- Helaman: Son of King Benjamin
- Helaman: Son of Alma
- Helaman: Son of Helaman
- Helem
- Helorum, son of King Benjamin
- Hem, seeker of Zeniff's group
- Heth: Son of Hearthom
- Heth: Son of Com
- Himni, missionary companion to brother Aaron, Son of Mosiah
- Isaac, Son of Abraham
- Isabel, harlet in land of Siron
- Isaiah: Old Testament prophet
- Isaiah: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Ishmael: Ephraimite from Jerusalem
- Ishmael: Grandfather of Amulek
- Israel: See also Jacob
- Jacob: Son of Isaac
- Jacob: Son of Lehi
- Jacob: Nephite apostate (Zoramite)
- Jacob: King over a secret wicked band
- Jacom
- Jared
- Jared: Son of Omer
- Jaredites
- Jarom
- Jeberechiah: Father of Zechariah, mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- Jeneum
- Jeremiah: Hebrew prophet mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- Jeremiah: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Jesse, father of King David
- Jesus
- Jonas, son of Nephi: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Jonas: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Joseph: Son of Lehi
- Joseph: Son of Jacob son of Isaac
- Josh
- Jotham: Son of King Uzziah mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- Kib
- Kim
- Kimnor
- King Benjamin
- King-men
- King Laman I
- King Laman II: Son of King Laman I
- King Mosiah I
- King Mosiah II: Son of King Benjamin
- King Noah: Son of Zeniff
- Kish
- Kishkumen
- Korihor
- Kumen: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Kumenonhi: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Laban: Keeper of the Brass Plates
- Lachoneus
- Lachoneus: Son of Lachoneus
- Lamah
- Laman
- Laman: See King Laman I
- Laman: See King Laman II
- Laman: Nephite
- Lamanites
- Lamoni
- Lehi: Father of Nephi
- Lehi: Son of Zoram the Nephite Military Leader
- Lehi: Nephite Military Leader
- Lehi: Son of Helaman
- Lehonti
- Lemuel
- Levi, son of Kim: Righteous Jaredite king
- Lib: Son of Kish
- Lib: Brother of Shiz
- Limhah
- Limher: Nephite military officer
- Limhi
- Luram
- Mahah: Son of Jared
- Maher-shalal-hash-baz: Son of Isaiah
- Mahonri Moriancumer: See Brother of Jared
- Malachi: Old Testament prophet mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- Manasseh
- Manti: Nephite military officer
- Mary
- Mathoni: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Mathonihah: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Melchizedek
- Morianton: Father of Kim
- Morianton
- Mormon: Father of Mormon
- Mormon
- Moron
- Moroni: Military Leader.
- Moroni: son of Mormon
- Moronihah: Son of Moroni
- Moronihah: Nephite commander
- Moses
- Mosiah: See King Mosiah I
- Mosiah: See King Mosiah II
- Mulek
- Mulekites
- Muloki
- Nehor
- Nephi: Son of Lehi
- Nephi: Son of Helaman
- Nephi: Son of Nephi son of Helaman. One of twelve Nephite disciples
- Nephihah
- Nephites
- Neum
- Nimrah
- Nimrod
- Noah: Old Testament prophet mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- Noah: Son of Corihor
- Noah: See King Noah
- Omer: Jaredite king
- Omner, missionary companion to brother Aaron, Son of Mosiah and Alma the Younger
- Omni: Nephite Record Keeper
- Orihah: Jaredite king
- Sam: Son of Lehi
- Samuel: Old Testament prophet
- Samuel the Lamanite
- Sarah: Wife of Abraham
- Sariah
- Seantum
- Seezoram
- Seth
- Shared
- Shearjashub: Son of Isaiah
- Shem
- Shemnon: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Sherem
- Shez
- Shez, son of Shez
- Shiblom: Nephite commander
- Shiblon: Son of Alma
- Shiblon, son of Com
- Shiz
- Shule, son of Kib
- Solomon
- Sons of Helaman
- Sons of Mosiah
- Stripling warriors
- Tabeal
- Teancum
- Teomner: Nephite military officer
- Three Nephites
- Timothy the Disciple: Brother of Nephi, Son of Nephi. One of twelve Nephite disciples
- Tubaloth: Lamanite king
- Zarahemla: Mulekite Leader
- Zechariah son of Jeberechiah
- Zedekiah: King of Judah
- Zedekiah the Disciple: one of twelve Nephite disciples
- Zeezrom
- Zemnarihah: Captain of Gadianton robbers
- Zenephi
- Zeniff
- Zenock
- Zenos
- Zerahemnah
- Zeram: Nephite military officer
- Zoram: Servant of Laban. See Zoramites
- Zoram: Nephite Military Leader
- Zoram: Nephite apostate, leader of the Zoramites
- Zoramites: Descendants of Zoram
- Zoramites: Followers of the apostate Zoram