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Revision as of 14:41, 17 July 2008

This page contain links to most of the articles of Mormonwiki classified by topics.

For a complete list of all articles go to: All Pages

The following articles seek to offer information regarding the beliefs, doctines, policies, and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly referred to as the Mormon Church or simply the Mormons). Articles are organized by topic and the same article may be found under different topics. Since this is a wiki, articles are frequently being added and modified. We sincerely hope the following articles will be helpful in learning about the Church.

Articles by Topic


Abortion · Atonement · Age of Accountability · Agency · Almsgiving · Angels · Articles of Faith · Baptism · Baptism by Immersion · Baptism for the Dead · Baptism of Christ · Beliefs of Mormonism · Born Again · Child of God · Commandments · Common consent · Consecrated Oil · Constitution of the United States · Conversion · Daily Prayer · Deathbed repentance · Deception · Despair · Disciples of Christ · Disobedience · Drugs · Earth · Evil Spirits · Faith · Fall of Adam and Eve · Family · Fasting · First Principles of the Gospel · Forgiveness · Founding Fathers · Fullness of the Gospel · Gathering of Israel · Gift of the Holy Ghost · God · Godhead · God's Will · Good Shepherd · Grace · Great Apostasy · Healing · Human Tragedy · Infant Baptism . Inspiration . Jesus Christ · Justification · Keeping the Sabbath · Law of Chastity · Law of Consecration · LDS Scriptures · Mary, Mother of God · Modesty · Mormon Baptism · Mormon Church · Mormon cult · Mormon Doctrine - An Introduction · Mormon myths · Mormon myths 2 · Mormon theology · Passion of Christ · Plan of Salvation · Prayer · Priesthood · Quotes from the Prophets · Religion · Repentance · Resurrection · Revelation · Sabbath · Sacrament · Sacrifice · Salvation · Sanctification · Satan · Second Comforter · Second Coming · Self-Mastery · Service · Sin · Sons of Perdition · Speaking in Tongues · Temples · Teachings of Joseph Smith · Temple · Temple endowment · Ten Commandments · Three-fold mission of the Church · Tithing · Transfiguration · Translated Beings · Trials · War in Heaven · What Do Mormons Believe · Word of Wisdom · Work · Worldliness ·

Beliefs about Life and Death

Baptism for the Dead · Celestial Marriage · Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms · Creation · Death · Divinity · Exaltation · Family History · Foreordination · Human Tragedy · Last Judgment · Millennium · Mortality · Physical Death · Plan of Salvation · Pre-Mortal Life · Resurrection · Salvation · Spirit World · Spiritual Death

Church History: Overview

Mormon History Main Page · New York Period · Ohio Period · Missouri Period · Nauvoo and the Martyrdom · Westward Migration · Utah War · Post-Civil War Persecution · Stability and Growth · International Growth · Contemporary Developments ·

Church History: Miscellaneous Topics

Adam-ondi-Ahman · Battle of Crooked River · Box Elder Tabernacle · Burr Riggs · Calves Wilson · Carthage Jail · Colonization of the West · Extermination Order · Far West · First Vision · Gathering · Great Apostasy · Handcart Companies · Haun's Mill · Independence, Missouri · Joseph Leland Heywood · Joseph Wakefield · Journal of Discourses · Kanesville Tabernacle · Kaysville Tabernacle · Kinderhook plates · Kirtland Temple · Liberty Jail · Lilburn W. Boggs · Magic Valley · Martin Harris Farm · Martyrdom of Joseph Smith · Mormon Battalion · Mormon Pioneers · Mormon Populations Today · Mormon Trail · Mountain Meadows Massacre · Museum of Church History and Art · Music and the Spoken Word · Nauvoo · Nauvoo Temple · New Jerusalem · Ogden Utah · Palmyra · Perpetual Emigration Fund · Peter Whitmer Home · Polygamy · Presidents and Prophets · Quetzalcoatl · Quincy, Illinois · Sacred Grove · Salt Lake City · Salt Lake Temple · The Joseph Smith Papers · Translation of the Book of Mormon · United Order · Wentworth letter · Winter Quarters · Zion's Camp ·

Church Leaders: Current

President of the Church

Thomas S. Monson

First Presidency of the Church

Thomas S. Monson · Henry B. Eyring · Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Thomas S. Monson · Boyd K. Packer · L. Tom Perry · Russell M. Nelson · Dallin H. Oaks · M. Russell Ballard · Joseph B. Wirthlin · Richard G. Scott · Robert D. Hales · Jeffrey R. Holland · Henry B. Eyring · Dieter F. Uchtdorf · David A. Bednar · Quentin L. Cook · D. Todd Christofferson 

Presiding Bishopric

H. David Burton · Richard C. Edgley · Keith B. McMullin 

General Relief Society Presidency

Julie B. Beck · Silvia Henriquez Allred · Barbara Thompson 

General Young Women Presidency

New General Young Women Leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Other Leadership Positions

Bonnie D. Parkin · Charles W. Dahlquist ·

Church Leaders: Past

President of the Church

Joseph Smith · Brigham Young · John Taylor · Wilford Woodruff · Lorenzo Snow · Joseph F. Smith · Heber J. Grant · George Albert Smith · David O. McKay · Joseph Fielding Smith · Harold B. Lee · Spencer W. Kimball · Ezra Taft Benson · Howard W. Hunter · Gordon B. Hinckley ·

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Thomas B. Marsh · David W. Patten · Brigham Young · Heber C. Kimball · Orson Hyde · William E. M'Lellin · Parley P. Pratt · Luke S. Johnson · William Smith · Orson Pratt · John F. Boynton · Lyman E. Johnson · John E. Page · John Taylor · Wilford Woodruff · George A. Smith · Willard Richards · Lyman Wight · Amasa M. Lyman · Ezra T. Benson · Charles C. Rich · Lorenzo Snow · Erastus Snow · Franklin D. Richards · George Q. Cannon · Joseph F. Smith · Brigham Young, Jr. · Albert Carrington · Moses Thatcher · Francis M. Lyman · John Henry Smith · George Teasdale · Heber J. Grant · John W. Taylor · Marriner W. Merrill · Anthon H. Lund · Abraham H. Cannon · Matthias F. Cowley · Abraham O. Woodruff · Rudger Clawson · Reed Smoot · Hyrum M. Smith · George Albert Smith · Charles W. Penrose · George F. Richards · Orson F. Whitney · David O. McKay · Anthony W. Ivins · Joseph Fielding Smith · James E. Talmage · Stephen L Richards · Richard R. Lyman · Melvin J. Ballard · John A. Widtsoe · Joseph F. Merrill · Charles A. Callis · J. Reuben Clark · Alonzo A. Hinckley · Albert E. Bowen · Sylvester Q. Cannon · Harold B. Lee · Spencer W. Kimball · Ezra Taft Benson · Mark E. Petersen · Matthew Cowley · Henry D. Moyle · Delbert L. Stapley · Marion G. Romney · LeGrand Richards · Adam S. Bennion · Richard L. Evans · George Q. Morris · Hugh B. Brown · Howard W. Hunter · Gordon B. Hinckley · N. Eldon Tanner · Thomas S. Monson · Boyd K. Packer · Marvin J. Ashton · Bruce R. McConkie · L. Tom Perry · David B. Haight · James E. Faust · Neal A. Maxwell · Russell M. Nelson · Dallin H. Oaks · M. Russell Ballard · Joseph B. Wirthlin · Richard G. Scott · Robert D. Hales · Jeffrey R. Holland · Henry B. Eyring · Dieter F. Uchtdorf · David A. Bednar · Quentin L. Cook · D. Todd Christofferson 

General Relief Society Presidents

Emma Hale Smith · Eliza R. Snow · Zina D. H. Young · Bathsheba W. Smith · Emmeline B. Wells · Clarissa S. Williams · Louise Y. Robison · Amy Brown Lyman · Belle S. Spafford · Barbara B. Smith · Barbara W. Winder · Elaine L. Jack · Mary Ellen W. Smoot · Bonnie D. Parkin · Julie B. Beck 

Other Leadership Positions

Barbara B. Smith · David Whitmer · Martin Harris · Newel K. Whitney · Oliver Cowdery · Jesse Knight · Samuel Williams · Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball ·

Church Leadership and Callings

Bishop · Choosing a Prophet · Deacons · Elder · General Authorities · Home Teaching · Leadership in the Church · Mormon Callings · Mormon Leadership · Mormon President · Mormon Prophet · Nursery · Patriarch · Presiding Bishop · Priests · Primary · Quorum of the Twelve Apostles · Relief Society · Roles of a Bishop · Teachers · Visiting Teaching · Young Women · Patriarch to the church  ·

Church Programs and Organizations

Church Educational System · Education · Bishop's Storehouses Brigham Young University  . Church Magazines · Ensign Magazine · Liahona Magazine · New Era Magazine · Friend Magazine · Relief Society · Sunday School · Primary · Deseret Industries. Mutual ·Family History ·

Family History Library · Family Search · Farms Owned By The Mormon Church. General Conference · Church Welfare Program · Provident Living · Church Finances · Debt Reduction · Overcoming Debt · Employment Programs · Humanitarian Center. Humanitarian Efforts · LDS Family Services · LDS Welfare Cannery · LDS Distribution Centers · Missionary Program · Missionary Training Center · Mormon Tabernacle Choir · Three-fold mission of the Church · Music and the Spoken Word · Perpetual Education Fund · Polynesian Cultural Center · Temple Square · Conference Center · Museum of Church History and Art · LDS Pageants · Hill Cumorah Pageant · Mormon Miracle Pageant · Perpetual Emigration Fund 

Church Structure

Church Organization · Counselor · Mutual · Nursery · Preside · Presidency · Presidency of the Seventy · Presiding Bishopric · Primary · Quorum of the Twelve Apostles · Relief Society · Signs of the True Christian Church · Stakes · Sunday School · Ward · Wards · Young Women ·

Controversial Topics

Abortion · Addictions and Recovery · Adoption · Antimormon · Anti-Mormon · Blacks and Women in the Priesthood · Book of Mormon archaeology · Book of Mormon DNA · Book of Mormon Evidences · Changes to Temple Ordinances · Christianity vs Mormonism · Community of Christ . Ex-Mormon · Freemasonry · Gay · Homosexuality · Kinderhook plates · Living Hope Ministries · Sexuality and the Law of Chastity · Mountain Meadows Massacre · Mormon cult · Mormon Underwear · Mormon Temples · Mormon myths · Mormon myths 2 · Mormon women · Mormonism and Christianity · Mormonism vs. Christianity · Mormonism cult · Mormons Have Nothing to Do with Polygamous Sect in Texas · Out of Mormonism · Polygamy · Reorganized (RLDS) Church · Same-Sex Attraction · Stem Cell Research · Strangite · The Church of Jesus Christ · The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints · Translation of the Book of Mormon · Mormon garments · Adam - God Theory ·


Bellota A Roble Project (Acorn to Oak) · Brigham Young University · Brigham Young University-Hawaii · Brigham Young University-Idaho · Church Educational System · Education Facts · Institute · Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies · LDS Business College · Perpetual Education Fund · Seminary ·

Famous Mormons

Arnold Friberg · Benji Schwimmer . Bob Bennett · Bob Lonsberry · Brendon Urie · Brooke White . Buck McKeon · Charles Roscoe Savage · Chris Cannon · Dale Murphy · Danny Ainge · David Archuleta . Dean Heller · Derek Hough . Donny Osmond . Eni Faleomavaega · Famous Mormons · Gail S. Halvorsen · Glenn Beck · Gordon Smith · Harry Reid · Henry Eyring · Hugh Nibley · J. Willard Marriott · Jeff Flake · Jim Matheson · John Doolittle · Jon M. Huntsman, Sr. · Julianne Hough . Marie Osmond . Mike Crapo · Mike Leavitt · Mike Simpson · Mitt Romney · Orrin Hatch · Richard Holzapfel · Rob Bishop · Rulon Gardner · SHeDAISY · Steve Young · The 5 Browns · The Upstarts · Thurl Bailey · Ty Detmer · Yukihiro Matsumoto

Fundamental Principles

Baptism by Immersion · Confirmation · Consecrate · Faith · First Principles of the Gospel · Forgiveness · Fullness of the Gospel · Gift of the Holy Ghost · God · Humility · Justification · Repentance ·

Gender and Cultural Issues

Adoption · Evergreen International · Exodus International · Gay · Homosexuality · Same-Sex Attraction ·

General Church Information

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints · Latter-day Saints · Three-fold mission of the Church · Church Demographics · Mormon Church · Mormon Cult · Mormon Finances · Mormon Myths · Mormon Theology · Mormon Population · Mormon Tabernacle Choir · Mormanism · Mormonism · Mormonism and Christianity · Mormonism vs. Christianity · Mormonism Cult · Anti-Mormon · Ex-Mormon · Out of Mormonism ·

The Godhead

Godhead · Heavenly Father · Jesus Christ · Atonement of Jesus Christ · Crucifixion of Jesus Christ · Savior · Messiah · The Living Christ · Holy Ghost · Holy Spirit · Gift of the Holy Ghost · Divinity · Foreordination · Elohim God

Humanitarian Aid

Service · Humanitarian Efforts · Church Welfare Program · Debt Reduction · Overcoming Debt · Employment Programs · LDS Family Services · LDS Welfare Cannery · Provident Living ·

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ · Appearances of Jesus Christ · Atonement of Jesus Christ · Crucifixion of Jesus Christ · Messiah · Savior · Second Coming · Millennium · New Testament · Quetzalcoatl · The Living Christ · Godhead · Divinity · Foreordination · Mormonism and Christianity · Mormonism vs. Christianity · Passion of Christ · Sacrament ·

Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith · Joseph Smith, Jr. · Emma Hale Smith · First Vision · Sacred Grove · The Golden Plates · Urim and Thummim · Translation of the Book of Mormon · Kirtland Temple · Liberty Jail · Martyrdom of Joseph Smith · Carthage Jail · Book of Mormon · Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible · Articles of Faith · Lectures on Faith · Teachings of Joseph Smith · The Joseph Smith Papers ·


The Family: A Proclamation to the World · Book of Abraham · Book of Mormon · Church Magazines · Conquest of Jericho (Poem) · Doctrine and Covenants · Ensign Magazine · For the Strength of the Youth · Friend Magazine · Holy Bible · Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible · Journal of Discourses · LDS Living Magazine · LDS Scriptures · Lectures on Faith · Liahona Magazine · Mormon Doctrine · Mormon Books · Mormon Poets · New Era Magazine · New Testament · Old Testament · Pearl of Great Price · Preach My Gospel · Scriptures · Standing for Something · The False Gods we Worship · The Living Christ ·

Marriage and Families

Adoption · Celestial Marriage · Family · Family Home Evening · Family Home Evening 2 · LDS Family Services · LDS Weddings · Law of Chastity · Mormonism and Marriage · Plan of Salvation · Plural Marriage · Proclamation to the World · Scrapbooking · Service ·

Missionary Work

Mission · Mormon Missionaries · Missionary Training Center · Couple Missionaries · Every Member a Missionary · Returned Missionary · Senior Missionaries · Mission Reunions · Mission farewell and homecoming · Convert Retention · Demographics · Mormon Population · Three-fold mission of the Church · Conversion ·

Mormon Life and Culture

Beehive house · Bellota A Roble · Bonneville International Corporation · Caffeine · Church growth · Conversion · LDS Demographics · Deseret Book Company · Doing Business the Mormon Way · Downtown Rising · Education · Every Member a Missionary · FAQ: Passing of Mormon Prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley · Family Home Evening · Family Home Evening 2 · Fastest Growing Church · Fasting · Finances · Food Storage · General Conference · Gordon B. Hinckley Funeral Services · Gospel Music · Keeping a Journal · Latter-day Saints · Law of Chastity · LDS Bookstores · LDS church in Russia · LDS Distribution Centers · LDS Games · LDS Living Magazine · LDS Radio · LDS Rings · LDS Sermons · Living in the Latter-days · Membership Statistics · Membership Statistics Arizona USA · Membership Statistics Canada · Membership Statistics U.S. · Mission Reunions · Modesty · Mormon Art and Artists · Mormon Church · Mormon Garments · Mormon Handicraft · Mormon Holidays · Mormon Humor · Mormon Idioms · Mormon jokes · Mormon meetings · Mormon Music · Mormon Myths · Mormon Politics · Mormon standard time · Mormon Terminology · Mormon Undergarments · Oakland Pageant · Pioneers · Provident Living · Sabbath Day Worship · Sacrament Meeting · Scrapbooking · Service · Solemn Assembly · Stakes · Sunday Worship Services · Temple · Testimonies · Tithing · Wards · Word of Wisdom · Zion · Zion Securities Corporation ·

Plan of Salvation

Adam and Eve · Agency · Atonement of Jesus Christ · Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms · Creation · Death · Dispensations · Divinity · Exaltation · Family · Foreordination · Last Judgment · Millennium · Human Tragedy · Mortality · Plan of Salvation · Pre-Mortal Life · Proclamation to the World · Resurrection · Salvation · Satan · Savior · Second Coming · Sons of Perdition · Spirit World · The Fall · War in Heaven ·


Bishop · Blessings · Deacons · Elder · General Authorities · Laying on of Hands · Ordinances · Patriarch · Patriarchal Blessings · Priesthood · Priesthood Authority · Priesthood Power · Priests · Prophet · Quorum of the Twelve Apostles · Roles of a Bishop · Teachers · Women and the Priesthood ·


Prophets · Church President · Choosing a Prophet · Quotes from the Prophets · Foreordination · Joseph Smith · Brigham Young · John Taylor · Wilford Woodruff · Lorenzo Snow · Joseph F. Smith · Heber J. Grant · George Albert Smith · David O. McKay · Joseph Fielding Smith · Harold B. Lee · Spencer W. Kimball · Ezra Taft Benson · Howard W. Hunter · Gordon B. Hinckley ·

Scriptural Topics

Angels · Atonement · Atonement of Jesus Christ · Rebirth · Commandments · Condescension of God · Council in Heaven · Lamb of God · Last Judgment · Ministering of Angels · Priestcraft · Signs of the Times · Worldliness ·

Bible Topics

1-2 Chronicles · 1 Kings · 1 Samuel · 2 Kings · 2 Samuel · Abraham · Abrahamic Covenant · Adam · Adam and Eve · Ancient Apostles · Ark of the Covenant · Armageddon · Atonement · Atonement of Jesus Christ · Babylon · Bible · Bible Characters · Bible Study · Biblical Festivals · Book of Revelation · Condescension of God · Creation · Crucifixion of Jesus Christ · Deuteronomy · Dispensation · Enoch · Faith · The Fall · Fall of Adam and Eve · Gathering of Israel · Gethsemane · Gospel of John · Holy Bible · Holy Ghost · House of Israel · Jehovah · Jesus Christ · Jesus' Baptism · Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible · Joseph, son of Jacob · Judges · King James Version · Lamentations · Last Judgment · Law of Moses · Leviticus · Mary, Mother of God · Messiah · Millennium · Moses . New Testament · Numbers · Old Testament · Old Testament Coinage · Old Testament Weights and Measures · Proverbs · Psalms · Repentance · Restitution · Resurrection · Sabbath · Salvation · Satan · Saul · Seer Stones · Song of Solomon · Ten Commandments · Transfiguration · Translated Beings · Tree of Life · Twelve Tribes · Urim and Thummim · Witch of Endor ·

Book of Mormon Topics

Abinadi · Angel Moroni · Anti-Christ · Boaz · Book of Mormon · Book of Mormon archaeology · Book of Mormon Characters · Book of Mormon DNA · Book of Mormon Evidences · Book of Mormon Geography · Book of Mormon Places · Brass Plates · Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon · Cumoms  · Cumorah · David Whitmer · Golden Bible · Golden Plates · Hill of Shim · Iron Rod · Jacob 5 · Jaredites · Jesus Christ · Joseph Smith · Lamanites · Land of Moriantum · LDS Scriptures · Liahona Compass · Martin Harris · Mormon · Mormon Books · Nephi · Nephites · Oliver Cowdery · Prophet Mormon · Secret Combinations · Seer Stones · Translation of the Book of Mormon · Tree of Life · Urim and Thummim · Zarahemla ·

Doctrine and Covenants Topics

Doctrine and Covenants · New Jerusalem · Signs of the Times · United Order · Zion ·

Pearl of Great Price Topics

Abrahamic Covenant · Book of Abraham · City of Enoch · Creation · Enoch · Kolob · Pearl of Great Price ·

Apocryphal Literature Topics

Book of Jasher ·


Articles of Faith · Bible Study · Book of Mormon · Book of Revelation · Doctrine and Covenants · Golden Bible · Golden Plates · Gospel of John Holy Bible · Joseph Smith History · Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible · King James Version · LDS Scriptures · Mormon Books · New Testament · Old Testament · Pearl of Great Price · Scriptures ·

Social Topics

Anger · Birth control · Body Piercing · Circumcision · Depression · Depression and Anxiety · Divorce · Drugs · Euthanasia · Family finances · Self-Mastery · Suicide ·


Baptism for the Dead · Changes to Temple Ordinances · Celestial Marriage · Inside Mormon Temples · LDS Weddings · Mormon Endowment · Mormon Garments · Mormon Temples · Mormon Undergarments · Temple district · Temple Endowment · Temple Square · Chronological List of Temples · Geographical List of Temples ·

Historic Temples

Kirtland Temple · Nauvoo Temple · Salt Lake Temple · St. George Utah Temple ·

Temples in the United States

Albuquerque New Mexico Temple · Anchorage Alaska Temple · Atlanta Georgia Temple · Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple · Billings Montana Temple · Birmingham Alabama Temple · Bismark North Dakota Temple · Boise Idaho Temple · Boston Massachusetts Temple · Bountiful Utah Temple · Chicago Illinois Temple · Columbia River Washington Temple · Columbia South Carolina Temple · Columbus Ohio Temple · Dallas Texas Temple · Denver Colorado Temple · Detroit Michigan Temple · Draper Utah Temple · Fresno California Temple · Houston Texas Temple · Harrison New York Temple · Idaho Falls Idaho Temple · Jordan River Utah Temple · Kona Hawaii Temple · Laie Hawaii Temple · Las Vegas Nevada Temple · Logan Utah Temple · Los Angeles California Temple · Louisville Kentucky Temple · Lubbock Texas Temple · Manhattan New York Temple · Manti Utah Temple · Medford Oregon Temple · Memphis Tennessee Temple · Mesa Arizona Temple · Monticello Utah Temple · Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple · Nashville Tennessee Temple · Newport Beach California Temple · Oakland California Temple · Ogden Utah Temple · Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple · Orlando Florida Temple · Palmyra New York Temple · Portland Oregon Temple · Provo Utah Temple · Raleigh North Carolina Temple · Redlands California Temple · Reno Nevada Temple · Rexburg Idaho Temple · Sacramento California Temple · St. Louis Missouri Temple · St. Paul Minnesota Temple · San Antonio Texas Temple · San Diego California Temple · Seattle Washington Temple · Snowflake Arizona Temple · Spokane Washington Temple · Twin Falls Idaho Temple · Vernal Utah Temple · Washington D.C. Temple · Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple ·

Temples Around the World

Aba Nigeria Temple · Accra Ghana Temple · Adelaide Australia Temple · Apia Samoa Temple · Asuncion Paraguay Temple · Bern Switzerland Temple · Bogota Colombia Temple · Brisbane Australia Temple · Buenos Aires Argentina Temple · Campinas Brazil Temple · Caracas Venezuela Temple · Cardston Alberta Temple · Cebu Philippines Temple · Ciudad Juarez Mexico Temple · Cochabamba Bolivia Temple · Colonia Juarez Chihuahua Mexico Temple · Copenhagen Denmark Temple · Curitiba Brazil Temple · Edmonton Alberta Temple · Frankfurt Germany Temple · Freiberg Germany Temple · Fukuoka Japan Temple · Guadalajara Mexico Temple · Guatemala City Guatemala Temple · Guayaquil Ecuador Temple · Halifax Nova Scotia Temple · Hamilton New Zealand Temple · Helsinki Finland Temple · Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple · Hong Kong China Temple · Johannesburg South Africa Temple · Kiev Ukraine Temple · Lima Peru Temple · London England Temple · Madrid Spain Temple · Manila Philippines Temple · Melbourne Australia Temple · Merida Mexico Temple · Mexico City Mexico Temple · Monterrey Mexico Temple · Montevideo Uruguay Temple · Montreal Quebec Temple · Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple · Oaxaca Mexico Temple · Panama City Panama Temple · Papeete Tahiti Temple · Perth Australia Temple · Porto Alegre Brazil Temple · Preston England Temple · Recife Brazil Temple · Regina Saskatchewan Temple · San Jose Costa Rica Temple · Santiago Chile Temple · Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple · São Paulo Brazil Temple · Seoul Korea Temple · Stockholm Sweden Temple · Suva Fiji Temple · Sydney Australia Temple · Taipei Taiwan Temple · Tampico Mexico Temple · Tegucigalpa Honduras Temple · The Hague Netherlands Temple · Tokyo Japan Temple · Toronto Ontario Temple · Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico Temple · Vancouver British Columbia Temple · Veracruz Mexico Temple · Villahermosa Mexico Temple ·

Women in Mormonism

Mormon Women · Relief Society · Visiting Teaching · Young Women · Young Women Personal Progress · Mormon Handicraft · Sheri L. Dew · Barbara B. Smith · Belle S. Spafford · Bonnie D. Parkin · Eliza R. Snow · Emma Hale Smith · Zina D. H. Young · Julie Bangerter Beck · Susan W. Tanner · Cheryl C. Lant ·

Youth and Children

Duty to God · Eagle Scout · Especially For Youth · Faith in God Program · For the Strength of the Youth · Friend Magazine · Modesty · Mutual · New Era Magazine · Nursery · Personal Progress · Primary · Scouting · Scripture Mastery · Seminary · Young Women ·

Personal Experiences and Testimonies

The following articles are available for use, but should not be changed from what is shown here. If you have your own personal experiences that you would like to share with others, please contact Giuseppe Martinengo ([email protected]) for additional information.

General Conference Talks

These talks cannot be reproduced without permission.

Short Definitions and Dictionary

Active · Adversary  · Age of Accountability  · Auxiliaries · Baptismal Covenant · Bishopric · Brethren · Brother · Chapel  · Commandment · Confirmation · Consecrate · Convert  · Counselor  · Covenant  · CTR  · Cultural Hall  · D&C · Excommunication  · Fall of Adam  · Families Can Be Together Forever  · Fast  · Gathering of Israel  · Genealogy  · Gold Plates  · Gold Plates 2  · Gospel  · Gospel Essentials Class · Hathaway Brook  · Hell  · High Council  · House of Israel  · Humility  · Fireside  · Inspiration  · Intellectual reserve · Investigator  · Ishmaelites · Jacobites · Josephites · LDS  · LDS 2  · LDS Gems  · Lemuelites · Mercy  · Opening Exercises  · Ordinance  · Parable  · Pass along cards  · Personal Ancestral File  · Preside  · Presidency  · Prophecy  · Proxy Baptism  · Pulpit  · Quad  · Restitution  · Sacred  · Sharon, Vermont  · Single Adults  · Sister  · Spirit of the Lord  · Stewardship  · Susquehanna River  · Sustain  · Temple Recommend  · Thousand · Throne of grace · Transgression  · Trinity  · Twelve Tribes  · Vicarious Work  · Worthy Member  · Young Single Adults  ·